Confessor at Rome under Honorius and Arcadius.
Synax.CP, March 17, par. 1 (cols. 543-4).
BHG 51-56h; BiblSS I 814-23; DHGE II 379-81; Holweck 50; LCI V 90-5; ODB 66-7; ODCC 12-13; ODS 12-13.
Moscow, gr. 183, p. 210. Death. In the atrium of a house, Alexius, lying on a draped bed, hands a scroll to Emperor Honorius, crowned, who stands behind the bed. A priest standing at the head of the bed swings a censer over Alexius. Flanking the bed are Alexius' mother and his father, who is tearing his beard. (Tréneff, Ménologe grec, p. 8, fig. 43).
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 32r. Three-quarter figure. (Hutter, II, p. 18, fig. 58).
Treskavac. Narthex, south tower, dome. Standing figure. Only the inscription is preserved. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 311, fig. 35, pl. 145).