Synax.CP, June 15, par. 1 (cols. 749-50).
BHG 71-71e; BiblSS I 1020-8; Holweck 63; LCI I 116-7, V 125; ODCC 45-6.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 43v. Prophet. Prophecy of martyrdoms? Amos, holding scroll, confronts an executioner with raised sword. (Hutter, II, p. 26, fig. 81).
Cozia. Narthex, west wall. Prophet, holding scroll. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 359, fig. 62, pl. 254).
Dečani. Narthex, north aisle, north wall, west bay. Amos?58 Prophet. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 259, fig. T IX 2b).
Gračanica. Narthex, northwest tower, west wall. Prophet. Half-figure. Greek inscription. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 301, fig. 28; Todić, Gračanica, p. 106; Živković, Gračanica, fig. II northwest dome 6).
Staro Nagoričino. Narthex, center aisle, east wall, soffit. June 14. Prophet, holding scroll. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 280, fig. 15, pls. 90, 94; Todić, Staro Nagoričino, p. 82).
58 Identification proposed by Babić et al., Dečani, no. 259.
Martyred in Cilicia under Diocletian.
Synax.CP, June 15, par. 2 (cols. 750-2).
BHG 567-567f; BiblSS IV 855-6; DHGE XIV 1012; Holweck 297.
Cozia. Narthex, west wall. Torture, iron claws. Dulas, wearing a loin cloth, is bound to a post, while a torturer flays him with iron claws. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 359, fig. 62, pl. 254).
Dečani. Narthex, north aisle, north wall, west bay. Dulas?59 Martyr. Inscription destroyed. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 259, fig. T IX 2b).
59 Babić et al., Dečani, no. 259, propose St. Vitus (Synax. selecta, cols. 751-2) for this figure.
Martyr. Named in I Corinthians 16:17. One of the Seventy Apostles.
Synax.CP, June 15, par. 4 (col. 752); June 9, Synax. selecta (cols. 739-40).
Holweck 394; LCI VI 258.
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 312v. June 9. Apostle, holding scroll.
SEE ALSO: Tychon of Amathus, June 16