Angel Appearing to Figure | |
Ananias of Persia | December 1 |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Demetrius of Thessalonica | October 26 |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eutropia of Alexandria | October 30 |
Hieron of Melitene | November 7 |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 |
Three Hebrews | December 17 | Appearing in Dreams |
Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 | Archangel Michael Appearing to Figure |
Joshua | September 1 | Arrest |
Anthimus of Nicomedia | September 3 |
Artemius of Egypt | October 20 | Arrest Commanded |
Anthimus of Nicomedia | September 3 | Asleep |
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus | October 22 |
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus | September 1 |
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus | August 4 | Assumption |
Virgin Mary | August 15 | Bathing |
Virgin Mary, Birth | September 8 | Birth |
Virgin Mary, Birth | September 8 | Blessed |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 | Blessing |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Sampson the Xenodochos | June 27 | Body Burned |
Domna of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 | Body Thrown into River |
Irenaeus of Sirmium | March 26 | Body Thrown into Sea |
Sabinus of Rome | January 30 | Breaking Idol |
Cornelius the Centurion | October 20 |
Melitina of Marcianopolis | September 16 | Burial |
Adauctus of Ephesus | October 4 |
Agape of Rome | September 17 |
Arsenius the Great | May 8 |
Elpis of Rome | September 17 |
John the Evangelist | September 26 |
Joshua | September 1 |
Luke the Evangelist | October 18 |
Matthew the Evangelist | November 16 |
Micah | January 5 |
Moses | September 4 |
Philaretus Eleemosynary | December 1 |
Pistis of Rome | September 17 |
Sampson the Xenodochos | June 27 |
Simeon of Jerusalem | September 18 |
Theagenes of Paros | January 3 | Burying Dead |
Sophia of Rome | September 17 | Cave, in |
Chariton of Palestine | September 28 |
Paul the Simple | October 5 |
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus | October 22 |
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus | September 1 |
Zoe of Attalia | May 2 | Children, Taking Leave of |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 | Christ Appearing to Figure |
Eustathius of Rome | September 20 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Longinus the Centurion | October 16 |
Peter I of Alexandria | November 25 |
Theoctista of Lesbos | November 9 | Conversion |
Athanasius of Cilicia | January 4 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Pelagia the penitent | October 8 | Converting |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Zosimus of Cilicia | January 4 | Death |
Agatha of Catania | February 5 |
Alexius, Man of God | March 17 |
Ammon of Nitria | October 4 |
Anastasia the Younger | December 22 |
Cornelius the Centurion | October 20 |
Cornelius the Centurion | September 13 |
Ephraim the Syrian | January 28 |
Euphrosyna of Alexandria | September 25 |
Eusebia of Mylasa | January 18 |
Eusebia of Mylasa | January 24 |
Ignatius the Younger | October 23 |
John the Evangelist | September 26 |
Lucy of Rome | September 17 |
Luke the Evangelist | October 18 |
Marina the Disguised | February 12 |
Paul of Thebes | January 15 |
Paul of Thebes | January 5 |
Proclus of Constantinople | October 24 |
Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 |
Susanna of Eleutheropolis | September 19 | Death of the Virgin |
Virgin Mary | August 15 | Defended |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 | Defending |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 | Depositing Relics |
Maruthas of Martyropolis | February 16 | Destroying Pagan Temple |
Cornelius the Centurion | October 20 | Detecting Presence of Woman |
Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 | Devil Carrying Tombstone |
Abercius of Hieropolis | October 22 | Dictating |
John the Evangelist | May 8 |
John the Evangelist | September 26 | Dragon, Overcoming |
Hypatius of Gangra | March 5 |
Hypatius of Gangra | November 14 | Drawn up from Cistern |
Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 | Extracting Thorn from Foot |
Zenais of Tarsus | October 11 | Funeral |
James Zelotes | November 1 |
John of Arbel | November 1 | Head in Tree Guarded by Crow |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 | Historical Scene, Council |
Council of Constantinople III, 680-681 | September 18 |
Council of Nicaea II, 787 | October 11 | Historical Scene, Earthquake |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 | September 25 |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 450 | January 26 |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 740 | October 26 | Historical Scene, Fall of City of Nagran |
Arethas of Nagran | October 24 | Historical Scene, Pilgrimage |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 | Historical Scene, Rain of Cinders |
Rain of Cinders, Constantinople, ca. 466 | November 6 | Historical Scene, Siege of City of Nagran |
Arethas of Nagran | October 24 | Inspired by Dove of the Holy Ghost |
John Chrysostom | November 13 | Inspired by Paul the Apostle |
John Chrysostom | November 13 | Inspired by Peter the Apostle |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 | Inspired by Virgin Mary |
Romanus Melodus | October 1 | Interrogating |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 | Invention of Relics |
John the Baptist | February 24 |
John the Baptist | May 25 |
John the Baptist | August 29 |
Longinus the Centurion | October 16 |
Martyrs of the Eugenios Gate | February 22 |
Zacharias | February 11 | Journey |
Athanasius of Cilicia | January 4 |
John Chrysostom | November 13 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Zosimus of Cilicia | January 4 | Journey, Arrival |
Arsenius the Great | May 8 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 | Kidnapping |
Theopiste of Rome | September 20 | Liturgical Scene |
Luke the Evangelist | October 18 | Liturgical Scene, Adoration of the Cross |
Adoration of the Cross | September 10 |
Adoration of the Cross | September 11 |
Adoration of the Cross | September 12 |
Adoration of the Cross | September 13 | Liturgical Scene, Baptism |
Abgar | August 16 |
Agapius of Rome | September 20 |
Eustathius of Rome | September 20 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Thaddeus the Apostle | August 16 |
Theopiste of Rome | September 20 |
Theopistus of Rome | September 20 | Liturgical Scene, Chanting |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross | September 14 | Liturgical Scene, Communion |
Mary of Egypt | April 1 |
Zosimus of Palestine | April 1 | Liturgical Scene, Exaltation of the Cross |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross | September 14 | Liturgical Scene, Introduction of Trisagion Prayer |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 | September 25 | Liturgical Scene, Procession |
Anastasius of Persia | January 22 |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 |
Domitian of Melitene | January 10 |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 | September 25 |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 450 | January 26 |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 740 | October 26 |
Ignatius of Antioch | January 29 |
John Chrysostom | January 27 |
Luke the Evangelist | October 18 |
Nicephorus I of Constantinople | March 13 |
Timothy of Ephesus | January 22 | Martyrdom |
Abdas of Persia | September 5 |
Maximus the Confessor | January 21 |
Monks of Mount Sinai | January 14 |
Peter of Constantinople | November 28 | Martyrdom, Arrows |
Judas Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Jude the Apostle | June 19 |
Proclus of Ancyra | July 12 |
Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Theodore of Perge | September 21 |
Theodore Stratelates | June 8 |
Theodore the General | June 8 | Martyrdom, Axe |
Andrew of Crisis | October 19 |
Eusebius I of Nicomedia | January 20 | Martyrdom, Beating |
James the Confessor | March 24 | Martyrdom, Beating, Club |
Aborsam of Persia | November 13 |
Aborsam of Persia | December 1 |
Autonomus of Bithynia | September 12 |
Dorotheus of Tyre | October 9 |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
James Minor the Apostle | October 9 |
Mertius of Africa | January 12 |
Onesimus of Ephesus | February 15 |
Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus | July 16 |
Pansophius of Alexandria | January 15 |
Papas of Lycaonia | September 14 |
Philemon of Colossae | November 23 |
Sinais of Persia | November 13 |
Stephen the Younger | November 28 |
Theopemptus of Nicomedia | January 4 |
Timothy of Ephesus | January 22 | Martyrdom, Beating, Flail |
Dulas of Cilicia | June 15 |
James Minor the Apostle | October 9 | Martyrdom, Beating, Iron Bar |
James, Brother of the Lord | October 23 |
Menodora of Bithynia | September 10 |
Metrodora of Bithynia | September 10 |
Nymphodora of Bithynia | September 10 | Martyrdom, Beating, Rod |
Athanasius, Martyr | January 12 | Martyrdom, Beheading |
Abdas of Persia | March 31 |
Abraham the Persian | February 5 |
Acacius of Constantinople | May 7 |
Acepsimas of Persia | November 3 |
Acindynus of Persia | November 2 |
Adauctus of Ephesus | October 4 |
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia | August 26 |
Adrian of Caesarea | February 3 |
Agape of Rome | September 17 |
Agapius of Caesarea | March 15 |
Agathangelus of Ancyra | January 23 |
Agathonica of Pergamon | October 13 |
Agathonicus, Zoticus and companions of Thrace and Bithynia | August 22 |
Agrippina of Rome | June 23 |
Aithala of Persia | November 3 |
Aithalas of Arbela | December 11 |
Alexander of Calytus | September 28 |
Alexander of Drizipara | February 25 |
Alexander of Drizipara | May 13 |
Alexander of Jerusalem | May 16 |
Alexander of Pydna | March 13 |
Alexander of Thessalonica | November 9 |
Alexander, Martyr | October 22 |
Alphaeus of Calytus | September 28 |
Alphaeus of Lentini | May 10 |
Ampliatus of Macedonia | October 30 |
Ananias of Damascus | October 1 |
Anastasia the Elder | October 12 |
Anastasia the Elder | October 29 |
Anastasia the Younger | December 22 |
Anastasius of Persia | January 22 |
Andrew of Cilicia | August 19 |
Andrew Stratelates | August 19 |
Andronicus of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Anempodistus of Persia | November 2 |
Anna of Beth-Seleucia | November 20 |
Anthimus of Nicomedia | September 3 |
Anthony of Ancyra | November 7 |
Antoninus of Apamea | November 9 |
Antoninus of Caesarea | November 13 |
Anysia of Thessalonica | December 30 |
Aphthonius of Persia | November 2 |
Appia of Colossae | February 20 |
Apseus of Arbela | December 11 |
Aquila of Corinth | February 13 |
Aquila of Trebizond | January 20 |
Aquilina of Byblos | June 13 |
Aquilina the Elder | June 13 |
Archippus of Colossae | February 20 |
Arethas of Nagran | October 24 |
Artemius of Egypt | October 20 |
Athanasia of Egypt | January 31 |
Athenodorus of Mesopotamia | December 7 |
Athenogenes of Armenia | July 17 |
Athenogenes of Armenia | July 12 |
Auctus of Amphipolis | November 7 |
Autonomus of Bithynia | September 12 |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Azas of Isauria | November 19 |
Babaea of Edessa | January 29 |
Babylas of Antioch | September 4 |
Bacchus of Syria | October 7 |
Bacchus the Younger | December 15 |
Barbara of Nicomedia | December 4 |
Barsimeus of Edessa | January 30 |
Barulas of Antioch | November 18 |
Basil of Amasea | April 26 |
Basiliscus of Pontus | March 3 |
Basiliscus of Pontus | May 22 |
Basilissa of Galtia | March 22 |
Bassa of Larissa and her sons | August 21 |
Bata of Nisibis | May 1 |
Benjamin of Persia | March 31 |
Blasius of Sebaste | February 11 |
Boniface of Tarsus | December 19 |
Callinica of Galatia | March 22 |
Callinicus of Nicomedia | December 14 |
Callistratus of Byzantium | September 27 |
Candidus of Trebizond | January 20 |
Capitolina of Cappadocia | October 27 |
Carpus of Thyatira | October 13 |
Catherine of Alexandria | November 24 |
Cecilia of Rome | November 22 |
Celsus of Milan | October 14 |
Charalampius of Magnesia | February 10 |
Charitina of Korykos | October 5 |
Chariton of Ancyra | January 23 |
Chionia of Thessalonica | April 16 |
Christopher of Ancyra | January 23 |
Chrysa of Ostia | January 30 |
Chrysanthus of Rome | March 19 |
Chrysogonus of Aquileia | December 22 |
Claudianus of Perge | February 4 |
Claudius of Byzantium | June 3 |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 |
Clement of Ancyra | January 23 |
Cornutus of Iconium | September 12 |
Cosmas of Arabia | October 17 |
Cyprian of Corinth | March 10 |
Cyprian of Nicomedia | October 2 |
Cyriaka of Nicomedia | July 7 |
Cyrinus of Lentini | May 10 |
Cyrus of Egypt | January 31 |
Dadas of Durostorum | April 28 |
Dadas of Persia | September 29 |
Damian of Arabia | October 17 |
Danax of Illyria | January 16 |
Daniel | December 17 |
Daris of Rome | March 19 |
Dasius of Durostorum | November 20 |
Dauctus of Magnesia | February 10 |
Demetrius of Dabude | November 15 |
Diodorus of Perge | February 4 |
Diomedes of Nicaea | August 16 |
Diomedes of Tarsus | August 16 |
Dionysius of Alexandria | October 3 |
Dionysius of Byzantium | June 3 |
Dionysius the Areopagite | October 3 |
Dometius of Nisibis | August 7 |
Dometius of Phrygia | March 24 |
Domna of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Domnina of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Domninus of Emesa | November 5 |
Domninus of Rome | March 21 |
Dorotheus of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Dorymedon Synnada | September 19 |
Eleutherius Cubicularius | August 4 |
Eleutherius of Constantinople | August 4 |
Eleutherius of Illyricum | December 15 |
Elias of Ascalon | December 19 |
Elpidephorus of Persia | November 2 |
Elpis of Rome | September 17 |
Epicharis of Constantinople | September 27 |
Epimachus of Alexandria | October 31 |
Episteme of Phoenicia | November 5 |
Erotheides of Cappadocia | October 27 |
Eubulus of Caesarea | February 3 |
Eudocia of Heliopolis | March 1 |
Eudoxia of Egypt | January 31 |
Eudoxius of Melitene | September 6 |
Eugenia of Alexandria | December 24 |
Eugenius of Antioch | October 20 |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eugenius of Trebizond | January 20 |
Eugraphus of Alexandria | December 10 |
Eulampia of Nicomedia | October 10 |
Eulampius of Nicomedia | October 10 |
Euphemia of Chalcedon | July 11 |
Euphrasia of Nicomedia | January 19 |
Eupsychius of Caesarea | April 9 |
Eupsychius of Caesarea | September 7 |
Eusebius II of Nicomedia | April 24 |
Eusebius II of Nicomedia | September 6 |
Eusebius of Samosata | June 22 |
Eusignius of Antioch | August 5 |
Febronia of Persia | June 25 |
Febronia of Persia | June 25 |
Galaction of Phoenicia | November 5 |
Gemellus of Ancyra | December 10 |
Geminianus of Rome | September 17 |
George of Lydda | April 23 |
George of Lydda | November 26 |
Germanus of Caesarea | November 13 |
Gervasius of Milan | October 14 |
Glyceria of Heraclea | May 13 |
Gobdelas of Persia | September 29 |
Gordius of Caesarea | January 3 |
Gregory the Illuminator | September 30 |
Gurias of Edessa | November 15 |
Heliconis of Thessalonica | May 28 |
Heraclius, Martyr | October 22 |
Herais of Alexandria | September 23 |
Hermias of Comana | May 31 |
Hermione of Ephesus | September 4 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Hermolaus, Hermippus and Hermocrates of Nicomedia | July 26 |
Herodion of Patras | April 8 |
Herodion of Patras | November 10 |
Hieron of Melitene | November 7 |
Hierotheus of Athens | October 4 |
Hippolytus of Rome | January 30 |
Hypatius and Theodulus of Tripoli | June 18 |
Hypatius of Byzantium | June 3 |
Ia of Persia | September 11 |
Irenaeus of Sirmium | March 26 |
Irenarchus of Sebaste | November 28 |
Irene of Constantinople | May 4 |
Irene of Thessalonica | April 16 |
Irene of Thessalonica | December 22 |
Isidore of Chios | May 14 |
James, Brother of the Lord | October 23 |
James, Major the Apostle | April 30 |
Januarius of Beneventum | September 19 |
Joannicius of Bithynia | November 4 |
John of Egypt | January 31 |
John the Baptist | August 29 |
Jonilla of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Joseph of Persia | November 3 |
Joseph of Persia | November 20 |
Julian of Anazarbus | June 21 |
Julian of Ancyra | September 13 |
Julian the Cilician | June 21 |
Juliana of Nicomedia | December 21 |
Juliana of Ptolemais | March 4 |
Julitta of Tarsus | July 15 |
Justina of Nicomedia | October 2 |
Juventinus of Antioch | October 9 |
Kyriaki of Nicomedia | July 7 |
Leontius of Tripoli | June 18 |
Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus of Tripoli | June 18 |
Leucius of Nicomedia | December 14 |
Longinus the Centurion | October 16 |
Lucian of Antioch | October 15 |
Lucian of Tomi | September 13 |
Lucillianus | June 3 |
Lucy of Syracuse | December 13 |
Luppus of Thessalonica | August 23 |
Lupus of Thessalonica | August 23 |
Lycarion, Martyr | February 9 |
Macarius of Antioch | October 20 |
Major of Gaza | February 15 |
Mamas of Caesarea | September 2 |
Manuel, Martyr | March 26 |
Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia | June 17 |
Marcian of Constantinople | October 25 |
Marcianus of Iconium | July 11 |
Marcianus of Iconium | July 8 |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Margaret of Antioch in Pisidia | July 17 |
Marina of Antioch in Pisidia | July 17 |
Marinus of Rome | December 16 |
Mark of Antioch in Pisidia | November 22 |
Mark of Calytus | September 28 |
Martha, Martyr | February 9 |
Martyrius of Constantinople | October 25 |
Martyrs Five Virgins of Persia | September 26 |
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea | September 1 |
Martyrs Forty-Two of Amorium | March 6 |
Martyrs of Bulgaria | January 22 |
Martyrs of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Martyrs of Nicomedia | February 7 |
Martyrs Ten of Crete | December 23 |
Martyrs Thirty-Three of Melitene | November 7 |
Mary, Martyr | February 9 |
Maximus of Antioch | October 9 |
Maximus of Durostorum | April 28 |
Maximus of Thrace | September 15 |
Meletius Stratelates | May 24 |
Melitina of Marcianopolis | September 16 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Menas of Egypt | November 11 |
Menignus of Parium | March 15 |
Menodora of Bithynia | September 10 |
Mercurius of Caesarea | November 26 |
Methodius of Olympus | June 20 |
Methodius of Patara | June 20 |
Metrodora of Bithynia | September 10 |
Michael of Sebastopol | October 1 |
Mocius of Byzantium | May 11 |
Monks of Mount Sinai | January 14 |
Monks of Raitha | January 14 |
Nazarius of Milan | October 14 |
Neonilla of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Neonilla of Carthage | April 10 |
Neonilla of Carthage | October 28 |
Nerses of Persia | November 20 |
Nestor of Thessalonica | October 27 |
Nestor, Martyr | March 1 |
Nicephorus of Antioch | February 9 |
Nicephorus of Caesarea | November 13 |
Nicetas the Goth | September 15 |
Nicon of Taormina | March 23 |
Nymphodora of Bithynia | September 10 |
Olympas of Rome | November 10 |
Onesimus of Ephesus | February 15 |
Pamphilus of Caesarea | February 16 |
Pancratius of Taormina | July 9 |
Pantaleon of Nicomedia | July 27 |
Panteleimon of Nicomedia | July 27 |
Papias of Perge | February 4 |
Papylus of Pergamon | October 13 |
Paramon of Bithynia | November 27 |
Patrick of Bithynia | May 19 |
Paul and Juliana of Ptolemais | August 17 |
Paul and Juliana of Ptolemais | August 11 |
Paul of Byzantium | June 3 |
Paul of Ptolemais | March 4 |
Pegasius of Persia | November 2 |
Peter and Paul the Apostles | June 29 |
Peter I of Alexandria | November 25 |
Peter of Capitolias | October 4 |
Philadelphus of Lentini | May 10 |
Philemon of Antinoe | December 14 |
Philemon of Colossae | February 20 |
Philemon of Colossae | November 23 |
Philemon of Rome | March 21 |
Philippa of Perge | September 21 |
Phocas of Sinope | September 22 |
Pistis of Rome | September 17 |
Plato of Ancyra | November 18 |
Polycarp of Smyrna | February 23 |
Polyeuctus of Melitene | January 9 |
Porphyrius of Magnesia | February 10 |
Porphyrius the Mime | November 4 |
Porphyrius the Mime | September 15 |
Priscilla of Corinth | February 13 |
Priscus, Martyr | September 22 |
Probus of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Proclus and Hilarius of Ancyra | July 12 |
Promos of Ascalon | December 19 |
Protasius of Milan | October 14 |
Quadratus of Athens | September 22 |
Quadratus of Corinth | March 10 |
Quintilianus of Durostorum | April 28 |
Reginus of Scopelus | February 25 |
Ripsime of Armenia | September 30 |
Romanus of Antioch | November 18 |
Romulus of Melitene | September 6 |
Sabas Stratelates | April 24 |
Sabbatius of Antioch in Pisidia | September 19 |
Sabinus of Rome | January 30 |
Sadoth of Seleucia | February 20 |
Sadoth of Seleucia | October 19 |
Salomona, Mother of the Seven Maccabee | August 1 |
Samonas of Edessa | November 15 |
Sebastian of Rome | December 18 |
Serapion of Corinth | January 31 |
Sergius of Syria | October 7 |
Silvanus of Gaza | May 4 |
Simeon of Persia | April 17 |
Sisinius of Cyzicus | November 23 |
Socrates, Priest | October 23 |
Synetus of Rome | December 12 |
Tarachus of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Tatiana of Rome | January 12 |
Taurion of Amphipolis | November 7 |
Terentius of Carthage | April 10 |
Terentius of Carthage | October 28 |
Thalalaeus of Aegeae | May 20 |
Thekla of Beth-Seleucia | November 20 |
Thekla of Iconium | February 13 |
Theoctista of Egypt | January 31 |
Theodore of Alexandria | September 12 |
Theodore of Alexandria II | December 3 |
Theodore of Cyrene | July 4 |
Theodore of Perge | September 21 |
Theodore Stratelates | June 8 |
Theodore Stratelates | February 8 |
Theodore the General | June 8 |
Theodosia of Egypt | January 31 |
Theodosius, Martyr | March 26 |
Theodota of Nicaea II | October 23 |
Theodota, Martyr | January 1 |
Theodotion of Cleopatris | January 24 |
Theodotus and Theodota of Rome | July 3 |
Theodotus of Ancyra | June 7 |
Theodotus of Ancyra | May 18 |
Theodotus of Thrace | September 15 |
Theopemptus of Nicomedia | January 4 |
Theopemptus, Martyr | January 1 |
Theophilus the Younger | January 30 |
Thomais of Alexandria | April 14 |
Three Hebews | December 17 |
Thyrsus of Nicomedia | December 14 |
Tibertius of Rome | November 22 |
Timon of Jerusalem | July 28 |
Timothy of Mauretania | December 19 |
Timothy of Prusa | June 10 |
Tribimius, Martyr | March 1 |
Trophimus and Theophilus, Martyrs | July 23 |
Trophimus of Synnada | September 19 |
Tryphon of Apamaea | February 1 |
Turbon of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Urban of Macedonia | October 30 |
Valens of Caesarea | February 16 |
Valerian of Rome | November 22 |
Valerian of Trebizond | January 20 |
Varus of Egypt | October 19 |
Victor of Syria | November 11 |
Vincent of Saragossa | November 11 |
Zacharias | September 5 |
Zeno of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Zenobia of Aegeae | October 30 |
Zenobius of Aegeae | October 30 |
Zenon of Melitene | September 6 |
Zosimus of Apollonia | June 20 |
Zosimus of Calytus | September 28 |
Zoticus of Tomi | September 13 | Martyrdom, Boiling |
Lydia of Illyria | March 29 |
Macedon of Illyria | March 29 |
Philetus of Illyria | March 29 |
Theoprepides of Illyria | March 29 | Martyrdom, Boiling in Molten Lead |
Evilasius of Cyzicus | February 6 |
Fausta of Cyzicus | February 6 |
Maximus of Cyzicus | February 6 | Martyrdom, Burial in Pit |
Archippus of Colossae | November 23 |
Bassus of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Chrysanthus of Rome | March 19 |
Chrysanthus of Rome | October 17 |
Daria of Rome | October 17 |
Daris of Rome | March 19 |
Migdonius of Nicomedia | December 30 | Martyrdom, Buried Alive |
Theonas of Nicomedia | January 4 | Martyrdom, Burning |
Abibus of Edessa | December 2 |
Aemilianus of Durostorum | July 18 |
Agape of Thessalonica | April 16 |
Agathoclia, Martyr | September 17 |
Agathonicus, Zoticus and companions of Thrace and Bithynia | August 22 |
Agrippina of Rome | June 23 |
Alexander and Antonina of Crodamnus | June 9 |
Ammianus of Candaula | September 4 |
Anastasia the Younger | December 22 |
Antoninus of Alexandria | August 9 |
Antoninus of Nicomedia | April 20 |
Apollonius of Sardis | July 10 |
Appia of Colossae | February 20 |
Archippus of Colossae | February 20 |
Ares of Ascalon | December 19 |
Aristion of Alexandria | September 3 |
Aristocleus and Demetrianus of Salamis | June 23 |
Athenogenes of Armenia | July 17 |
Barlaam of Antioch | November 16 |
Barnabas the Apostles | June 11 |
Callinicus of Gangra | July 29 |
Chionia of Thessalonica | April 16 |
Christopher of Nicomedia | April 20 |
Cindeus of Side | July 11 |
Crescens of Myra | April 15 |
Diodorus of Corinth | January 31 |
Domnica of Constantinople | January 8 |
Eleazar, Scribe | August 1 |
Eleusippus of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Eunathas of Caesarea | November 13 |
Euphemia of Chalcedon | September 16 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Felix of Thibiuca | August 30 |
Florentius of Thessalonica | October 13 |
Forty-Five Martyrs of Nicopolis | July 10 |
Gordianus of Tomi | September 13 |
Heraclius of Athens | May 15 |
Irene of Thessalonica | April 16 |
Julian of Candaula | September 4 |
Juliana of Nicomedia | December 21 |
Juliana of Tarsus | November 1 |
Julitta of Caesarea | July 31 |
Justus of Rome | July 14 |
Kindaios of Side | July 11 |
Lawrence of Rome | August 10 |
Macrobius of Tomi | September 13 |
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea | September 1 |
Martyrs of Bulgaria | January 22 |
Matthew the Evangelist | November 16 |
Maximus of Thrace | February 19 |
Meleusippus of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Mocius of Byzantium | May 11 |
Nicetas the Goth | September 15 |
Nilus of Palestine | September 19 |
Oceanus of Candaula | September 4 |
Patermuthius of Palestine | September 19 |
Paulinus of Athens | May 15 |
Peleus of Palestine | September 19 |
Peter Abselamus | January 11 |
Phocas of Sinope | September 22 |
Photinus of Nicomedia | August 12 |
Photius II and Anicetus of Nicomedia | August 12 |
Pionius of Smyrna | March 11 |
Polycarp of Smyrna | February 23 |
Polyeuctus of Caesarea | December 19 |
Publius of Nicomedia | April 28 |
Speusippus of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Theodore of Candaula | September 4 |
Theodore Tyro | February 17 |
Theodota of Nicaea | December 22 |
Theodota of Nicaea | July 29 |
Theodotus of Ancyra | May 18 |
Theodotus of Thrace | February 19 |
Theonas II of Nicomedia | April 20 |
Timothy of Mauretania | December 19 |
Trophimus of Nicomedia | March 18 |
Trophimus of Nicomedia | September 13 |
Twenty Martyrs Thousand of Nicomedia | December 28 |
Twenty-Six Martyrs of Gothia | March 26 |
Venedimus of Athens | May 15 | Martyrdom, Burning, Brazen Bull |
Agapius of Rome | September 20 |
Antipas of Pergamon | April 11 |
Eustathius of Rome | September 20 |
Fausta of Cyzicus | February 6 |
Pelagia of Tarsus | May 5 |
Pelagia of Tarsus | October 8 |
Theopiste of Rome | September 20 |
Theopistus of Rome | September 20 | Martyrdom, Burning, Church |
Martyrs of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Twenty Thousand Martyrs of Nicomedia | December 28 | Martyrdom, Burning, Furnace |
Abibus of Edessa | November 15 |
Acindynus of Persia | November 2 |
Agape of Thessalonica | December 22 |
Agapius of Sebaste | November 2 |
Anempodistus of Persia | November 2 |
Aphthonius of Persia | November 2 |
Ares of Ascalon | December 19 |
Atticus of Sebaste | November 2 |
Chionia of Thessalonica | December 22 |
Crescens of Rome | May 28 |
Dioscorides of Rome | May 28 |
Eudoxius of Sebaste | November 2 |
Euphemia of Chalcedon | September 16 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Evagrius of Anazarbus | January 18 |
Glycerias of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Julian of Caesarea | February 16 |
Macarius of Anazarbus | January 18 |
Mardonius of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Nicetas the Goth | September 15 |
Paul of Rome | May 28 |
Paul of Rome | November 2 |
Peter Abselamus | January 11 |
Philemon of Gaza | February 14 |
Polycarp of Smyrna | February 23 |
Polyeuctus of Caesarea | December 19 |
Porphyrius of Caesarea | February 1 |
Theodore Tyro | February 17 |
Theodula of Anazarbus | January 18 | Martyrdom, Burning, Gridiron |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 | Martyrdom, Crucifixion |
Andrew the Apostle | November 30 |
Bartholomew the Apostles | June 11 |
Cleonicus of Pontus | March 3 |
Eutropius of Pontus | March 3 |
Judas Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Jude the Apostle | June 19 |
Lucillianus | June 3 |
Nestor of Perge | February 28 |
Peter the Apostle | june 29 |
Simeon of Jerusalem | April 27 |
Simeon of Jerusalem | September 18 |
Simon the Apostle | May 10 |
Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Thalus of Laodicea | March 16 |
Theodore of Perge | September 21 |
Theodore Stratelates | June 8 |
Theodore the General | June 8 |
Theodulus of Caesarea | February 16 |
Timothy of Antinoe | May 3 |
Trophimus of Laodicea | March 16 | Martyrdom, Crucifixion, Tree |
Paphynutius of Dendera | September 25 | Martyrdom, Crucifixion, Upside-Down |
Andrew the Apostle | November 30 |
Calliopius of Pompeiopolis | April 7 |
Philip the Apostle | November 14 | Martyrdom, Disembowelment |
Alexander and Antonina of Crodamnus | June 9 |
Basilides of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Cassina of Ancyra | November 7 |
Claudianus of Corinth | January 31 |
Episteme of Phoenicia | November 5 |
Galaction of Phoenicia | November 5 |
James the Persian | November 27 |
Maximus the Confessor | August 13 |
Melasippus of Ancyra | November 7 | Martyrdom, Dragging |
Andrew of Crisis | November 28 |
Stephen the Younger | November 28 |
Themistocles of Lycia | December 21 | Martyrdom, Dragging, Horse |
Orestes of Tyana | November 10 |
Zoticus the Guardian | January 8 | Martyrdom, Drowning |
Acindynus of Persia | November 2 |
Agathapodus of Thessalonica | April 4 |
Ananias of Phoenicia | January 27 |
Anempodistus of Persia | November 2 |
Arianus of Antinoe | December 14 |
Bartholomew the Apostle | June 11 |
Basilides of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Caius of Nicomedia | October 21 |
Charalampius of Magnesia | February 10 |
Chrysa of Ostia | January 30 |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 |
Dasius of Nicomedia | October 21 |
Dauctus of Magnesia | February 10 |
Euphrasia of Nicaea | May 18 |
Eutychius of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Florus and Laurus of Illyricum | August 18 |
Gorgonius of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Hermas of Rome | August 18 |
Hermes, Serapion and Polyaenus of Rome | August 18 |
Hermes, Serapion and Polyaenus of Rome | August 18 |
Hermolaus, Hermippus and Hermocrates of Nicomedia | August 23 |
Hermylus of Singidon | January 13 |
Indes of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Julian of Anazarbus | June 21 |
Julian the Cilician | June 21 |
Lucian of Antioch | October 15 |
Papias of Diospolis | January 31 |
Paul of Cleopatris | January 24 |
Pausirion of Cleopatris | January 24 |
Pegasius of Persia | November 2 |
Peter of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Peter of Phoenicia | January 27 |
Porphyrius of Magnesia | February 10 |
Sabas Stratelates | April 24 |
Sabinus of Hermopolis | March 12 |
Sabinus of Rome | January 30 |
Stratonicus of Singidon | January 13 |
Theagenes of Paros | January 3 |
Theodosia of Tyre | May 29 |
Theodulus of Thessalonica | April 4 |
Titus Thaumaturgus | April 2 |
Zoticus of Nicomedia | October 21 | Martyrdom, Freezing |
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste | March 9 |
Innas of Scythia | January 20 |
Pinnas of Scythia | January 20 |
Rimmas of Scythia | January 20 | Martyrdom, Gored by Bull |
Tryphena of Cyzicus | January 31 | Martyrdom, Hanging |
Mark of Arethusa | March 28 | Martyrdom, Hot Helmet |
Ammon of Heraclea | September 1 | Martyrdom, Hot Iron Bar |
Agathoclia, Martyr | September 17 |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 | Martyrdom, Hot Pitch |
Barachisius of Persia | March 29 | Martyrdom, Iron Claws |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Sabbatius of Antioch in Pisidia | September 19 | Martyrdom, Liver Torn Out |
Cyril the Deacon | March 28 | Martyrdom, Pounding in Mortar |
Nicephorus of Corinth | January 31 |
Victor of Corinth | January 31 |
Victorinus of Corinth | January 31 | Martyrdom, Sawing |
Isaiah | May 9 |
Jonas of Persia | March 29 |
Sarbelius of Edessa | January 29 |
Thuthael of Edessa | September 5 |
Thyrsus of Nicomedia | December 14 | Martyrdom, Stabbed by Devil |
Thomas the Apostle | October 6 | Martyrdom, Stabbing |
Boethazatus of Persia | November 20 |
Eugraphus of Alexandria | December 10 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
James Major the Apostle | November 15 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Sazanes of Persia | November 20 | Martyrdom, Stabbing, Knife |
Anthia of Illyricum | December 15 |
Eleutherius of Illyricum | December 15 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Marcian of Constantinople | October 25 |
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea | September 1 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Monks of St. Sabas | March 19 |
Perpetua of Carthage | February 2 |
Sabas Stratelates | April 24 | Martyrdom, Stabbing, Spear |
Ampliatus of Macedonia | October 30 |
Babaea of Edessa | September 5 |
Christina of Tyre | July 24 |
Cyriacus of Jerusalem | October 28 |
Demetrius of Thessalonica | October 26 |
James Major the Apostle | April 30 |
Judas Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Jude the Apostle | June 19 |
Leontius of Tripoli | June 18 |
Mamas of Caesarea | September 2 |
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea | September 1 |
Monks of Raitha | January 14 |
Pelagia the Virgin | October 8 |
Philip the Prefect | December 24 |
Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Thomas the Apostle | October 6 | Martyrdom, Stabbing, Sword |
Agape of Thessalonica | April 16 |
Anysia of Thessalonica | December 30 |
Eugraphus of Alexandria | December 10 |
Juliana of Ptolemais | March 4 |
Martha, Martyr | February 9 |
Mary, Martyr | February 9 |
Miles of Persia | November 13 |
Monks of Raitha | January 14 |
Neophytus of Nicaea | January 21 |
Philip the Prefect | December 24 |
Sozon of Pompeiopolis | September 7 |
Stephen the Younger | November 28 | Martyrdom, Stoning |
Aithala of Persai | November 3 |
Ananias of Damascus | October 1 |
Archippus of Colossae | February 20 |
Caius of Alexandria | October 3 |
Chrysanthus of Rome | March 19 |
Cosmas and Damian of Rome | July 1 |
Daris of Rome | March 19 |
Faustus of Alexandria | October 3 |
Helladius of Libya | January 8 |
Hypatius of Gangra | March 5 |
Hypatius of Gangra | November 14 |
Isaac of Beth-Seleucia | November 20 |
John of Beth-Seleucia | November 20 |
Joseph of Persia | November 3 |
Judas Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Jude the Apostle | June 19 |
Mamelta of Persia | October 5 |
Sapor of Beth-Seleucia | November 20 |
Stephen Protomartyr | December 27 |
Ten Bishops of Cherson | March 7 |
Thaddeus the Apostle | June 19 |
Theophilus of Libya | January 8 |
Theophilus of Nicomedia | December 30 | Martyrdom, Strangulation |
Barypsabas | September 10 |
Paul the Confessor | November 6 |
Romanus of Antioch | November 18 | Martyrdom, Suspension |
Philip the Apostle | November 14 |
Severianus of Sebaste | September 9 | Martyrdom, Taken into Mountain |
Ariadne of Phrygia | September 18 |
Lucy of Rome | September 17 |
Thekla of Iconium | September 24 | Martyrdom, Throat Cut |
Boethazatus of Persai | November 20 |
Felicitas of Carthage | February 2 | Martyrdom, Thrown Against Rocks |
Cirycus of Tarsus | July 15 |
Quiricus of Tarsus | July 15 | Martyrdom, Thrown into Abyss |
Micah | January 5 |
Micah | August 14 | Martyrdom, Thrown into Well |
Hesychius Palatine | May 10 | Martyrdom, Torn Apart |
Eutychius of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Stephanis of Syria | November 11 | Martyrdom, Wild Beasts |
Basil of Caesarea | January 2 |
Glyceria of Heraclea | May 13 |
Ignatius of Antioch | December 20 |
Luke of Emesa | February 6 |
Mocius of Emesa | February 6 |
Silvanus of Emesa | February 6 |
Thekla of Iconium | September 24 |
Timothy, Agapius and Thecla of Gaza | August 19 | Meeting |
Paul of Thebes | January 5 |
Philip the Deacon | October 11 | Miracle, Blood Nourishing Tree |
Papas of Lycaonia | September 14 | Miracle, Chonae |
Michael the Archangel | September 6 | Miracle, Executioner’s Arm Severed |
Atenodorus of Mesopotamia | December 7 | Miracle, Fire |
Monks of Mount Sinai | January 14 | Miracle, Healing Boy bitten by Serpent |
Pantaleon of Nicomedia | July 27 | Miracle, Healing Camel |
Cosmas of Cilicia | November 1 |
Damian of Cilicia | November 1 | Miracle, Healing Man who Swallowed Serpent |
Cosmas of Cilicia | November 1 |
Damian of Cilicia | November 1 | Miracle, Levitation |
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 | September 25 | Miracle, Lion who Confessed Christ |
Zosimus of Cilicia | January 4 | Miracle, Rain |
James the Penitent | October 10 | Miracle, Rain of Cinders |
Rain of Cinders, Constantinople, ca. 466 | November 6 | Miracle, Raising Dead |
Martin of Tours | November 12 | Miracle, Saving Boy at Tomb |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 | Miracle, Spring |
Basilissa of Nicomedia | September 3 |
Epicharis of Constantinople | September 27 | Miracle, Water from Rock |
Callinicus of Gangra | July 29 | Mourning Dead |
Anna, Death | July 25 | New Testament, Annunciation |
Virgin Mary, Annunciation | March 25 | New Testament, Annunciation to Zacharias |
John The Baptist | September 23 | New Testament, Bathing of the Infant Virgin |
Virgin Mary, Birth | September 8 | New Testament, Birth of the Virgin |
Virgin Mary, Birth | September 8 |
Virgin Mary, Birth | August 15 | New Testament, Christ Reading in the Synagogue |
Indiction, beginning | September 1 | New Testament, John the Baptist Preaching |
John the Baptist | January 7 | New Testament, Joseph the Carpenter, Dream |
Joseph the Carpenter | December 26 | New Testament, Presentation of Virgin Mary |
Virgin Mary, Presentation | November 21 | New Testament, Virgin Mary, Fed by Angel in Temple |
Virgin Mary, Presentation | November 21 | New Testament, Zacharias Slain at Altar |
Zacharias | September 5 | Old Testament, Daniel in Lion’s Den |
Daniel | December 17 | Old Testament, Hebrews Three in Fiery Furnace |
Three Hebrews | December 17 | Old Testament, Job on the Ash Heap |
Job | May 6 | Old Testament, Jonah Cast Up |
Jonah | September 21 | Old Testament, Jonah Under Gourd Vine |
Jonah | September 21 | Old Testament, Joshua before City of Jericho |
Joshua | September 1 | Old Testament, Joshua before Michael the Archangel |
Joshua | September 1 | Old Testament, Joshua, Burial |
Joshua | September 1 | Old Testament, Moses Discovered by Pharaoh’s Daughter |
Moses | September 4 | Old Testament, Moses, Burial |
Moses | September 4 | Paul the Apostle, Appearing to Figure |
John Chrysostom | November 13 | Peter the Apostle, Appearing to Figure |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 | Praying |
Abercius of Hieropolis | October 22 |
Abibus of Edessa | December 2 |
Abraham of Chiduna | October 29 |
Aemilianus of Durostorum | July 18 |
Alypius Stylites | November 26 |
Ambrose of Milan | December 7 |
Ananias of Damascus | October 1 |
Anthimus of Nicomedia | September 3 |
Anthony II of Constantinople | February 12 |
Aristion of Alexandria | September 3 |
Athanasius the Confessor | February 22 |
Athenodorus of Mesopotamia | December 7 |
Autonomus of Bithynia | September 12 |
Auxentius of Bithynia | February 14 |
Charitina of Korykos | January 15 |
Claudius, Monk | February 4 |
Conon the Gardner | March 5 |
Cornelius the Centurion | September 13 |
Cosmas of Cilicia | November 1 |
Damian of Cilicia | November 1 |
Domitian of Melitene | January 10 |
Domnica of Constantinople | January 8 |
Eleusippus of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Erastus of Corinth | November 10 |
Eugenius of Arabia | December 20 |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eumenius of Gortyna | September 18 |
Eustathius of Rome | September 20 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Evagrius of Anazarbus | January 18 |
Gregory of Agrigentum | November 24 |
Helladius of Libya | January 8 |
Hilarion the Great | October 21 |
Isaac of Constantinople | May 30 |
Isaiah | May 9 |
Isidore of Pelusium | February 4 |
James the Penitent | October 10 |
Joannicius of Bithynia | November 4 |
John Chozibita | October 28 |
John the Almsgiver | November 12 |
John the Hesychast | December 7 |
Jonah the Sabbaite | September 21 |
Macarius of Anazarbus | January 18 |
Macarius of Arabia | December 20 |
Martin of Tours | November 12 |
Martinianus of Palestine | February 13 |
Maruthas of Martyropolis | February 16 |
Matrona of Constantinople | November 9 |
Meleusippus of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Nicetas the Goth | September 15 |
Nilus of Mount Sinai | November 12 |
Parthenius of Lampsacus | February 7 |
Paul the Simple | March 18 |
Paul the Simple | October 5 |
Pelagia the Penitent | October 8 |
Pelagia the Virgin | October 8 |
Philemon of Gaza | February 14 |
Philip the Deacon | October 11 |
Philonilla of Tarsus | October 11 |
Phocas of Sinope | September 22 |
Polyeuctus of Caesarea | December 19 |
Quartus of Berytus | November 10 |
Sabas of Jerusalem | December 5 |
Sabas of Jerusalem | April 28 |
Sabas of Jerusalem | November 10 |
Speusippus of Cappadocia | January 16 |
Stachys of Byzantium | October 30 |
Stephen of Chenolacus | January 14 |
Stephen the Founder | February 26 |
Tarasius of Constantinople | February 25 |
Ten of Bishops Cherson | March 7 |
Tertius of Iconium | November 10 |
Theoctista of Lesbos | November 9 |
Theodore Studites | November 11 |
Theodulus of Cyprus | December 3 |
Theophilus of Constantinople | October 2 |
Thessalonica of Amphipolis | November 7 |
Thyrsus of Nicomedia | December 14 |
Vendimianus of Bithynia | February 1 | Preaching |
John the Baptist | January 7 |
John the Evangelist | September 26 | Prison |
Agatha of Catania | February 5 |
Agathoclia, Martyr | September 17 |
Babylas of Antioch | September 4 |
Basiliscus of Pontus | March 3 |
Basiliscus of Pontus | January 23 |
Christopher of Ancyra | January 23 |
Clement of Ancyra | January 23 |
Cornelius the Centurion | September 13 |
Domnina of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Elesbaan of Ethiopia | October 24 |
Eudoxius of Melitene | September 6 |
Lucian of Antioch | October 15 |
Macarius of Melitene | September 6 |
Photina of Samaria | March 20 |
Romanus of Antioch | November 18 |
Romulus of Melitene | September 6 |
Susanna of Eleutheropolis | September 19 |
Zenon of Melitene | September 6 | Prison, Led to |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 | Prisoner, Taken |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 | Prophesying |
Nahum | December 1 | Refusing to Sacrifice |
Barlaam of Antioch | November 16 | Relics Preserved |
Arianus of Antinoe | December 14 |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eugraphus of Alexandria | December 10 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 | Sent to Alexandria |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 | Soul Borne to Heaven |
Alexander of Thessalonica | November 9 |
Ammon of Nitria | October 4 | Synaxis |
Archangels, Synaxis | November 8 | Teaching |
Arsenius the Great | May 8 |
Christ | August 16 | Torture |
Epimachus of Alexandria | October 31 |
Zenobius of Aegeae | October 30 | Torture, Arrows |
Auctus of Amphipolis | November 7 |
Taurion of Amphipolis | November 7 | Torture, Beating |
Agathodorus of Pergamon | October 13 |
Gaiana of Armenia | September 30 | Torture, Beating, Club |
Artemius of Egypt | October 20 |
Chaeremon of Alexandria | October 3 |
Chariton of Palestine | September 28 |
Chariton of Rome | June 1 |
Didymus of Laodicea | September 11 |
Diodorus of Laodicea | September 11 |
Dometius the Physician | October 4 |
Domninus of Thessalonica | October 1 |
Eudoxius of Melitene | September 6 |
Eugenius of Antioch | October 20 |
Florentius of Thessalonica | October 13 |
John, Disciple of Stephen the Younger | November 28 |
Justin Martyr | June 1 |
Justin the Apologist | June 1 |
Justin the Philosopher | June 1 |
Macarius of Antioch | October 20 |
Sebastian of Rome | December 18 |
Severianus of Sebaste | September 9 |
Sozon of Pompeiopolis | September 7 |
Ten Bishops of Cherson | March 7 |
Themistocles of Lycia | December 21 |
Theonilla of Aegeae | October 30 |
Varus of Egypt | October 19 | Torture, Beating, Flail |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 | Torture, Blinding |
Basil of Constantinople | November 28 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 | Torture, Boiling in Oil |
Menas of Alexandria | October 28 | Torture, Breasts Cut Off |
Agatha of Catania | February 5 | Torture, Burning |
Agathodorus of Pergamon | October 13 |
Barlaam of Antioch | November 16 |
Caius of Nicomedia | October 21 |
Carpus of Thyatira | October 13 |
Charitina of Korykos | October 5 |
Chariton of Palestine | September 28 |
Dasius of Nicomedia | October 21 |
Julian of Emesa | February 6 |
Papylus of Pergamon | October 13 |
Zoticus of Nicomedia | October 21 | Torture, Burning, Furnace |
Theodota of Nicaea II | October 23 | Torture, Burning, Torch |
Agatha of Catania | February 5 |
Eutropia of Alexandria | October 30 |
Helladius of Libya | January 8 |
Theophilus of Libya | January 8 | Torture, Crucifixion |
Bassus of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Blasius of Sebaste | February 11 |
Eusebius I of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Gemellus of Ancyra | December 10 |
James Minor the Apostle | October 9 |
Martha, Martyr | February 9 |
Mary, Martyr | February 9 |
Peter of Capitolias | October 4 |
Pionius of Smyrna | March 11 | Torture, Disarticulation |
Domnina of Anazarbus | October 12 | Torture, Dismemberment |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eugraphus of Alexandria | December 10 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Monks of Mount Sinai | January 14 | Torture, Dragging |
Anastasius of Persia | January 22 |
Andrew of Crisis | October 19 |
Dorotheus of Tyre | October 9 |
Gemellus of Ancyra | December 10 |
Mark of Asia | October 24 |
Mark the Evangelist | April 25 |
Menander, Martyr | March 31 |
Soterichus of Asia | October 24 |
Ten Bishops of Cherson | March 7 |
Valentina of Asia | October 24 | Torture, Dragging, Horse |
Autonomus of Bithynia | September 12 |
Carpus of Thyatira | October 13 |
Papylus of Pergamon | October 13 | Torture, Extracting Teeth |
Charitina of Korykos | January 15 | Torture, Insects |
Mark of Arethusa | March 28 | Torture, Iron Claws |
Alexander of Drizipara | May 13 |
Anna of Jerusalem | October 28 |
Didymus of Laodicea | September 11 |
Diodorus of Laodicea | September 11 |
Eusebius of Alexandria | October 3 |
Severianus of Sebaste | September 9 |
Varus of Egypt | October 19 | Torture, Nails |
Julian of Emesa | February 6 | Torture, Rack |
Anastasia the Elder | October 29 | Torture, Scraping Feet |
Charitina of Korykos | January 15 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 | Torture, Spiked Boots |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Sergius of Syria | October 7 |
Sozon of Pompeiopolis | September 7 | Torture, Spikes |
Orestes of Tyana | November 10 |
Philomenus of Ancyra | November 29 | Torture, Stabbing, Spear |
Philomenus of Ancyra | December 10 | Torture, Stoning |
Dometius the Physician | October 4 |
Sozon of Pompeiopolis | September 7 | Torture, Stylus |
Archippus of Colossae | November 23 | Torture, Suspension |
Anastasia the Younger | December 22 |
Anna of Jerusalem | October 28 |
Asterius of Aegeae | October 30 |
Auctus of Amphipolis | November 7 |
Bartholomew the Apostle | June 11 |
Carpus of Thyatira | October 13 |
Cassina of Ancyra | November 7 |
Claudius of Aegeae | October 30 |
Eutropia of Alexandria | October 30 |
Melasippus of Ancyra | November 7 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Neon of Aegeae | October 30 |
Papas of Lycaonia | March 16 |
Sozon of Pompeiopolis | September 7 |
Stephanis of Syria | November 11 |
Taurion of Amphipolis | November 7 |
Theonilla of Aegeae | October 30 |
Varus of Egypt | October 19 | Torture, Suspension, Upside-Down |
Aithala of Persia | November 3 |
Cyriaca of Samaria | March 20 |
Eusebius I of Nicomedia | January 20 |
Hermias of Comana | May 31 |
Joseph of Persia | November 3 |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Serapion of Corinth | January 31 |
Sozon of Pompeiopolis | September 7 |
Zosimus of Cilicia | January 4 | Torture, Thrown into Abyss |
Patrick of Bithynia | May 19 | Torture, Thrown into Sea |
Charitina of Korykos | October 5 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 | Torture, Tongue Cut Out |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 | Torture, Vice |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 | Torture, Wedged in Rock |
Artemius of Egypt | October 20 | Torture, Wheel |
Anthimus of Nicomedia | September 3 |
George of Lydda | April 23 |
Maccabees Seven | August 1 | Torture, Wild Beasts |
Euphemia of Chalcedon | September 16 |
Januarius of Beneventum | September 19 |
Thekla of Iconium | September 24 | Transfiguration |
Christ | August 6 | Translation |
John the Evangelist | September 26 | Translation of Relics |
Anastasius of Persia | January 22 |
Bartholomew the Apostle | August 24 |
Cornelius the Centurion | September 13 |
Cyrus and John of Egypt | June 28 |
Domitian of Melitene | January 10 |
Girdle of the Virgin | August 31 |
Gregory of Nazianzus | January 19 |
Ignatius of Antioch | January 29 |
John Chrysostom | January 27 |
John Chrysostom | November 13 |
Luke the Evangelist | October 18 |
Mandylion | August 16 |
Maximus the Confessor | August 13 |
Nathanael of Cana | August 24 |
Nicephorus I of Constantinople | March 13 |
Relic of mantle of the Virgin Mary | August 15 |
Relic of mantle of the Virgin Mary | July 2 |
Stephen Protomartyr | August 2 |
Theodore Studites | November 11 |
Timothy of Ephesus | January 22 | Trial |
Agapius of Rome | September 20 |
Artemius of Egypt | October 20 |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Babylas of Antioch | September 4 |
Daniel | December 17 |
Dorymedon of Synnada | September 19 |
Eudoxius of Melitene | September 6 |
Eugenius of Antioch | October 20 |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eustathius of Rome | September 20 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Hermogenes of Alexandria | December 10 |
Macarius of Antioch | October 20 |
Macarius of Melitene | September 6 |
Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia | June 17 |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Menas of Alexandria | December 10 |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 |
Publia of Antioch | October 9 |
Romulus of Melitene | September 6 |
Salomona, Mother of the Seven Maccabees | August 1 |
Severianus of Sebaste | September 9 |
Theopiste of Rome | September 20 |
Theopistus of Rome | September 20 |
Trophimus of Synnada | September 19 |
Zenon of Melitene | September 6 | Triumph |
Acepsimas of Persia | November 3 |
Aithala of Persia | November 3 |
Ananias of Damascus | October 1 |
Andronicus of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Artemius of Egypt | October 20 |
Athenodorus of Mesopotamia | December 7 |
Auxentius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Catherine of Alexandria | November 24 |
Celsus of Milan | October 14 |
Epimachus of Alexandria | October 31 |
Eugenius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Eustratius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Gervasius of Milan | October 14 |
Hieron of Melitene | November 7 |
Ignatius of Antioch | December 20 |
Indes of Nicomedia | December 30 |
Joseph of Persia | November 3 |
Mardarius of Sebaste | December 13 |
Menas of Egypt | November 11 |
Nazarius of Milan | October 14 |
Orestes of Sebaste | December 13 |
Paul the Confessor | November 6 |
Peter I of Alexandria | November 25 |
Probus of Anazarbus | October 12 |
Protasius of Milan | October 14 |
Theodore Graptus | December 28 |
Theophanes Graptus | December 28 |
Varus of Egypt | October 19 |
Victor of Syria | November 11 |
Vincent of Saragossa | November 11 | Venerating her Son |
Martha, Mother of Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 | Venerating Relics |
Valerian of Tomi | September 13 | Veneration |
Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 | Veneration of Chains |
Chains of Peter the Apostle | January 16 | Veneration of Relics |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 |
Gordianus of Tomi | September 13 |
Lucian of Tomi | September 13 |
Macrobius of Tomi | September 13 |
Zoticus of Tomi | September 13 | Vestment, Monk |
Anastasius the Sinaite | April 21 | Virgin Mary Appearing to Figure |
Romanus Melodus | October 1 | Vision |
Ananias of Persia | December 1 |
Eusebia of Mylasa | January 18 |
Eustathius of Rome | September 20 |
Illumination of the Cross | May 7 |
Peter I of Alexandria | November 25 |
Romanus Melodus | October 1 | Vocation |
Simeon Stylites the Elder | September 1 | Wild Beasts, Seized by |
Agapius of Rome | September 20 |
Theopistus of Rome | September 20 | Writing |
Clement I of Rome | November 25 |
Cosmas of Maiuma | November 29 |
John Chrysostom | November 13 |
John of Damascus | November 29 |
Luke the Evangelist | October 18 |
Matthew the Evangelist | November 16 |