Index of Medieval Art

The Lois Drewer Calendar of Saints
in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes

List of Iconographical Motifs

Alexander of Thessalonica November 9
Ammon of Nitria October 4
Ananias of Persia December 1
John the Evangelist September 26
Virgin Mary, Presentation November 21
Animal, Camel
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Animal, Fantastic, Dragon
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Hypatius of Gangra March 5
Hypatius of Gangra November 14
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Animal, Horse
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Orestes of Tyana November 10
Philip the Deacon October 11
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Zoticus the Guardian January 8
Animal, Lion
Alypius Stylites November 26
Basil of Daesarea January 2
Daniel December 17
Euphemia of Chalcedon September 16
Euphemia of Chalcedon July 11
Glyceria of Heraclea May 13
Ignatius of Antioch December 20
James Major the Apostle November 15
Januarius of Beneventum September 19
Luke of Emesa February 6
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Mocius of Emesa February 6
Silvanus of Emesa February 6
Thekla of Iconium September 24
Theopistus of Rome September 20
Timothy and Agapius of Gaza August 19
Zosimus of Cilicia January 4
Animal, Mule
John Chrysostom November 13
Animal, Sheep
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Animal, Stag
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Animal, Wolf
Agapius of Rome September 20
Architectural Decoration, Atlantid
Gregory the Illuminator September 30
Architectural Decoration, Column, Knotted
Macarius the Great January 19
Melania the Younger December 31
Michael the Archangel September 6
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Architectural Decoration, Eagle
Alexander of Thessalonica November 9
Theodosius the Coenobiarch January 11
Architectural Decoration, Leaf Mask
Hierotheus of Athens October 4
Architectural Decoration, Lion Mask
Alypius Stylites November 26
Architectural Decoration, Shell
Adrian of Caesarea February 3
Alexander of Thessalonica November 9
Domninus of Thessalonica October 1
Eubulus of Caesarea February 3
Eulogius of Alexandria February 13
Gregory of Decapolis November 20
Hierotheus of Athens October 4
Leo I of Rome February 18
Luke of Emesa February 6
Mocius of Emesa February 6
Obadiah November 19
Silvanus of Emesa February 6
Architectural Decoration, Waterspout, Lion Head
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Theodore Stratelates February 8
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Eulampia of Nicomedia October 10
Theoctista of Lesbos November 9
Zenais of Tarsus October 11
Bird, Crow
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Bird, Eagle
Theodosius the Coenobiarch January 11
Bird, Raven
Elias July 20
Elijah July 20
Clement I of Rome November 25
Elesbaan of Ethiopia October 24
John Chrysostom November 13
Lucian of Antioch October 15
Theodore Studites November 11
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Capitolina of Cappadocia October 27
Erotheides of Cappadocia October 27
Eugenius of Arabia December 20
Macarius of Arabia December 20
Phocas of Sinope September 22
Theodore of Perge September 21
Cornelius the Centurion October 20
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Theagenes of Paros January 3
Book, Held by Figure
Abdas of Persia March 31
Abercius of Hieropolis October 22
Acacius of Constantinople October 11
Acacius of Melitene March 27
Acacius of Melitene September 15
Acepsimas of Persia November 3
Achillius of Larissa May 15
Agabus of Antioch April 8
Agapitus I of Rome April 18
Agapitus of Synnada February 18
Agatho of Rome February 21
Alexander I of Rome March 16
Alexander of Constantinople August 30
Alexander, Martyr October 22
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Amphilochius of Iconium November 23
Amphilochius of Iconium October 19
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Anatolius of Constantinople July 3
Andrew of Crisis October 19
Andronicus of Rome May 17
Anthimus of Nicomedia September 3
Anthony II of Constantinople February 12
Antipas of Pergamon April 11
Aquila of Corinth July 14
Arion of Cyprus February 7
Aristobulus of Rome March 15
Arsacius of Constantinople October 11
Arsenius the Great May 8
Artemon of Seleucia March 24
Asteius of Dyrrachium July 5
Astius of Dyrrachium July 5
Athanasius of Alexandria January 18
Athanasius of Alexandria May 2
Athenogenes of Armenia July 17
Atticus of Constantinople October 11
Autonomus of Bithynia September 12
Auxibius of Soli February 17
Babylas of Antioch September 4
Bartholomew the Apostle August 24
Basil of Amasea April 26
Basil of Ancyra March 22
Basil of Parium April 12
Basil the Great January 1
Bishops Ten of Cherson March 7
Blasius of Sebaste February 11
Bucolus of Smyrna February 6
Capiton of Cherson December 22
Carpus of Thyatira October 13
Cephas, Bishop December 8
Clement I of Rome November 25
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Cornutus of Iconium September 12
Cosmas of Chalcedon April 18
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Cyriacus of Jerusalem October 28
Cyril of Alexandria January 18
Cyril of Alexandria June 9
Cyril of Gortyna September 5
Cyril of Gortyna June 14
Cyril of Gortyna July 9
Cyril of Jerusalem March 11
Cyril of Jerusalem March 18
Dionysius of Alexandria October 3
Dionysius the Areopagite October 3
Dius of Constantinople July 19
Domitian of Melitene January 10
Dorotheus of Tyre June 6
Eleazar, Scribe August 1
Eleutherius of Illyricum December 15
Epimachus of Alexandria October 31
Epiphanius of Salamis May 12
Epiphanius of Salamis July 14
Erastus of Corinth November 10
Eulogius of Alexandria February 13
Eumenius of Gortyna September 18
Eustathius of Antioch February 21
Eustathius of Antioch June 5
Eustathius of Bithynia March 29
Euthymius of Sardis December 26
Eutyches of Sebaste August 24
Faustus, Bishop February 6
Flavian of Constantinople February 17
Florus of Amisus December 18
Germanus I of Constantinople May 12
Gregory I the Great March 12
Gregory of Acritas January 5
Gregory of Agrigentum November 24
Gregory of Nazianzus January 25
Gregory of Nyssa January 10
Gregory Thaumaturgus November 17
Gregory the Illuminator September 30
Helladius of the Orient May 27
Herodion of Patras April 8
Hierotheus of Athens October 4
Hippolytus of Rome January 30
Hypatius of Gangra March 31
Hypatius of Rufinianai June 17
Ignatius of Antioch December 20
Ignatius of Antioch January 29
Ignatius the Younger October 23
Irenarchus of Sebaste November 28
Isaac of Cyprus September 21
James Minor the Apostle October 9
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
Januarius of Beneventum April 20
Januarius of Beneventum September 19
John Chrysostom January 27
John Chrysostom November 13
John Chrysostom September 14
John III of Constantinople August 30
John of Chalcedon July 19
John of Polybotus February 13
John Palaeolaurita April 19
John the Almsgiver November 12
John the Calybite January 15
John the Evangelist May 8
John the Evangelist September 26
John the Faster September 2
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joseph I of Constantinople October 29
Joseph of Persia November 3
Julian of Ancyra September 13
Juvenal of Jerusalem July 2
Lawrence of Rome August 10
Leo I of Rome February 18
Leo of Catania February 21
Linus of Volterra November 4
Lucian of Antioch October 15
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Marcellus of Apamaea February 25
Marcian of Constantinople II January 9
Marcian of Syracuse February 9
Marcian of Syracuse October 31
Marinus of Anazarbus October 18
Mark the Evangelist April 25
Mark, Nephew of Barnabas October 20
Martin I of Rome April 13
Martin of Tours November 12
Matthew the Evangelist November 16
Matthew the Evangelist November 20
Matthew the Evangelist August 9
Meletius of Antioch February 12
Meletius of Cyprus September 21
Methodius I of Constantinople June 14
Methodius of Olympus June 20
Methodius of Patara June 20
Metrophanes of Byzantium June 4
Michael of Synnada May 23
Mnason of Cyprus October 19
Modestus of Jerusalem October 19
Nectarius of Constantinople October 11
Nicephorus I of Constantinople March 13
Nicephorus I of Constantinople June 2
Nicholas II of Constantinople December 16
Nicholas of Myra December 6
Pancratius of Taormina February 9
Pancratius of Taormina July 9
Paramon of Bithynia November 27
Parthenius of Lampsacus February 7
Paul IV of Constantinople August 30
Paul of Corinth March 27
Paul of Prusa March 7
Paul the Apostle June 29
Paul the Confessor November 6
Paul the Younger September 2
Peter I of Alexandria November 25
Peter of Africa September 23
Philagrius of Cyprus February 9
Philaretus Eleemosynary December 1
Philotheus Thaumaturgus September 15
Phocas of Sinope September 22
Polycarp of Smyrna February 23
Porphyrius of Gaza February 26
Proclus of Constantinople November 20
Proclus of Constantinople October 24
Quadratus of Athens September 22
Rufus of Cyzicus April 8
Sabinus of Catania October 15
Sampson the Xenodochos June 27
Silvanus of Thessalonica July 30
Silvester I of Rome January 2
Simeon II of Persia May 15
Simeon of Jerusalem April 27
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Simeon Theodochus February 3
Sisinius of Cyzicus November 23
Sisinnius I of Constantinople October 11
Sophronius of Cyprus December 8
Sophronius of Jerusalem March 11
Sophronius, Bishop February 19
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Stachys of Byzantium October 30
Stephen I of Rome August 2
Stephen II of Constantinople July 18
Stephen of Constantinople May 18
Synaxis of the Apostles June 30
Tarasius of Constantinople February 25
Terentius of Iconium June 22
Tertius of Iconium October 20
Tertius of Iconium June 22
Thekla of Iconium September 24
Theoctistus, Bishop January 9
Theodore Graptus December 28
Theodore of Cyrene July 4
Theodore of Sykeon April 22
Theodore Studites November 11
Theodoretus of Antioch March 2
Theodoretus of Antioch October 8
Theodotus of Cyrenia January 19
Theodotus of Cyrenia March 2
Theophilus of Ephesus September 25
Theophylactus of Nicomedia March 8
Therapon of Cyprus May 26
Timothy of Antinoe May 3
Timothy of Prusa June 10
Tychon of Amathus June 16
Zeno of Cyprus June 12
Zenobius of Aegeae October 30
Zosimus of Syracuse January 21
Elias July 20
Elijah July 20
Metrophanes of Byzantium June 4
Building, Arch
Aquila of Corinth February 13
Athanasius, Martyr January 12
Domninus of Thessalonica October 1
Epimachus of Alexandria October 31
Epimachus of Alexandria December 13
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Polyeuctus of Melitene January 9
Priscilla of Corinth February 13
Building, Arena
Basil of Caesarea January 2
Ignatius of Antioch December 20
Luke of Emesa February 6
Mocius of Emesa February 6
Silvanus of Emesa February 6
Building, Baptistery
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Building, Basilica
Publia of Antioch October 9
Building, Baths
Cecilia of Rome November 22
Demetrius of Thessalonica October 26
Building, Church
Abdas of Persia September 5
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Adrian of Caesarea February 3
Alypius Stylites November 26
Anastasius of Persia January 22
Anthony II of Constantinople February 12
Anthony the Great January 17
Anysia of Thessalonica December 30
Athanasius of Cilicia January 4
Auctus of Amphipolis November 7
Bacchus the Younger December 15
Barsimeus of Edessa January 30
Bartholomew the Apostle August 24
Chariton of Ancyra January 23
Christopher of Ancyra January 23
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Danax of Illyria January 16
Daniel Stylites December 11
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Eubulus of Caesarea February 3
Euphrasia of Nicomedia January 19
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Eusebia of Mylasa January 18
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
Gemellus of Ancyra December 10
Gordius of Caesarea January 3
Ignatius of Antioch January 29
Ignatius the Younger October 23
Isidore of Pelusium February 4
James the Persian November 27
James Zelotes November 1
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John of Arbel November 1
John of Damascus November 29
John the Hesychast December 7
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joshua September 1
Luke Stylites December 11
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Martinianus of Palestine February 13
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea September 1
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Mary Magdalen July 22
Matrona of Constantinople November 9
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Monks of Raitha January 14
Nicephorus I of Constantinople March 13
Nicholas of Myra December 6
Parthenius of Lampsacus February 7
Paul the Confessor November 6
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Peter I of Alexandria November 25
Philaretus Eleemosynary December 1
Philip the Prefect December 24
Porphyrius the Mime November 4
Proclus of Constantinople October 24
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Stephen of Chenolacus January 14
Stephen the Founder February 26
Synetus of Rome December 12
Tarasius of Constantinople February 25
Taurion of Amphipolis November 7
Theodosius of Cilicia February 8
Theodulus of Cyprus December 3
Theophilus of Constantinople October 2
Theophilus the Younger January 30
Vincent of Saragossa November 11
Zacharias February 11
Zosimus of Cilicia January 4
Building, Church, Apamea, Holy Trinity
Antoninus of Apamea November 9
Building, Church, Chonae, St. Michael
Michael the Archangel September 6
Building, Church, Constantinople, Chalkoprateia
Translation of the Girdle of the Virgin August 31
Building, Church, Constantinople, Holy Apostles
John Chrysostom January 27
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Building, Church, Constantinople, Martyrium of Capitolina
Capitolina of Cappadocia October 27
Building, Church, Constantinople, Martyrium of Marcian and Martyrius
Marcian of Constantinople October 25
Martyrius of Constantinople October 25
Building, Church, Constantinople, St. Peter
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Building, Church, Constantinople, Studion
Theodore Studites November 11
Building, Church, Constantinople, Theotokus
Romanus Melodus October 1
Building, Church, Constantinople, Virgin Mary of Blacherna
Earthquake, Constantinople, 740 October 26
Building, Church, Martyrium
Andronicus of Anazarbus October 12
Eleutherius Cubicularius August 4
Eleutherius of Constantinople August 4
Probus of Anazarbus October 12
Tarachus of Anazarbus October 12
Building, Church, Martyrium of Mercurius
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Building, Church, Martyrium of Theagenes
Theagenes of Paros January 3
Building, Church, Martyropolis
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Building, Church, Mylasa, St. Stephen
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
Building, Church, Nicomedia
Martyrs of Nicomedia December 30
Martyrs Twenty Thousand of Nicomedia December 28
Building, Church, Sorea, St. Michael
Autonomus of Bithynia September 12
Building, Church, Soros Of the Blachernae
Translation of relic of mantle of the Virgin Mary July 1
Building, Cistern
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Building, City
James Zelotes November 1
John of Arbel November 1
Moses September 4
Building, City Gate
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Building, City of Amphipolis
Auctus of Amphipolis November 7
Taurion of Amphipolis November 7
Building, City of Antioch
Ignatius of Antioch January 29
Pelagia the Virgin October 8
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Building, City of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Building, City of Cherson
Clement I of Rome November 25
Martin I of Rome September 16
Building, City of Hierapolis
Philip the Apostle November 14
Building, City of Jericcho
Joshua September 1
Building, City of Jerusalem
Illumination of the Cross May 7
Stephen Protomartyr December 27
Building, City of Nagran
Arethas of Nagran October 24
Building, City of Najran
Elesbaan of Ethiopia October 24
Building, City of Nineveh
Jonah September 21
Nahum December 1
Building, City of Sebaste
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Severianus of Sebaste September 9
Building, Courtroom
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Building, Forum
Hypatius of Gangra November 14
Building, Fountain
Claudius, Monk February 4
Building, Gate
Anna September 9
Joachim September 9
Building, Hermit’s Cell
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Cyriacus of Palestine September 29
Ephraim the Syrian January 28
Theodore Studites November 11
Building, Monastery
Alypius Stylites November 26
Daniel Stylites December 11
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Tarasius of Constantinople February 25
Theophilus of Constantinople October 2
Building, Monastery, Chenolacus
Stephen of Chenolacus January 14
Building, Monastery, Constantinople, St. Bassianus
Matrona of Constantinople November 9
Building, Monastery, Constantinople, Studion
Theodore Studites November 11
Building, Monastery, Crisis
Philaretus Eleemosynary December 1
Building, Monastery, Mount Sinai
Monks of Mount Sinai January 14
Building, Monastery, Prophet Zacharias
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Building, Monastery, Qal’at Si’man
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Building, Monastery, Satyrus
Ignatius the Younger October 23
Building, Monastery, St. Euthymius
Cyriacus of Palestine September 29
Building, Monastery, St. Sabas
John the Hesychast December 7
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Building, Pagan Shrine
Barlaam of Antioch November 16
Melitina of Marcianopolis September 16
Building, Pagan Temple
Anysia of Thessalonica December 30
Cornelius the Centurion October 20
Isidore of Pelusium February 4
Sisinius of Cyzicus November 23
Building, Pagan Tomb
James Major the Apostle November 15
Building, Palace of Antinoe
Herais of Alexandria September 23
Building, Prison
Agatha of Catania February 5
Agathoclia, Martyr September 17
Babylas of Antioch September 4
Basiliscus of Pontus March 3
Chariton of Ancyra January 23
Christopher of Ancyra January 23
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Domnina of Anazarbus October 12
Elesbaan of Ethiopia October 24
Eudoxius of Melitene September 6
Lucian of Antioch October 15
Macarius of Melitene September 6
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Photina of Samaria March 20
Romanus of Antioch November 18
Romulus of Melitene September 6
Susanna of Eleutheropolis September 19
Zenon of Melitene September 6
Building, Rotunda
Anna September 9
Joachim September 9
Building, Shrine
Aristarchus of Thessalonica April 14
Building, Synagogue
Indiction, beginning September 1
Building, Tempietto
Epimachus of Alexandria October 31
Priscus, Martyr September 22
Theodosius of Cilicia February 8
Building, Temple
Moses September 4
Building, Tomb of Mercurius
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Building, Tower
Callinicus of Gangra July 29
Eudocimus the Just July 31
Euphemia of Chalcedon July 11
John the Almsgiver November 12
Sampson the Xenodochos June 27
Theodore Studites November 11
Building, Wellhead
Athanasius of Cilicia January 4
Danax of Illyria January 16
Florus and Laurus of Illyricum August 18
Zosimus of Cilicia January 4
Basil of Caesarea January 2
John of Polybotus February 13
Theodore I of Constantinople December 27
Thodotus of Cyrenia January 19
Timon of Jerusalem December 30
Vincent of Saragossa January 22
Basil of Caesarea January 19
Domitian of Melitene January 10
Earthquake, Constantinople, 450 January 26
Earthquake, Constantinople, 740 October 26
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
Ignatius of Antioch January 29
John Chrysostom January 27
Maleus October 16
Proclus of Constantinople October 24
Sampson the Xenodochos June 27
Theoctistus, Bishop January 9
Theodotus of Cyrenia January 19
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Vincent of Saragossa January 22
Candle, on Sarcophagus
Clement I of Rome November 25
Andronicus of Anazarbus October 12
Chariton of Palestine September 28
Daniel December 17
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
Melitina of Marcianopolis September 16
Paul of Thebes January 15
Paul of Thebes January 5
Paul the Simple October 5
Probus of Anazarbus October 22
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus August 4
Sleepers Seven of Ephesus October 22
Sleepers Seven of Ephesus September 1
Tarachus of Anazarbus October 12
Vendimianus of Bithynia February 1
Zenais of Tarsus October 11
Zoe of Attalia May 2
Elias July 20
Elijah July 20
Philip the Deacon October 11
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Costume, Apostle
Agabus of Antioch April 8
Ampliatus of Macedonia October 30
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Andrew the Apostle November 30
Andronicus of Rome May 17
Aristarchus of Thessalonica April 14
Aristobulus of Rome March 15
Carpus of Berea May 26
Cleophas of Emmaus October 29
Eutychius of Melitene May 28
Hermas of Philippopolis March 8
James Major the Apostle November 15
James Minor the Apostle October 9
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
John the Evangelist May 8
John the Evangelist September 26
Julian of Ancyra September 13
Julian of Antinoe January 8
Junias of Rome May 17
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Mark the Evangelist April 25
Matthew the Evangelist November 16
Philemon of Colossae November 23
Philip the Apostle November 14
Philip the Deacon October 11
Pudens of Rome April 14
Romanus of Antioch November 18
Silas of Corinth November 26
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Stachys of Byzantium October 30
Stephen Protomartyr December 27
Thomas the Apostle October 6
Timon of Jerusalem December 30
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Trophimus of Ephesus April 14
Costume, Chiton and Himation
Simion Theodochus February 3
Costume, Garment of Skins
John the Baptist May 25
Costume, Headdress
Agape of Thessalonica April 16
Cyprilla of Cyrene July 4
Paul the Apostle June 29
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Costume, Headdress, Cap
Athanasius of Alexandria January 18
Cyril of Alexandria January 18
Cyril of Alexandria June 9
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Costume, Headdress, Cap, Shepherd’s
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Costume, Headdress, Crown
Ariadne, Empress August 22
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Constantine the Great May 21
Elesbaan of Ethiopia October 24
Helena, Empress May 21
Irene of Constantinople May 4
Joshua September 1
Justinian I, Emperor November 14
Marciana, Empress January 27
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Justinian November 14
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Theophilus February 11
Theophano, Empress December 16
Costume, Headdress, Diadem
Basilissa of Nicomedia September 3
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Costume, Headdress, Hat
Sleepers Seven of Ephesus October 22
Costume, Headdress, Rope Cap
Paul of Thebes January 15
Costume, Headdress, Turban
John of Damascus December 4
Longinus the Centurion October 16
Theophanes Graptus December 28
Theophanes Graptus October 11
Costume, Loin Cloth
Abdas of Persia September 5
Agatha of Catania February 5
Aithala of Persia November 3
Alexander of Drizipara February 25
Alexander of Drizipara May 13
Ananias of Persia December 1
Ananias of Phoenicia January 27
Anna of Jerusalem October 28
Anthony of Ancyra November 7
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Asterius of Aegeae October 30
Athanasius, Martyr January 12
Auctus of Amphipolis November 7
Bacchus of Syria October 7
Bartholomew the Apostle June 11
Basil of Caesarea January 2
Basilides of Nicomedia January 20
Bassus of Nicomedia January 20
Caius of Nicomedia October 21
Calliopius of Pompeiopolis April 7
Candidus of Trebizond January 20
Carpus of Thyatira October 13
Cassina of Ancyra November 7
Cecilia of Rome November 22
Chaeremon of Alexandria October 3
Claudius of Aegeae October 30
Cleonicus of Pontus March 3
Cyril the Deacon March 28
Dasius of Nicomedia October 21
Didymus of Laodicea September 11
Diodorus of Laodicea September 11
Dominus of Thessalonica October 1
Dulas of Cilicia June 15
Episteme of Phoenicia November 5
Eubulus of Caesarea February 3
Eudoxius of Melitene September 6
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eugenius of Trebizond January 20
Eusebius I of Nicomedia January 20
Eusebius of Alexandria October 3
Eutropia of Alexandria October 30
Eutropius of Pontus March 3
Eutychius of Nicomedia January 20
Evilasius of Cyzicus February 6
Fausta of Cyzicus February 6
Gemellus of Ancyra December 10
Hellandius of Libya January 8
Hermias of Comana May 31
Hermylus of Singidon January 13
Hieron of Melitene November 7
Indes of Nicomedia December 30
Innas of Scythia January 20
Irenaeus of Sirmium March 26
Isaiah May 9
James the Persian November 27
Joseph of Persia November 3
Judas Thaddeus the Apostle June 19
Lucian of Antioch October 15
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Mark the Evangelist April 25
Martyrs Forty of Sebaste March 9
Maximus of Cyzicus February 6
Melasippus of Ancyra November 7
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Mertius of Africa January 12
Neon of Aegeae October 30
Nestor of Perge February 28
Nicetas the Goth September 15
Onesimus of Ephesus February 15
Onuphrius the Great June 12
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Orestes of Tyana November 10
Papas of Lycaonia September 14
Paphynutius of Dendera September 25
Papias of Diospolis January 31
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Paul of Cleopatris January 24
Pausirion of Cleopatris January 24
Peter of Phoenicia January 27
Peter the Apostle June 29
Philemon of Colossae November 23
Philip the Apostle November 14
Pinnas of Scythia January 20
Plato of Ancyra November 18
Porphyrius the Mime November 4
Rimmas of Scythia January 20
Sabbatius of Antioch in Pisidia September 19
Sabinus of Hermopolis March 12
Serapion of Corinth January 31
Sergius of Syria October 7
Severianus of Sebaste September 9
Simeon of Jerusalem April 27
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Simon the Apostle May 10
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Stratonicus of Singidon January 13
Taurion of Amphipolis November 7
Thalus of Laodicea March 16
Theagenes of Paros January 3
Theiopemptus of Nicomedia January 4
Themistocles of Lycia December 21
Theodore Stratelates June 8
Theodotion of Cleopatris January 24
Theonilla of Aegeae October 30
Theophilus of Libya January 8
Thyrsus of Nicomedia December 14
Timothy and Agapius of Gaza August 19
Trophimus of Laodicea March 16
Valerian of Trebizond January 20
Varus of Egypt October 19
Zosimus of Cilicia January 4
Zoticus of Nicomedia October 21
Costume, Loros
Archangels, Synaxis January 11
Ariadne, Empress August 22
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Constantine the Great May 21
Helena, Empress May 21
Irene of Constantinople May 4
Justinian I, Emperor November 14
Marciana, Empress January 27
Michael the Archangel September 6
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Justinian November 14
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Theophilus February 11
Theophano, Empress December 16
Costume, Mantle
Panteleimon of Nicomedia July 27
Costume, Martyr, with Weapons
Bacchus of Syria October 7
Sergius of Syria October 7
Costume, Nude
Agapius of Rome September 20
Alexander and Antoninus June 9
Euphemia of Chalcedon September 16
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Galaction of Phoenicia November 5
Hermes, Serapion and Polyaenus of Rome, Hermas of Rome August 18
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
Hermylus of Singidon January 13
James the Persian November 27
Job May 6
Mark the Evangelist April 25
Nicetas the Goth September 15
Orestes of Tyana November 10
Severianus of Sebaste September 9
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Theopistus of Rome September 20
Costume, Persian Dress
Daniel December 17
Eleusippus of Cappadocia January 16
Hebrews Three December 17
James the Persian November 27
Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia June 17
Meleusippus of Cappadocia January 16
Speusippus of Cappadocia January 16
Costume, Prophet
Ahijah January 9
Habakkuk December 2
Haggai December 16
Hosea October 17
Jeremiah May 1
Joel October 19
Jonah September 21
Jonah January 3
Micah April 22
Micah January 5
Moses September 4
Nahum December 1
Obadiah November 19
Prophet December 31
Sophonias December 3
Zechariah February 8
Costume, Rope Garment
Paul of Thebes January 15
Costume, Scarf, Eparch’s
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Costume, Shepherd
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Costume, Soldier
Arethas of Nagran October 24
Callinicus of Gangra July 29
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Demetrius of Thessalonica October 26
George of Lydda April 23
Joshua September 1
Longinus the Centurion October 16
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Nestor of Thessalonica October 27
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Severianus of Sebaste September 9
Theodore Stratelates February 8
Theodore Tyro February 17
Costume, Woman
Agape of Rome September 17
Agathoclia, Martyr September 17
Agathonica of Pergamon October 13
Anastasai the Elder October 29
Anna the Prophetess February 3
Anna, Martyr October 22
Anthia of Illyricum December 15
Anysia of Thessalonica December 30
Ariadne of Phrygia September 18
Babaea of Edessa October 15
Barbara of Nicomedia December 4
Basilissa of Antinoe January 8
Basilissa of Galatia March 22
Basilissa of Nicomedia September 3
Callinica of Galatia March 22
Charitina of Korykos October 5
Daria of Rome October 17
Domina of Syria March 1
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Elpis of Rome September 17
Epicharis of Constantinople September 27
Episteme of Phoenicia November 5
Eugenia of Alexandria December 24
Eulampia of Nicomedia October 10
Euphemia of Chalcedon September 16
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
Gaiana of Armenia September 30
Glyceria, Martyr October 22
Hermione of Ephesus September 4
Ia of Persia September 11
Isidora of Lentini October 17
Juliana of Nicomedia December 21
Justina of Nicomedia October 2
Lucy of Rome September 17
Mamelta of Persia October 5
Mariamna of Palestine February 17
Martha, Mother of Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea September 1
Matrona of Thessalonica March 27
Maura of Antinoe May 3
Melitina of Marcianopolis September 16
Menodora of Bithynia September 10
Metrodora of Bithynia September 10
Neophyta of Lentini October 17
Nymphodora of Bithynia September 10
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Pelagia the Virgin October 8
Pistis of Rome September 17
Polyxena of Spain September 23
Publia of Antioch October 9
Ripsime of Armenia September 30
Sebastiana of Heraclea September 16
Sophia of Rome September 17
Susanna of Eleutheropolis September 19
Syncletica of Alexandria January 4
Tatta of Damascus September 25
Thekla of Iconium September 24
Thekla of Iconium September 11
Theodota the Saint November 4
Theodota, Martyr October 22
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Theopiste of Rome November 7
Xantippa of Spain September 23
Zenobia of Aegeae October 30
Zoe of Attalia May 2
Costume, Woman, Rich Garment
Basilissa of Nicomedia September 3
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Thessalonica of Amphipolis November 7
Cosutme, Thorakion
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Helena, Empress May 21
Irene of Constantinople May 4
Irene of Constantinople Justinian November 14
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Theophilus February 11
Stephen the Younger November 28
Cross of Stars
Eusebia of Mylasa January 18
Cross-Staff, Held by Figure
John the Baptist January 7
Cross, Held by Figure
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Abraham the Persian February 5
Acacius Climacus November 27
Acacius of Constantinople May 7
Acindynus of Persia November 2
Aedesius of Caesarea April 2
Agabus of Antioch April 8
Agape of Rome September 17
Agapius of Rome September 20
Agapius of Sicily January 24
Agatha of Catania February 5
Agathangelus of Ancyra January 23
Agathapodus of Thessalonica April 4
Agathoclia, Martyr September 17
Agathodorus of Pergamon October 13
Aithala of Persia November 3
Alexander of Drizipara February 25
Alexander of Pydna March 13
Alypius Stylites November 26
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Ananias of Persia December 1
Anastasia the Elder October 29
Anastasia the Younger December 22
Anastasius of Persia January 22
Anastasius of Salona October 25
Andrew and Probus, Martyrs July 12
Andrew of Africa September 23
Andrew of Cilicia August 19
Andrew Stratelates August 19
Andronicus of Anazarbus October 12
Anempodistus of Persia November 2
Anna September 9
Anna, Martyr October 22
Anthony the Great January 17
Anthusa of Constantinople July 27
Anthusa the Elder July 27
Anthusa, Athanasius, Charesimus and Neophytus of Tarsus August 22
Antiochus of Sebaste July 16
Antoninus June 9
Anysia of Thessalonica December 30
Aphthonius of Persia November 2
Apollonius of Antinoe December 14
Apphianus of Caesarea April 2
Aquila of Corinth July 14
Arcadius of Jerusalem January 26
Arethas of Nagran October 24
Arianus of Antinoe December 14
Arsenius the Great May 8
Artemidorus, Martyr October 26
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Asyncritus of Byzantium June 20
Athanasius of Cilicia January 4
Athenodorus the Saint December 18
Atticus of Sebaste November 2
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Babaea of Edessa October 15
Babaea of Edessa September 5
Babylas of Sicily January 24
Barbara of Nicomedia December 4
Barlaam of Antioch November 16
Barypsabas September 10
Basil of Ancyra March 22
Basiliscus of Pontus March 3
Basiliscus of Pontus May 22
Basilissa of Antinoe January 8
Basilissa of Nicomedia September 3
Basilissa of Nicomedia December 19
Callinicus I of Constantinople August 23
Callinicus of Gangra July 29
Callinicus of Nicomedia December 14
Callista of Syracuse September 1
Callistratus of Byzantium September 27
Cassianus the Theologian February 28
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Cecilia of Rome November 22
Celsus of Milan October 14
Charitina of Korykow October 5
Chariton of Palestine September 28
Claudius of Aegeae October 30
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cleonicus of Pontus March 3
Conon the Gardner March 5
Constantine the Great May 21
Cornutus of Iconium September 12
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Crescens of Rome May 28
Cyra of Berea February 28
Cyriaca of Samaria February 26
Cyriaca of Samaria May 2
Cyriacus of Palestine September 29
Cyriaka of Nicomedia June 6
Cyril of Nicomedia March 4
Cyrus of Egypt January 31
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Daniel of Thasos September 7
Demetrius of Thessalonica October 26
Dioscorides of Rome May 28
Dioscorides of Smyrna May 11
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Domnica of Tropea June 6
Domnina of Syria March 1
Domninus of Rome March 21
Domninus of Thessalonica October 1
Dorymedon of Synnada September 19
Elpidephorus of Persia November 2
Elpis of Rome September 17
Epicharis of Constantinople September 27
Epimachus of Alexandria October 31
Episteme of Phoenicia November 5
Eubiotus of Nicomedia December 18
Eudocia of Heliopolis March 1
Eudocia of Persia August 4
Eudocia the Younger August 4
Eudocimus the Just July 31
Eudoxius of Melitene September 6
Eudoxius of Sebaste November 2
Eugenia of Alexandria December 24
Eugenius of Arabia December 20
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eugraphus of Alexandria December 10
Eulampia of Nicomedia October 10
Euphemia of Chalcedon September 16
Euphemia of Chalcedon July 11
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Eupsychius of Caesarea September 7
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
Eusebius of Samosata June 22
Eusignius of Antioch August 5
Eustathius of Ancyra July 28
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Eustolia of Constantinople November 9
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Euthymius the Great January 20
Eutropius of Pontus March 3
Evodius of Syracuse September 1
Febronia of Persia June 25
Forty-Five Martyrs of Nicopolis July 10
Gaiana of Armenia September 30
Galaction of Phoenicia November 5
Gervasius of Milan October 14
Glyceria, Martyr October 22
Gordius of Caesarea January 3
Gregory of Decapolis November 20
Gurias of Edessa November 15
Haggai December 16
Heirotheus of Athens October 4
Helena, Empress May 21
Heraclius of Cilicia July 13
Hermaius of Myra November 4
Hermione of Ephesus September 4
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
Hermogenes of Syracuse September 1
Hermolaus, Hermippus and Hermocrates of Nicomedia July 26
Hermylus of Singidon January 13
Hesperus of Attalia May 2
Hieron of Melitene November 7
Hilarion the Great October 21
Hyacinth Cubicularius July 3
Hyacinth of Amastris July 18
Ia of Persia September 11
Indes of Nicomedia December 3
Irenaeus of Sirmium August 23
Isaurus of Apollonia July 7
Isidora of Lentini October 17
James the Confessor March 24
James the Persian November 27
John Chrysostom January 27
John of Damascus December 4
John of Egypt January 31
John of Jerusalem January 26
John the Baptist September 23
John the Calybite January 15
John the Confessor September 20
John the Hesychast January 10
Joseph the Hymnographer April 3
Joseph, Son of Photina of Samaria February 26
Jude the Apostle, Judas Thaddeus the Apostle; Thaddeus the Apostless August 21
Julian of Anazarbus June 21
Julian the Cilician June 21
Juliana of Nicomedia December 21
Julitta and Cyricus of Tarsus July 15
Justin and Chariton, Martyrs June 1
Justin the Philosopher June 1
Justina of Nicomedia October 2
Justinian I, Emperor November 14
Justus of Rome July 14
Juventinus of Antioch October 9
Kyriaki of Nicomedia June 6
Leontius June 18
Leucius of Nicomedia December 14
Longinus the Centurion October 16
Lucian of Tomi September 13
Lucillianus June 3
Macarius of Arabia December 20
Macarius of Melitene September 6
Macarius the Great January 19
Maccabees Seven August 1
Macrina the Younger July 19
Maleus October 16
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia June 17
Marana of Berea February 28
Marcellus the Akoimete December 29
Marcian of Constantinople October 25
Marcianus of Iconium July 11
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Margaret of Antioch in Pisidia July 17
Marina of Antioch in Pisidia July 17
Marinus of Rome December 16
Mark and Mucianus, Martyrs July 3
Martha, Mother of Simeon Stylites the Younger July 5
Martinianus of Palestine February 13
Martinianus, Martyr November 11
Martyrius of Constantinople October 25
Martyrs Forty of Sebaste March 9
Martyrs Forty of Sebaste September 1
Martyrs Forty-Two of Amorium March 6
Martyrs of Nicomedia February 7
Martyrs Ten of Crete December 23
Martyrs Thirty-Three of Melitene November 7
Martyrs Twenty Thousand of Nicomedia December 28
Mary Magdalen July 22
Mary of Jerusalem January 26
Mary of Persia July 12
Matrona of Constantinople November 9
Matrona of Thessalonica March 27
Maura of Antinoe May 3
Maximus of Antioch October 9
Maximus of Thrace September 15
Maximus the Confessor January 21
Melania the Younger December 31
Meletius of Cyprus September 21
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Menodora of Bithynia September 10
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Metrodora of Bithynia September 10
Moses of Scete August 28
Moses the Ethiopian August 28
Nazarius of Milan October 14
Neonilla of Carthage October 28
Neophyta of Lentini October 17
Nestor of Thessalonica October 27
Nestor, Martyr March 1
Nicander and Marcianus of Durostorum June 8
Nicander of Myra November 4
Nicephorus of Antioch February 9
Nicetas the Goth September 15
Nicetas the Patrician October 6
Nicodemus of Jerusalem October 8
Nilus of Mount Sinai November 12
Nymphodora of Bithynia September 10
Onesiphorus of Ephesus November 9
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Orestes of Tyana November 10
Orestes, Diomedes and Rhodon June 9
Pachomius of Egypt May 15
Pamphilus of Caesarea February 16
Pansophius of Alexandria January 15
Papas of Lycaonia September 14
Paphnutius of Alexandria September 25
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Paramon of Bithynia November 27
Patapius of Thebes December 8
Paul of Caiuma June 8
Paul of Damascus September 25
Paul of Gaza July 15
Paul of Rome may 28
Paul of Thebes January 15
Paul of Thebes January 5
Paula June 3
Pegasius of Persia November 2
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Pelagia the Virgin October 8
Perpetua of Carthage March 4
Peter of Capitolias October 4
Petronilla of Rome October 8
Philemon of Antinoe December 14
Philemon of Rome March 21
Philetairus of Nicomedia December 18
Philetairus of Nicomedia May 19
Philetus of Illyria March 29
Philomenus of Ancyra November 29
Philonilla of Tarsus October 11
Phocas of Sinope July 6
Photina of Samaria February 26
Photius of Nicomedia March 4
Pistis of Rome September 17
Plato of Ancyra November 18
Polyeuctus of Melitene January 9
Porphyrius of Ephesus November 9
Porphyrius the Mime September 15
Probus of Anazarbus October 12
Proclus and Hilarius of Ancyra July 12
Procopius of Caesarea July 8
Protasius of Milan October 14
Quadratus of Corinth March 10
Ripsime of Armenia September 30
Romanus Melodus October 1
Romulus of Melitene September 6
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Sabbatius of Antioch in Pisidia September 19
Sabinianus of Damascus September 25
Sabinus of Hermopolis March 12
Samonas of Edessa November 15
Sarbelius of Edessa October 15
Saturus of Carthage March 4
Sebastian of Rome December 18
Sebastiana of Heraclea September 16
Serapion of Alexandria July 13
Sergius of Syria October 7
Sergius the Confessor May 13
Severus and Memnon of Thrace August 24
Simeon Salus and John July 21
Sinorus, Martyr September 7
Sleepers Seven of Ephesus October 22
Sophia of Rome September 17
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Stephen the Sabbaite, Hymnographer October 28
Stephen the Younger November 28
Stratonicus of Singidon January 13
Susanna of Eleutheropolis September 19
Syncletica of Alexandria January 4
Tarachus of Anazarbus October 12
Tatianus of Claudiopolis August 24
Tation of Claudiopolis August 24
Tatta of Damascus September 25
Terentius of Carthage October 28
Thalalaeus of Syria February 27
Thekla of Iconium September 24
Theodora of Alexandria September 11
Theodora of Thessalonica April 5
Theodora of Thessalonica August 3
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Justinian November 14
Theodore of Alexandria September 12
Theodore Stratelates February 8
Theodore Stratelates June 8
Theodosia of Constantinople July 18
Theodosius of Cilicia February 8
Theodosius the Coenobiarch January 11
Theodota of Nicaea July 29
Theodota the Saint November 4
Theodota, Martyr October 22
Theodotus of Ancyra June 7
Theodulus of Attalia May 2
Theodulus of Thessalonica April 4
Theonas of Nicomedia January 4
Theopemptus of Nicomedia January 4
Theopemptus of Nicomedia February 7
Theophanes Graptus October 11
Theophanes the Confessor March 12
Theophano, Empress December 16
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Theopistus of Rome September 20
Thessalonica of Amphipolis November 7
Thomas of Mount Maleon July 7
Thuthael of Edessa September 5
Thyrsus of Nicomedia December 14
Timothy of Sicily January 24
Timothy of Thrace August 24
Tition of Claudiopolis August 24
Tribimius, Martyr March 1
Trophimus of Synnada September 19
Tryphon of Apamaea February 1
Urbanus of Nicomedia September 6
Varus of Egypt October 19
Vendimianus of Bithynia February 1
Victor of Syria November 11
Victor, Son of Photina of Samaria February 26
Vincent of Saragossa January 22
Vincent of Saragossa November 11
Virgin Mary November 4
Xenophon of Jerusalem January 26
Zenais of Tarsus October 11
Zenobia of Aegeae October 30
Zenobius of Aegeae October 30
Zenon of Melitene September 6
Zoe of Attalia May 2
Zosimus of Cilicia January 4
Zoticus the Guardian December 31
Cross, Inscribed on Altar Cloth
Barsimeus of Edessa January 30
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Philip the Deacon October 11
Zacharias September 5
Cross, Inscribed on Ambo
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
Cross, Inscribed on Building
Cosmas of Maiuma November 29
Cross, Inscribed on Costume
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Theophilus February 11
Cross, Inscribed on Globe
Michael the Archangel September 6
Cross, Inscribed on Sarcophagus
Clement I of Rome November 25
Cross, Inscribed on Shield
Joshua September 1
Cross, Inscribed on Veil
Aithala of Persia November 3
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Cross, Kissed by Figure
Adoration of the Cross September 10
Adoration of the Cross September 13
Cross, on Altar
Adoration of the Cross September 12
Cross, Processional
Clement I of Rome November 25
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 September 25
Earthquake, Constantinople, 450 January 26
Earthquake, Constantinople, 740 October 26
Cross, Surmounting Building
Abdas of Persia September 5
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Adrian of Caesarea February 3
Anastasius of Persia January 22
Anna September 9
Anthony II of Constantinople February 12
Athanasius the Confessor February 22
Autonomus of Bithynia September 12
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Danax of Illyria January 16
Eubulus of Caesarea February 3
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Gemellus of Ancyra December 10
Gregory of Nazianzus January 25
James Zelotes November 1
Jaochim September 9
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John Chrysostom January 27
John Chrysostom November 13
John of Arbel November 1
John of Damascus November 29
John the Hesychast December 7
Joshua September 1
Leo of Catania February 21
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Martyrs of Nicomedia December 30
Michael the Archangel September 6
Monks of Raitha January 14
Nicholas of Myra December 6
Parthenius of Lampsacus February 7
Paul the Confessor November 6
Philaretus Eleemosynary December 1
Philip the Prefect December 24
Porphyrius of Gaza February 26
Proclus of Constantinople October 24
Romanus Melodus October 1
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Stephen the Founder February 26
Tarasius of Constantinople February 25
Theodore Studites November 11
Theophilus of Constantinople October 2
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Zacharias February 11
Zosimus of Syracuse January 21
Cross, Surmounting Ciborium
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
Philip the Deacon October 11
Zacharias September 5
Cross, Surmounting Globe
Michael the Archangel September 6
Cross, with Double Traverse
Adoration of the Cross September 10
Adoration of the Cross September 11
Adoration of the Cross September 12
Adoration of the Cross September 13
Autonomus of Bithynia September 12
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Constantine the Great May 21
Council of Nicaea II, 787 October 11
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 September 25
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
Helena, Empress May 21
Illumination of the Cross May 7
John the Baptist September 23
Joshua September 1
Michael the Archangel September 26
Sebastian of Rome December 18
Tatta of Damascus September 25
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Justinian November 14
Theophanes Graptus October 11
Theophano, Empress December 16
Zosimus of Syracuse January 21
Cross, with Double Traverse and Diagonal Suppedaneum
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
John Chrysostom January 27
Cross, with Image of Christ
Menas of Egypt November 11
Crown of Martyrdom
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Demetrius of Thessalonica October 26
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Martyrs Forty of Sebaste March 9
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Abercius of Hieropolis October 22
Michael the Archangel September 6
Thomas the Apostle October 6
Error in Costume
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Callistratus of Byzantium September 27
Joseph of Persia November 3
Error in Miniature?
Varus of Egypt October 19
Family Portrait
Varus of Egypt October 19
Fish, Dolphin
Arianus of Antinoe December 14
Barnabas the Apostle June 11
Eleutherius of Illyricum December 15
Theodota of Nicaea July 29
Furniture, Bed
Abdas of Persia September 5
Alexius, Man of God March 17
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Virgin Mary, Birth September 8
Furniture, Chair, Wicker
John Chrysostom November 13
Furniture, Crib
Virgin Mary, Birth September 8
Furniture, Desk
Clement I of Rome November 25
John Chrysostom November 13
Matthew the Evangelist November 16
Furniture, Faldstool
Arethas of Nagran October 24
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Clement I of Rome November 25
Eugenius of Antioch October 20
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
James the Persian November 27
John Chrysostom November 13
Macarius of Antioch October 20
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Furniture, Lectern
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Furniture, Liturgical, Altar
Adoration of the Cross September 10
Adoration of the Cross September 11
Adoration of the Cross September 12
Adoration of the Cross September 13
Barsimeus of Edessa January 30
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Philip the Deacon October 11
Virgin Mary, Presentation November 21
Zacharias September 5
Furniture, Liturgical, Ambo
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
Furniture, Liturgical, Ciborium
Andrew of Crisis October 19
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Barsimeus of Edessa January 30
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Philip the Deacon October 11
Virgin Mary, Presentation November 21
Zacharias September 5
Furniture, Liturgical, Font
Agapius of Rome September 20
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
Tehopistus of Rome September 20
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Furniture, Liturgical, Pagan Altar
Barlaam of Antioch November 16
Caius of Nicomedia October 21
Dosius of Nicomedia October 21
Zoticus of Nicomedia October 21
Furniture, Liturgical, Synthronon
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Gender Confusion
Ammianus of Candaula September 4
Chrysanthus of Rome October 17
Cyrenia of Tarsus November 1
Eudoxius of Sebaste November 2
Julian of Candaula September 4
Maximus of Cyzicus February 6
Philogonius of Antioch December 20
Tatiana of Rome January 12
Theodore of Candaula September 4
Genre, Man Digging with Pitchfork
James the Persian November 27
Genre, Man Sawing Timber
Andrew the Apostle November 30
Gesture, Anger
Publia of Antioch October 9
Gesture, Beard-Pulling
Epimachus of Alexandria October 31
Gesture, Embracing
Maximus of Thrace February 19
Theodotus of Thrace February 19
Gesture, Grief
Sophia of Rome September 17
Gesture, Modesty
Cecilia of Rome November 22
Gesture, Tearing Hair
Paphnutius of Alexandria September 25
Globe, Held by Figure
Archangels, Synaxis January 11
Gabriel the Archangel March 26
Irene of Constantinople May 4
Michael the Archangel September 6
God, Hand of
Abibus of Edessa December 2
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Agapius of Rome September 20
Alypius Stylites November 26
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Aristion of Alexandria November 24
Athanasius the Confessor February 22
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Claudius, Monk February 4
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Domitian of Melitene January 10
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 September 25
Elias of Palestine September 19
Eumenius of Gortyna September 18
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Gregory of Agrigentum November 24
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John the Evangelist September 26
John the Hesychast December 7
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joshua September 1
Martinianus of Palestine February 13
Nicetas the Goth September 15
Nilus of Palestine September 19
Parthenius of Lampsacus February 7
Patermuthius of Palestine September 19
Peleus of Palestine September 19
Philonilla of Tarsus October 11
Stephen Protomartyr December 27
Theophilus of Constantinople October 2
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Theopistus of Rome September 20
Vendimianus of Bithynia February 1
Head, Held by Figure
Dionysius the Areopagite October 3
Hebrews Three December 17
Heaven, Arc of
Abibus of Edessa December 2
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Acindynus of Persia November 2
Agapius of Rome September 20
Alexander of Thessalonica November 9
Alypius Stylites November 26
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Ammon of Nitria October 4
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Ananias of Persia December 1
Anempodistus of Persia November 2
Anthimus of Nicomedia September 3
Aphthonius of Persia November 2
Aristion of Alexandria September 3
Athanasius the Confessor February 22
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Bishops Ten of Cherson March 7
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Claudius, Monk February 4
Cornelilus the Centurion September 13
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia January 10
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Domnina of Anazarbus October 12
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 September 25
Elias of Palestine September 19
Elpidephorus of Persia November 2
Erastus of Corinth November 10
Eugenius of Arabia December 20
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eumenius of Gortyna September 18
Eunathas of Caesarea November 13
Eusebia of Mylasa January 18
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Gregory of Agrigentum November 24
Herais of Alexandria September 23
Illumination of the Cross May 7
Isidore of Pelusium February 4
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John the Evangelist September 26
John the Hesychast December 7
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joshua September 1
Macarius of Arabia December 20
Martinianus of Palestine February 13
Martinianus of Palestine November 9
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Nicetas the Goth September 15
Nilus of Palestine September 19
Parthenius of Lampsacus February 7
Patermuthius of Palestine September 19
Paul the Simple March 18
Paul the Simple October 5
Pegasius of Persia November 2
Peleus of Palestine September 19
Philemon of Gaza February 14
Philonilla of Tarsaus October 11
Quartus of Berytus November 10
Sosipater of Iconium April 28
Sosipater of Iconium November 10
Stephen Protomartyr December 27
Tertius of Iconium November 10
Theoctista of Lesbos November 9
Theodore Studites November 11
Theophilus of Constantinople October 2
Thessalonica of Amphipolis November 7
Vendimianus of Bithynia February 1
Anthimus of Nicomedia September 3
Arsenius the Great May 8
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Menas of Egypt November 11
Icon, Held by Figure
Nicetas the Patrician October 6
Stephen the Younger March 27
Stephen the Younger November 28
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Theophilus February 11
Habakkuk December 2
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John Climacus March 30
John of Damascus December 4
Nahum December 1
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Sophonias December 3
Theodore of Sykeon April 22
Inscription, Kufic
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Inscription, OT, Hosea 14:1
Hosea October 17
Inscription, OT, Isaiah 61:1
Indiction, beginning September 1
Inscription, OT, Jonah 2:3
Jonah September 21
Inscription, OT, Sophonias 2:9
Sophonias December 3
Inscription, Pseudo-Hebrew
Zacharias September 5
Intestines, Held by Figure
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Luke Stylites December 11
Adoration of the Cross September 10
Adoration of the Cross September 11
Adoration of the Cross September 13
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Vincent of Saragossa January 22
Mandorla, Figure in
John the Evangelist September 26
Monogram, Chi Rho
Marcian of Constantinople October 25
Martyrius of Constantinople October 25
Mount Ephraim
Joshua September 1
Abibus of Edessa November 15
Alexander and Antonina of Crodamnus June 9
Alypius Stylites November 26
Anthia of Illyricum December 15
Aquila of Corinth July 14
Ares of Ascalon December 19
Athanasius, Monk January 14
Auxentius of Bithynia February 14
Basilissa of Nicomedia September 3
Bassianus of Constantinople October 10
Benedict of Nursia March 14
Caius of Corinth November 4
Catherine o fAlexandria November 24
Christina of Tyre July 24
Clement the Hymnographer May 27
Conon the Isaurian March 6
Crescens of Myra April 15
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Cyriacus of Palestine September 29
Daniel December 17
Daniel Stylites December 11
Dionysius the Areopagite October 3
Domnina of Syria March 1
Eleusippus of Cappadocia January 16
Eudocimus the Just July 31
Euphemia of Chalcedon September 16
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Eutychius of Constantinople April 6
Gregory of Decapolis November 20
Gregory the Illuminator September 30
Hieron of Melitene November 7
Hieron of Melitene October 10
James the Persian November 27
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John the Almsgiver November 12
John the Faster September 2
Joshua September 1
Lucillianus June 3
Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia June 17
Mariamna of Palestine February 17
Martin I of Rome September 16
Martinianus of Palestine February 13
Martinianus of Palestine April 1
Maximus of Thrace February 19
Melania the Younger December 31
Meleusippus of Cappadocia January 16
Nicetas the Goth September 15
Nicetas the Patrician October 6
Onuphrius the Great June 12
Patapius of Thebes December 8
Patrobas of Puteoli November 4
Paul of Thebes January 15
Paul the Confessor November 6
Pelagia of Tarsus October 8
Peter Abselamus January 11
Philadelphus, Martyr February 8
Philadelphus, Martyr November 4
Philotheus Thaumaturgus September 15
Polyeuctus of Caesarea December 19
Polyeuctus of Caesarea November 18
Severianus of Sebaste September 9
Speusippus of Cappadocia January 16
Stephen the Sabbaite, Hymnographer July 13
Syncletica of Alexandria January 4
Tertius of Iconium November 10
Thekla of Iconium September 24
Theodora of Alexandria September 11
Theodore I of Constantinople December 27
Theodore Tyro February 17
Theodosius the Coenobiarch January 11
Theodota of Nicaea December 22
Theodotus of Thrace February 19
Theodula of Anazarbus January 18
Theophanes the Confessor March 12
Theophano, Empress December 16
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Tryphon of Apamaea February 1
Virgin Mary September 21
Xantippa of Spain September 23
Xenophon of Jerusalem January 26
Peoples, Arabs
Monks of Mount Sinai January 14
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Peoples, Blacks
Thomas the Apostle October 6
Peoples, Blemmyes
Monks of Mount Sinai January 14
Monks of Raitha January 14
Peoples, Ethiopians
Elesbaan of Ethiopia October 24
Peoples, Indians
Thomas the Apostle October 6
Peoples, Jews
Indiction, beginning September 1
John the Baptist January 7
Persecutor, Agricolaus
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Persecutor, Alexander of Caesarea
Porphyrius the Mime November 4
Persecutor, Arab
Monks of Mount Sinai January 14
Monks of Raitha January 14
Persecutor, Archon
Martyrs Ten of Crete December 23
Persecutor, Bahram V
James the Persian November 27
Persecutor, Constantius
James the Persian November 6
Persecutor, Diocletian
Andronicus of Anazarbus October 12
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Charitina of Korykos October 5
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Menas of Egypt November 11
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Peter I of Alexandria November 25
Probus of Anazarbus October 12
Victor of Syria November 11
Vincent of Saragossa November 11
Persecutor, Dunaan of Himyar
Arethasof Nagran October 24
Persecutor, Hadrian
Agapius of Rome September 20
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Theopiste of Rome September 20
Persecutor, Hermogenes of Alexandria
Menas of Alandria December 10
Persecutor, Julian the Apostle
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Eugenius of Antioch October 20
Macarius of Antioch October 20
Publia of Antioch October 9
Persecutor, Leo V
Theodore Graptus December 28
Theophanes Graptus December 28
Persecutor, Lucian
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Persecutor, Lysias
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Severianus of Sebaste September 9
Persecutor, Maxentius
Catherine of Alexandria November 24
Persecutor, Maximian
Alexander of Thessalonica November 9
Anthimus of Nicomedia September 3
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Eugenius of Sebaste December 13
Eugraphus of Alexandria December 10
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
Indes of Nicomedia December 30
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Orestes of Sebaste December 13
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Varus of Egypt October 19
Persecutor, Nebuchandnezzer
Daniel December 17
Persecutor, Nero
Celsus of Milan October 14
Gervasius of Milan October 14
Nazarius of Milan October 14
Protasius of Milan October 14
Persecutor, Novatian
Hypatius of Gangra March 5
Persecutor, Novation Woman
Hypatius of Gangra November 14
Persecutor, Numerian
Babylas of Antioch September 4
Persecutor, Perennius
Dorymedon of Synnada September 19
Trophimus of Synnada September 19
Persecutor, Saborius
Acepsimas of Persia November 3
Aithala of Persia November 3
Joseph of Persia November 3
Persecutor, Saul
Stephen Protomartyr December 27
Persecutor, Trajan
Ignatius of Antioch December 20
Persecutor, Vikarius
Sabbatius of Antioch in Pisidia September 19
Personification, City of Alexandria
John the Almsgiver November 12
Personification, Mercy
John the Almsgiver November 12
Personification, Mount Olympus
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
Personification, Tyche
John the Almsgiver November 12
Persons, Arcadius
Arsenius the Great May 8
Persons, Archippus of Chonae
Michael the Archangel September 6
Persons, Blind Woman of Cappadocia
Longinus the Centurion October 16
Persons, Callisthene of Ephesus
Adauctus of Ephesus October 4
Persons, Catulla of Athens
Dionysisu the Areopagite October 3
Persons, Constantine VI
Council of Nicaea II, 787 October 11
Persons, Constantius II
Hypatius of Gangra March 5
Persons, Daughter of Azas of Isauria
Azas of Isauria November 19
Persons, Daughter of Pharaoh
Moses September 4
Persons, Daughters of the Hebrews
Virgin Mary, Presentation November 21
Persons, Disciples of Babylas of Antioch
Babylas of Antioch September 4
Persons, Eunuch of Ethiopia
Philip the Deacon October 11
Persons, Father of Alexius, Man of God
Alexius, Man of God March 17
Persons, Friend of Job
Job May 6
Persons, Honorius
Alexius, Man of God March 17
Arsenius the Great May 8
Persons, Midwife
Virgin Mary, Birth September 8
Persons, Mother of Alexius, Man of God
Alexius, Man of God March 17
Persons, Naucratius, Disciple of Theodore Studites
Theodore Studites November 11
Persons, Notary
Theodore Tyro February 17
Persons, Patriarch of Constantinople
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Persons, Pilgrims
Clement I of Rome November 25
Persons, Proclus, Secretary of John Chrysostom
John Chrysostom November 13
Persons, Son of Woman of Nagran
Arethas of Nagran October 24
Persons, Stone Mason
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Persons, Theodosius II
Earthquake, Constantinople, 447 September 25
Earthquake, Constantinople, 450 January 26
John Chrysostom January 27
Persons, Wife of Azas of Isauria
Azas of Isauria November 19
Persons, Wife of Job
Job May 6
Persons, Woman of Nagran
Arethas of Nagran October 24
Persons, Worshippers
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Podium, Figure Standing on
Constantine the Great May 21
Helena, Empress May 21
Longinus the Centurion October 16
Michael the Archangel September 6
Adoration of the Cross September 12
Agathodorus of Pergamon October 13
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Joshua September 1
Rain of Cinders, Constantinople, ca. 466 November 6
Arianus of Antinoe December 14
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Domitian of Melitene January 10
Eugraphus of Alexandria December 10
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
Longinus the Centurion October 16
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Relic, Blood of Christ
Barypsabas September 10
Reptile, Serpent
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Ignatius of Antioch December 20
Manuel, Sabel and Ismael of Persia June 17
Theodore Graptus December 28
Theophanes Graptus December 28
Basilissa of Nicomedia September 3
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Danax of Illyria January 16
Epicharis of Constantinople September 27
Eustathius of Rome September 20
Julian of Ancyra September 13
Justina of Nicomedia October 2
Michael the Archangel September 6
Philip the Deacon October 11
River Nile
Moses September 4
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Adauctus of Ephesus October 4
Agape of Rome September 17
Arsenius the Great May 8
Athanasius of Alexandria May 2
Bartholomew the Apostle August 24
Clement I of Rome November 25
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Cyrus and John of Egypt June 28
Elpis of Rome September 17
Euphemia of Chalcedon July 11
James the Penitent October 10
James Zelotes November 1
John of Arbel November 1
John the Evangelist September 26
Joshua September 1
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Martyrs of the Eugenios Gate February 22
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Matthew the Evangelist November 16
Micah January 5
Philaretus Eleemosynary December 1
Pistis of Rome September 17
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Sophia of Rome September 17
Stephen Protomartyr, Translation of Relics August 2
Theagenes of Paros January 3
Thyrsus of Nicomedia December 14
Zacharias February 11
Alexius, Man of God March 17
Cosmas of Maiuma November 29
David of Thessalonica June 26
Romanus Melodus October 1
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Scroll, Fallen
Council of Nicaea II, 787 October 11
Scroll, Held by Figure
630 Fathers of Council of Chalcedon July 16
Abraham Sunday after December 16
Abraham Sunday before Nativity of Christ
Abraham the Persian February 5
Acacius Climacus March 30
Aemilianus of Cyzicus August 8
Aemilianus the Confessor August 8
Ahijah January 9
Ammon of Nitria October 4
Amos June 15
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Andrew the Apostle November 30
Andronicus of Rome May 17
Anthony the Great January 17
Apollo of Caesarea December 8
Arcadius of Jerusalem January 26
Arcadius of Trimithus March 7
Aristarchus of Thessalonica April 14
Arsenius the Great May 8
Barnabas the Apostle June 11
Bartholomew the Apostle June 11
Basil of Decapolis February 28
Bessarion of Egypt June 6
Bessarion the Great June 6
Bucolus of Smyrna February 6
Caesar, Bishop December 8
Carpus of Berea May 26
Chariton of Palestine September 28
Cleophas of Emmaus October 29
Cosmas and Damian of Rome July 1
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
David of Thessalonica June 26
Elisha June 14
Epaphroditus of Philippi December 8
Ephraim the Syrian January 28
Erasmus of Formiae, Erasmus of Gaeta June 2
Eugraphus of Alexandria December 10
Eustratius of Sebaste December 13
Euthymius the Great January 20
Eutyches of Sebaste August 24
Ezekiel July 21
Fortunatus, Apostle June 15
Gerasimus of Jordan March 20
Gerasimus of Jordan March 4
Gregory of Decapolis November 20
Habakkuk December 2
Hermas of Philippopolis November 4
Hierotheus of Athens October 4
Hilarion of Constantinople June 5
Hilarion of Pelecetes March 27
Hilarion the Dalmatian June 5
Hilarion the Great October 21
Hilarion the Younger June 5
Hosea October 17
Ignatius Steironites July 26
Isaaac of Constantinople May 30
Isaac Sunday after December 16
Isaac Sunday before Nativity of Christ
Isidore of Pelusium February 4
Jacob Sunday after December 16
Jacob Sunday before Nativity of Christ
James Minor the Apostle October 9
James of Nisibis January 13
James the Confessor March 24
Jeremiah May 1
Joachim September 9
Joel October 19
John of Jerusalem January 26
Jonah September 21
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joseph of Thessalonica July 15
Joseph Studites July 15
Julian of Ancyra September 13
Julian of Antinoe January 8
Junias of Rome May 17
Lampadus of Irenopolis July 5
Lampadus of Mount Athos July 5
Leo of Catania February 21
Lucillianus June 3
Macarius of Rome January 19
Macarius the Great January 19
Malachi January 3
Mark of Egypt March 5
Maximus the Confessor January 21
Micah August 14
Moses September 4
Moses of Scete August 28
Moses the Ethiopian August 28
Nahum December 1
Obadiah November 19
Onesiphorus of Ephesus December 8
Pantaleon of Nicomedia July 27
Panteleimon of Nicomedia July 27
Paphnutius of Alexandria February 15
Patermuthius, Copres and Alexander of Egypt July 9
Paul of Prusa March 7
Paul of Thebes January 15
Paul of Thebes January 5
Philip the Deacon October 11
Phourtounatus, Apostle June 15
Poemen of Egypt August 27
Poemen of Scete August 27
Poimon of Scete August 27
Polyeuctus the Younger February 5
Procopius of Decapolis February 27
Prophet December 31
Pudens of Rome April 14
Quadratus of Athens September 22
Sampson the Xenodochos June 27
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Simeon Theodochus February 3
Sisoes the Great July 6
Stephen Protomartyr December 27
Stephen the Founder February 26
Synaxis of the Apostles June 30
Thalalaeus of Syria February 27
Theodore Graptus December 28
Theodore of Sykeon April 22
Theodosius the Coenobiarch January 11
Theodulus of Mount Sinai January 14
Theophanes the Confessor March 12
Thomas the Apostle October 6
Timon of Jerusalem December 30
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Titus of Gortyna August 25
Trophimus and Theophilus, Martyrs July 23
Trophimus of Ephesus April 14
Trophimus of Ephesus December 8
Xenophon of Jerusalem January 26
Zeno of Antioch January 30
Scroll, Inscribed, Held by Figure
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Anthony the Great January 17
Euthymius the Great January 20
Habakkuk December 2
Hilarion the Great October 21
Hosea October 17
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
Joel October 19
John Climacus March 30
John of Damascus December 4
John the Baptist January 7
Jonah September 21
Nahum December 1
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Sophonias December 3
Theodore of Sykeon April 22
Scroll, Open, Held by Figure
Arsenius the Great May 8
Ephraim the Syrian January 28
Habakkuk December 2
Haggai December 16
John Climacus March 30
John the Baptist January 7
Jonah September 21
Malachi January 3
Nahum December 1
Nicetas of the Medikion April 3
Obadiah November 19
Sophonias December 3
Stephen the Younger November 28
Titus Thaumaturgus April 2
Zechariah February 8
Sculpture, Column
Azas of Isauria November 19
Euphrasia of Nicomedia January 19
Marinus of Rome December 16
Moses September 4
Neophytus of Nicaea January 21
Sculpture, Relief
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Adauctus of Ephesus October 4
Gregory I the Great March 12
James the Penitent October 10
James Zelotes November 1
John of Arbel November 1
Joshua September 2
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Nestor of Thessalonica October 27
Publia of Antioch October 9
Zacharias February 11
Sculpture, Statue
Anysia of Thessalonica December 30
Barlaam of Antioch November 16
Bucolus of Smyran February 6
Cornelius the Centurion October 20
Isidore of Pelusium February 4
James Major the Apostle November 15
Melitina of Marcianopolis September 16
Moses September 4
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Sisinius of Cyzicus November 23
Theoctista of Lesbos November 9
Shield, Held by Figure
Callinicus of Gangra July 29
Procopius of Caesarea July 8
Alexander of Thessalonica November 9
Ammon of Nitria October 4
Spear, Held by Figure
Callinicus of Gangra July 29
Eudocimus the Just July 31
Procopius of Caesarea July 8
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Mercurius of Caesarea November 26
Tryphena of Cyzicus January 31
Zoticus the Guardian January 8
Stone, Held by Figure
Clement I of Rome November 25
Cosmas and Damian of Rome July 1
Alypius Stylites November 26
Daniel Stylites December 11
Luke Stylites December 11
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Simeon Stylites the Younger May 24
Theodulus Stylites December 3
Sun and Moon
Joshua September 1
Sword, Held by Figure
Diomedes of Nicaea August 16
Diomedes of Tarsus August 16
Joshua September 1
Procopius of Caesarea July 8
Cornutus of Iconium September 12
Gregory I the Great March 12
Leo I of Rome February 18
Leo of Catania February 21
Luke of Stiris February 7
Martin I of Rome September 16
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Vincent of Saragossa January 22
Alypius Stylites November 26
Andrew the Apostle November 30
Auxentius of Sebaste December 13
Cyriaca of Samaria March 20
Irenarchus of Sebaste November 28
John the Baptist January 7
Papas of Lycaonia September 14
Paphynutius of Dendera September 25
Sozon of Pompeiopolis September 7
Stephanis of Syria November 11
Timon of Jerusalem December 30
Varus of Egypt October 19
Utensil, Axe
John the Baptist January 7
Utensil, Basin
Virgin Mary, Birth September 8
Utensil, Basket
John the Evangelist September 26
Utensil, Bowl
Virgin Mary, Birth September 8
Utensil, Chisel
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Utensil, Container
Clement I of Rome November 25
Utensil, Container, Water Jug
Julian of Ancyra September 13
Utensil, Crook, Shepherd’s
Mamas of Caesarea September 2
Utensil, Flask
Pantaleon of Nicomedia July 27
Panteleimon of Nicomedia July 27
Utensil, Funnel
Barachisius of Persia March 29
Utensil, Hammer
Artemius of Egypt October 20
Utensil, Knapsack
Sleepers Seven of Ephesus October 22
Utensil, Ladder
Ananias of Persia December 1
Asterius of Aegeae October 30
Claudius of Aegeae October 30
Daniel Stylites December 11
Neon of Aegeae October 30
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Stephen the Founder February 26
Utensil, Liturgical, Censer
Virgin Mary. Koimesis August 15
Utensil, Liturgical, Censer, Held by Figure
Abercius of Hieropolis October 22
Abibus of Edessa November 15
Aithala of Persia November 3
Carpus of Thyatira October 13
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Romanus of Antioch November 18
Samuel August 20
Translation of the Girdle of the Virgin August 31
Zacharias September 5
Utensil, Liturgical, Chalice
Zosimus of Palestine April 1
Utensil, Liturgical, Chalice, Held by Figure
Danax of Illyria January 16
Sisinius of Cyzicus November 23
Utensil, Liturgical, Communion Spoon
Zosimus of Palestine April 1
Utensil, Liturgical, Paten, Held by Figure
Danax of Illyria January 16
Utensil, Liturgical, Pyxis, Held by Figure
Abibus of Edessa November 15
Aithala of Persia November 3
Benjamin of Persia March 31
Cyril the Deacon March 28
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Romanus Melodus October 1
Romanus of Antioch November 18
Samuel August 20
Zacharias September 5
Utensil, Liturgical, Reliquary
Anastasius of Persia January 22
Auctus of Amphipolis November 7
Chains of Peter the Apostle January 16
Domitian of Melitene January 10
Eugraphus of Alexandria December 10
Hermogenes of Alexandria December 10
Ignatius of Antioch January 29
John Chrysostom January 27
Luke the Evangelist October 18
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Maximus the Confessor August 13
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Nicephorus I of Constantinople March 13
Stephen Protomartyr, Translation of Relics August 2
Taurion of Amphipolis November 7
Theodore Studites November 11
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Translation of relic of mantle of the Virgin Mary July 1
Valerian of Tomi September 13
Utensil, Medical, Physician’s Bag
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Utensil, Medical, Probe, Held by Figure
Cosmas and Damian of Rome July 1
Cosmas of Arabia October 17
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Damian of Arabia October 17
Damina of Cilicia November 1
Utensil, Pick
John the Evangelist September 26
Utensil, Pincers
Mardarius of Sebaste December 13
Utensil, Pitcher
Virgin Mary, Birth September 8
Utensil, Pitchfork
James the Persian November 27
Utensil, Saw
Andrew the Apostle November 30
Utensil, Scrinium
Cosmas of Maiuma November 29
Utensil, Shovel
Job May 6
Theonas of Nicomedia January 4
Utensil, Sickle, Held by Figure
Zechariah February 8
Utensil, Spade
John the Evangelist September 26
Utensil, Vice
Jonas of Persia March 29
Sarbelius of Edessa January 29
Utensil, Writing
Cosmas of Maiuma November 29
John of Damascus November 29
Utensil, Writing, Inkpot Held by Figure
Marcian of Constantinople October 25
Martyrius of Constantinople October 25
Utensil, Writing, Quill Held by Figure
Marcian of Constantinople October 25
Vestment, Bishop
Abddas of Persia March 31
Abercius of Hieropolis October 22
Abraham the Persian February 5
Acacius of Constantinople October 11
Acacius of Melitene March 27
Acacius of Melitene September 15
Acepsimas of Persia November 3
Achillius of Larissa May 15
Adoration of the Cross September 10
Adoration of the Cross September 11
Adoration of the Cross September 12
Adoration of the Cross September 13
Agabus of Antioch April 8
Agapitus of Synnada February 18
Agatho of Rome February 21
Alexander I of Rome March 16
Alexander, Martyr October 22
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Amphilochius of Iconium November 23
Amphilochius of Iconium October 19
Ampliatus of Macedonia October 30
Ananias of Damascus October 1
Anatolius of Constantinople November 20
Andrew of Crete July 4
Andrew of Crisis October 19
Andronicus of Rome May 17
Anthimus of Nicomedia September 3
Anthony II of Constantinople February 12
Antipas of Pergamon April 11
Apollo of Caesarea December 8
Arion of Cyprus February 7
Aristion of Alexandria September 3
Aristobulus of Rome March 15
Arsacius of Constantinople October 11
Artemon of Seleucia March 24
Asteius of Dyrrachium July 5
Astius of Dyrrachium July 5
Athanasius of Alexandria January 18
Athanasius of Alexandria May 2
Atticus of Constantinople October 11
Autonomus of Bithynia September 12
Auxibius of Soli February 17
Babylas of Antioch September 4
Barsimeus of Edessa January 30
Bartholomew the Apostle August 24
Basil of Amasea April 26
Basil of Parium April 12
Basil the Great January 1
Bishops Ten of Cherson March 7
Blasius of Sebaste February 11
Bucolus of Smyrna February 6
Caesar, Bishop December 8
Caius of Corinth November 4
Callistratus of Byzantium September 27
Capiton of Cherson December 22
Carpus of Thyatira October 13
Cephas, Bishop December 8
Charalampius of Magnesia February 10
Clement I of Rome November 25
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cornelius the Centurion October 20
Cornelius the Centurion September 13
Cosmas of Chalcedon April 18
Council of Constantinople III, 680-681 September 18
Council of Nicaea II, 787 October 11
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Cyriacus of Constantinople October 30
Cyril of Alexandria January 18
Cyril of Gortyna September 5
Cyril of Gortyna July 9
Cyril of Jerusalem March 18
Dionysius of Alexandria October 3
Dionysius the Areopagite October 3
Dios of Constantinople July 19
Domitian of Melitene January 10
Dorotheus of Tyre October 9
Eleutherius of Illyricum December 15
Epaphroditus of Philippi December 8
Epimachus of Alexandria October 31
Epiphanius of Salmais May 12
Erastus of Corinth November 10
Eulampius of Nicomedia October 10
Eulogius of Alexandria February 13
Eumenius of Gortyna September 18
Eustathius of Antioch February 21
Euthymius of Sardis December 26
Eutychius of Constantinople April 6
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
Faustus, Bishop February 6
Flavian of Constantinople February 17
Florus of Amisus December 18
Gennadius I of Constantinople November 20
Germanus I of Constantinople May 12
Gregory I the Great March 12
Gregory of Acritas January 5
Gregory of Acritas November 24
Gregory of Nazianzus January 25
Gregory of Nyssa January 10
Gregory Thaumaturgus November 17
Gregory the Illuminator September 30
Helladius of the Orient May 27
Hermas of Philippopolis November 4
Herodion of Patras April 8
Hierotheus of Athens October 4
Hippolytus of Rome January 30
Hypatius of Gangra March 31
Hypatius of Gangra March 5
Hypatius of Gangra November 14
Igantius of Antioch December 20
Igantius of Antioch January 29
Ignatius the Younger October 23
Irenarchus of Sebaste November 28
Isaac of Cyprus September 21
James Minor the Apostle October 9
James, Brother of the Lord October 28
Januarius of Beneventum April 20
Januarius of Beneventum September 19
John Chrysostom January 27
John Chrysostom November 13
John of Arbel November 1
John of Chalcedon July 19
John of Polybotus February 13
John the Almsgiver November 12
John the Faster September 2
Joseph of Persia November 3
Joseph of Persia II November 20
Justus of Eleutheropolis October 20
Juvenal of Jerusalem July 2
Lawrence of Rome August 10
Leo I of Rome February 18
Leo of Catania February 21
Linus of Volterra November 4
Lucian of Antioch October 15
Marcian of Constantinople II January 9
Marcian of Syracuse February 9
Marcian of Syracuse October 31
Marinus of Anazarbus October 18
Mark of Arethusa March 28
Mark, Nephew of Barnabas October 20
Martin I of Rome September 16
Martin of Tours November 12
Maruthas of Martyropolis February 16
Maximianus II of Constantinople November 20
Meletius of Antioch February 12
Meletius of Cyprus September 21
Michael of Synnada May 23
Miles of Persia November 13
Mnason of Cyprus October 19
Modestus of Jerusalem October 19
Nerses of Persia November 20
Nextarius of Constantinople October 11
Nicephorus I of Constantinople March 13
Nicholas of Myra December 6
Onesiphorus of Ephesus December 8
Pancratius of Taormina February 9
Paramon of Bithynia May 19
Parthenius of Lampsacus February 7
Patrick of Bithynia May 19
Patrobas of Puteoli November 4
Paul of Corinth March 27
Paul of Prusa March 7
Paul the Confessor November 6
Paul the Younger September 2
Pausicacus of Synnada May 13
Peter I of Alexandria November 25
Peter of Africa September 23
Peter of Capitolias October 4
Philagrius of Cyprus February 9
Philemon of Gaza February 14
Philip the Deacon October 11
Philip the Prefect December 24
Philogonius of Antioch December 20
Philologus of Sinope November 4
Philotheus Thaumaturgus September 15
Phocas of Sinope September 22
Polycarp of Smyrna February 23
Porphyrius of Gaza February 26
Proclus of Constantinople November 20
Proclus of Constantinople October 24
Quadratus of Athens September 22
Quartus of Berytus November 10
Reginus of Scopelus February 25
Rufus of Cyzicus April 8
Sabinus of Catania October 15
Sadoth of Seleucia February 20
Silas of Corinth July 30
Silvanus of Emesa February 6
Silvester I of Rome January 2
Simeon II of Persia May 15
Simeon of Jerusalem April 27
Simeon of Jerusalem September 18
Simeon of Persia April 17
Sisinnius I of Constantinople October 11
Sophronius of Cyprus December 8
Sophronius of Jerusalem March 11
Sophronius, Bishop February 19
Sosipater of Iconium April 28
Sosipater of Iconium November 10
Sosthenes of Corinth December 8
Spiridon of Cyprus December 12
Stachys of Byzantium October 30
Stephen I of Rome August 2
Stephen II of Constantinople July 18
Tarasius of Constantinople February 25
Terentius of Iconium June 22
Tertius of Iconium November 10
Tertius of Iconium October 20
Tertius of Iconium June 22
Theagenes of Paros January 3
Theoctistus, Bishop January 9
Theodore Graptus December 28
Theodore I of Constantinople December 27
Theodore of Alexandria II December 3
Theodore of Sykeon April 22
Theodoretus of Antioch March 2
Theodoretus of Antioch October 8
Theodotus of Cyrenia January 19
Theodotus of Cyrenia March 2
Theophilus of Ephesus September 25
Theophylactus of Nicomedia March 8
Therapon of Cyprus May 26
Timothy of Antinoe May 3
Timothy of Ephesus January 22
Tychicus of Chalcedon December 8
Urban of Macedonia October 30
Zenobius of Aegeae October 30
Zosimus of Syracuse January 21
Vestment, Bishop, Miter
Agapitus I of Rome April 18
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Hippolytus of Rome January 30
Leo I of Rome February 18
Vestment, Bishop, Polystavrion
Abraham the Persian February 5
Acacius of Constantinople October 11
Alexander I of Rome March 16
Amphilochius of Iconium November 23
Ampliatus of Macedonia October 30
Anatolius of Constantinople July 3
Andrew of Crete June 4
Andrew of Jerusalem June 4
Anthimus of Nicomedia September 3
Anthony II of Constantinople February 12
Arsacius of Constantinople October 11
Athanasius of Alexandria January 18
Athanasius of Alexandria May 2
Athenogenes of Armenia July 17
Atticus of Constantinople October 11
Babylas of Antioch September 4
Clement of Ancyra January 23
Cyprian of Nicomedia October 2
Cyril of Alexandria January 18
Cyril of Alexandria June 9
Cyril of Jerusalem March 11
Dionysius of Alexandria October 3
Dionysius the Areopagite October 3
Dorotheus of Tyre June 6
Epiphanius of Salamis May 12
Epiphanius of Salamis July 14
Eustathius of Antioch June 5
Eustathius of Bithynia March 29
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
Florus of Amisus December 18
Germanus I of Constantinople May 12
Gregory of Nazianzus January 25
Gregory Thaumaturgus November 17
Ignatius of Antioch December 20
Ignatius of Antioch January 29
James, Brother of the Lord October 23
John Almsgiver November 12
John Chrysostom January 27
John Chrysostom November 13
John Chrysostom September 14
John Palaeolaurita April 19
Joseph I of Constantinople October 29
Joseph of Thessalonica July 15
Joseph Studites July 15
Juvenal of Jerusalem July 2
Marcellus of Apamaea February 25
Martin I of Rome April 13
Menas of Alexandria December 10
Methodius of Olympus June 20
Methodius of Patara June 20
Metrophanes of Byzantium June 4
Michael of Synnada May 23
Nectarius of Constantinople October 11
Nicephorus I of Constantinople March 13
Nicephorus I of Constantinople June 2
Nicholas II of Constantinople December 16
Nicholas of Myra December 6
Pancratius of Taormina July 9
Patrick of Bithynia May 19
Paul the Confessor November 6
Peter I of Alexandria November 25
Pionius of Smyrna March 11
Sisinnius I of Constantinople October 11
Sophronius of Jerusalem March 11
Stephen of Constantinople May 18
Tarasius of Constantinople February 25
Theophylactus of Nicomedia March 8
Vestment, Bishop, Sakkos
Methodius I of Constantinople June 14
Vestment, Deacon
Abibus of Alexandria September 6
Abibus of Edessa December 2
Abibus of Edessa November 15
Aithala of Persia November 3
Ammon of Heraclea September 1
Benjamin of Persia March 31
Chariton of Ancyra January 23
Christopher of Ancyra January 23
Cornutus of Iconium September 12
Cyril the Deacon March 28
Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14
Joseph of Persia November 3
Papylus of Pergamon October 13
Proclus of Puteoli October 19
Romanus Melodus October 1
Romanus of Antioch November 18
Sinais of Persia November 13
Theophilus of Libya January 8
Translation of relic of mantle of the Virgin Mary July 1
Vincent of Saragossa January 22
Vincent of Saragossa November 11
Vestment, Monk
630 Fathers of Council of Chalcedon July 16
Abraham of Chiduna October 29
Acacius Climacus March 30
Acacius Climacus November 27
Aemilianus of Cyzicus August 8
Aemilianus the Confessor August 8
Agapitus of Synnada February 18
Alypius Stylites November 26
Ambrose of Milan December 7
Ammon of Nitria October 4
Anastasius of Persia January 22
Andrew of Crisis November 28
Andrew of Crisis October 19
Andronicus of Egypt March 2
Anthimus, Priest June 7
Anthony the Great January 17
Arcadius of Trimithus March 7
Archadius of Jerusalem January 26
Arsenius the Great May 8
Athanasius the Confessor February 22
Athanasius, Monk January 14
Athenogenes of Armenia July 17
Atremon, Monk November 11
Auxentius of Bithynia February 14
Bacchus the Younger December 15
Barypsabas September 10
Basil of Constantinople November 28
Basil of Decapolis February 28
Bassianus of Constantinople October 10
Benedict of Nursia March 14
Bucolus of Smyrna February 6
Cassianus the Theologian February 28
Chariton the Palestine September 28
Claudius, Monk February 4
Clement the Hymnographer May 27
Conon the Gardner March 5
Cosmas of Chalcedon April 18
Cosmas of Maiuma November 29
Cyriacus of Palestine September 29
Cyrus of Egypt January 31
Dalmatus of Constantinople August 3
Daniel of Thasos September 7
Daniel Stylites December 11
David of Thessalonica June 26
Dometius the Physician October 4
Ephraim the Syrian January 28
Euphemia of Chalcedon July 11
Euphrosyna of Alexandria February 15
Euthymius the Great January 20
Eutyches of Sebaste August 24
Faustus of Constantinople August 3
Galaction of Phoenicia November 5
George of Mitylene April 7
George the Confessor April 20
Gerasimus of Jordan March 20
Gerasimus of Jordan March 4
Gregory of Decapolis November 20
Hierotheus of Athens October 4
Hilarion of Pelecetes March 27
Hilarion the Great October 21
Hyacinth Cubicularius July 3
Ignatius Steironites July 26
Isaac of Constantinople May 30
Isaac of Constantinople August 3
Isidore of Pelusium February 4
James of Nisibis January 13
James the Confessor March 24
James the Penitent October 10
Joannicius of Bithynia November 4
John Chozibita October 28
John Climacus March 30
John of Damascus December 4
John of Damascus November 29
John of Jerusalem January 26
John Psichaita May 24
John the Calybite January 15
John the Hesychast December 7
John the Hesychast January 10
John, Disciple of Stephen the Younger November 28
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joseph the Anchorite June 20
Joseph the Hymnographer April 3
Lampadus of Irenopolis July 5
Lampadus of Mount Athos July 5
Leontius the Shepherd June 18
Luke of Stiris February 7
Luke Stylites December 11
Lycarion, Martyr February 9
Macarius of Rome January 19
Macarius the Great January 19
Maleus October 16
Marcellus the Akoimete December 29
Marina the Disguised February 12
Mark of Calytus May 22
Mark of Egypt March 5
Martinianus of Palestine February 13
Maximus the Confessor January 21
Maximus the Confessor August 13
Michael of Sebastopol October 1
Monks of Mount Sinai January 14
Monks of Raitha January 14
Monks of St. Sabas March 19
Neadius Thaumaturgus May 16
Nicetas of the Medikion April 3
Nicetas the Patrician October 6
Nilus of Mount Sinai November 12
Pachomius of Egypt May 15
Pachomius of Egypt May 7
Pansophius of Alexandria January 15
Paphnutius of Alexandria February 15
Paphnutius of Alexandria September 25
Paphynutius of Dendera September 25
Paphynutius of Dendera December 8
Patermuthius, Copres and Alexander of Egypt July 9
Paul of Caiuma June 8
Paul of Prusa March 7
Paul of Thebes January 15
Paul of Thebes January 5
Paul the Simple March 18
Paul the Simple October 5
Peter of Atroa January 2
Peter of Constantinople November 28
Philaretus Eleemosynary December 1
Poemen of Egypt August 27
Poimon of Scete August 27
Polyeuctus the Younger February 5
Porphyrius of Gaza February 26
Procopius of Decapolis February 27
Sabas of Jerusalem December 5
Sampson the Xenodochos June 27
Simeon Salus and John July 21
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Simeon Stylites the Elder May 24
Sisoes the Great July 6
Stephen of Chenolacus January 14
Stephen the Founder February 26
Stephen the Sabbaite, Hymnographer July 13
Stephen the Younger March 27
Stephen the Younger November 28
Thalalaeus of Syria February 27
Theodore Graptus December 28
Theodore of Sykeon April 22
Theodore Salus February 25
Theodore Studites November 11
Theodore the Sanctified May 15
Theodore Trichinas April 20
Theodosius of Cilicia February 8
Theodosius the Coenobiarch January 11
Theodulus of Cyprus December 3
Theodulus of Mount Sinai January 14
Theodulus of Mount Sinai November 12
Theodulus Stylites December 3
Theophanes Graptus December 28
Theophanes Graptus October 11
Theophanes the Confessor March 12
Theophilus of Constantinople October 2
Theosterictus of Simbola February 17
Thomas of Mount Maleon July 7
Timothy of Gaza February 19
Timothy of Symbola February 21
Titus Thaumaturgus April 2
Vendimianus of Bithynia February 1
Xenophon of Jerusalem January 26
Zeno of Antioch January 30
Zosimus of Cilicia January 4
Zosimus of Palestine April 1
Zosimus of Syracuse January 21
Vestment, Monk, Cap
Monks of Mount Sinai Januar 14
Monks of Raitha January 14
Theodotion of Cleopatris January 24
Vestment, Monk, Hood
Alypius Stylites November 26
Anthony the Great January 17
Cyriacus of Palestine September 29
Daniel Stylites December 11
Ephraim the Syrian January 28
Luke Stylites December 11
Michael of Sebastopol October 1
Simeon Stylites the Elder September 1
Simeon Stylites the Younger May 24
Vestment, Nun
Agape of Rome September 17
Agatha of Catania February 5
Anastasia the Elder October 12
Anastasia the Younger December 22
Anna of Beth-Seleucia November 20
Anthusa of Constantinople July 27
Anthusa the Elder July 27
Apollinaria of Egypt January 5
Athanasia of Egypt March 2
Cecilia of Rome November 22
Cyra of Berea February 28
Domnica of Constantinople January 8
Elizabeth Thaumaturga April 24
Elpis of Rome September 17
Episteme of Phoenicia November 5
Eudocia of Heliopolis March 1
Euphemia of Chalcedon September 16
Euphrosyna of Alexandria September 25
Eusebia of Mylasa January 18
Eusebia of Mylasa January 24
Eustolia of Constantinople November 9
Gaiana of Armenia September 30
Herais of Alexandria September 23
Marana of Berea February 28
Martha, Mother of Simeon Stylites the Younger July 5
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea September 1
Mary of Jerusalem January 26
Mary the Penitent October 29
Matrona of Constantinople November 9
Melania the Younger December 31
Menodora of Bithynia September 10
Metrodora of Bithynia September 10
Nymphodora of Bithynia September 10
Pelagia of Tarsus October 8
Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Pelagia the Virgin October 8
Petronilla of Rome October 8
Philonilla of Tarsus October 11
Pistis of Rome September 17
Ripsime of Armenia September 30
Sophia of Rome September 17
Susanna of Eleutheropolis September 19
Syncletica of Alexandria January 4
Thekla of Beth-Seleucia November 20
Theodora of Alexandria September 11
Theodora of Thessalonica April 5
Zenais of Tarsus October 11
Vestment, Priest
Aborsam of Persia November 13
Artemon of Laodicea April 12
Cornutus of Iconium September 12
Cosmas of Cilicia November 1
Cyriacus of Jerusalem October 28
Damian of Cilicia November 1
Faustus, Priest, of Alexandria September 6
Hilarion the Great October 21
James Zelotes November 1
Jonah the Sabbaite September 21
Joseph of Persia November 3
Julian of Ancyra September 13
Marcian of Constantinople II January 9
Philotheus Thaumaturgus September 15
Pionius of Smyrna March 11
Sisinius of Cyzicus November 23
Sisinius of Cyzicus November 11
Vestment, Priest, Old Testament
Zacharias September 5
Weapon, Axe
Cassina of Ancyra November 7
Elesbaan of Ethiopia October 24
Melasippus of Ancyra November 7
Weapon, Bow
Theodore Stratelates February 8
Joshua September 1