The Lois Drewer Calendar of Saints
in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes
List of Feasts
630 Fathers of Council of Chalcedon
July 16
Abdas of Persia
March 31
September 5
Abercius of Hieropolis
October 22
Abibus of Alexandria
September 6
Abibus of Edessa
December 2
November 15
Aborsam of Persia
November 13
Sunday after December 16
Sunday before Nativity of Christ
Abraham of Chiduna
October 29
Abraham the Persian
February 5
Acacius Climacus
March 30
November 27
Acacius of Constantinople
May 7
October 11
Acacius of Melitene
March 27
September 15
Acepsimas of Persia
November 3
Achillius of Larissa
May 15
Acindynus of Persia
November 2
Acutius of Puteoli
September 19
Adauctus of Ephesus
October 4
Adoration of the Cross
September 10
September 11
September 12
September 13
Adrian of Caesarea
February 3
Adrian of Nicomedia
August 26
Aedsius Caesarea
April 2
Aemilianus of Cyzicus
August 8
Aemilianus of Durostorum
July 18
Aemilianus the Confessor
August 8
Agabus of Antioch
April 8
Agape of Rome
September 17
Agape of Thessalonica
April 16
December 22
Agapitus I of Rome
April 18
Agapitus of Synnada
February 18
Agapius of Caesarea
March 15
Agapius of Gaza
August 19
Agapius of Rome
September 20
Agapius of Sebaste
November 2
Agapius of Sicily
January 4
Agatha of Catania
February 5
Agathangelus of Ancyra
January 23
Agathapodus of Thessalonica
April 4
Agatho of Rome
February 21
Agathoclia, Martyr
September 17
Agathodorus of Pergamon
October 13
Agathonica of Pergamon
October 13
Agathonicus, Zoticus and companions of Thrace and Bithynia
August 22
Agnes of Rome
July 5
Agrippina of Rome
June 23
January 9
Aithala of Persia
November 3
Aithalas of Arbela
December 11
Alexander I of Rome
March 16
Alexander of Calytus
September 28
Alexander of Constantinople
August 30
Alexander of Crodamnus
June 9
Alexander of Drizipara
February 25
May 13
Alexander of Egypt
July 9
Alexander of Jerusalem
May 16
Alexander of Pydna
March 13
Alexander of Thessalonica
November 9
Alexander, Martyr
October 22
Alexius, Man of God
March 17
Alphaeus of Calytus
September 28
Alphaeus of Lentini
May 10
Alypius Stylites
November 26
Ambrose of Milan
December 7
Ammianus of Candaula
September 4
Ammon of Heraclea
September 1
Ammon of Nitria
October 4
Amos, Prophet
June 15
Amphilochius of Iconium
November 23
October 19
Ampliatus of Macedonia
October 30
Ananias of Damascus
October 1
Ananias of Persia
December 1
Ananias of Phoenicia
January 27
Anastasia the Elder
October 12
October 29
Anastasia the Younger
December 22
Anastasius of Persia
January 22
Anastasius of Salona
October 25
Anastasius the Sinaite
April 21
Anatolius of Constantinople
November 20
July 3
Andrew of Africa
September 23
Andrew of Cilicia
July 13
August 19
Andrew of Crete
June 4
July 4
Andrew of Crisis
November 28
October 19
Andrew of Jerusalem
June 4
Andrew Stratelates
July 13
August 19
Andrew the Apostle
November 30
Andrew, Martyr
July 12
Andronicus of Anazarbus
October 12
Andronicus of Egypt
March 2
Andronicus of Rome
May 17
July 30
Anempodistus of Persia
November 2
Anicetus of Nicomedia
August 12
September 9
Anna of Beth-Seleucia
November 20
Anna of Jerusalem
October 28
Anna the Prophetess
February 3
Anna, Martyr
October 22
Anna. Death
July 25
Anthia of Illyricum
December 15
Anthimus of Nicomedia
September 3
Anthimus, Priest
June 7
Anthony II of Constantinople
February 12
Anthony of Ancyra
November 7
Anthony the Great
January 17
Anthusa of Constantinople
July 27
Anthusa of Tarsus
August 22
Anthusa the Elder
July 27
Antiochus of Sebaste
July 16
Antipas of Pergamon
April 11
Antonina of Crodamnus
June 9
Antoninus of Alexandria
August 9
Antoninus of Apamea
November 9
Antoninus of Caesarea
November 13
Antoninus of Nicomedia
April 20
Anysia of Thessalonica
December 30
Apollinaria of Egypt
January 5
Apollo of Caesarea
December 8
Apollonius of Antinoe
December 14
Apollonius of Sardis
July 10
Apphianus of Caesarea
April 2
Appia of Colossae
February 20
Apseus of Arbela
December 11
Apthonius of Persia
November 2
Aquila of Corinth
February 13
July 14
Aquila of Trebizond
January 20
Aquilina of Byblos
June 13
Aquilina the Elder
June 13
Arcadius of Jerusalem
January 26
Arcadius of Trimithus
March 7
Archangels, Synaxis
January 11
November 8
Archippus of Colossae
February 20
November 23
Ares of Ascalon
December 19
Arethas of Nagran
October 24
Ariadne of Phrygia
September 18
Ariadne, Empress
August 22
Arianus of Antinoe
December 14
Arion of Cyprus
February 7
Aristarchus of Thessalonica
April 14
Aristion of Alexandria
September 3
Aristobulus of Rome
March 15
October 30
Aristocleus of Salamis
June 23
Arsacius of Constantinople
October 11
Arsenius the Great
May 8
Artemidorus, Martyr
October 26
Artemius of Egypt
October 20
Artemon of Laodicea
April 12
Artemon of Seleucia
March 24
Artemon, Monk
November 11
Asclepiodota of Thrace
September 15
Asteius of Dyrrachium
July 5
Asterius of Aegeae
October 30
Astius of Dyrrachium
July 5
Asyncritus of Byzantium
June 20
Athanasia of Egypt
January 31
March 2
Athanasius of Alexandria
January 18
May 2
Athanasius of Cilicia
January 4
Athanasius of Tarsus
August 22
Athanasius the Confessor
February 22
Athanasius, Martyr
January 12
Athanasius, Monk
January 14
Athenodorus of Mesopotamia
December 7
Athenodorus the Saint
December 18
Athenogenes of Armenia
July 17
Atticus of Constantinople
October 11
Atticus of Sebaste
November 2
Attius of Side
August 1
Auctus of Amphipolis
November 7
Autonomus of Bithynia
September 12
Auxentius of Bithynia
February 14
Auxentius of Sebaste
December 13
Auxibius of Soli
February 17
Azas of Isauria
November 19
Babaea of Edessa
January 29
October 15
September 5
Babylas of Antioch
September 4
Babylas of Sicily
January 24
Bacchus of Syria
October 7
Bacchus the Younger
December 15
Bachtisius of Persia
May 15
Barachisius of Persia
March 29
Barbara of Nicomedia
December 4
Barlaam of Antioch
November 16
Barnabas the Apostle
June 11
Barsimeus of Edessa
January 30
Bartholomew the Apostle
June 11
August 24
Barulas of Antioch
November 18
September 10
Basil of Amasea
April 26
Basil of Ancyra
March 22
Basil of Caesarea
January 2
Basil of Constantinople
November 28
Basil of Decapolis
February 28
Basil of Parium
April 12
Basil the Great
January 1
Basilides of Nicomedia
January 20
Basiliscus of Pontus
March 3
May 22
Basilissa of Antinoe
January 8
Basilissa of Galatia
March 22
Basilissa of Nicomedia
September 3
Bassa of Larissa and her sons
August 21
Bassianus of Constantinople
October 10
Bassus of Nicomedia
Bata of Nisibis
January 20
May 1
Benedict of Nursia
March 14
Benjamin of Persia
March 31
September 5
Bessarion of Egypt
June 6
Bessarion the Great
June 6
Bishops Ten of Cherson
March 7
Blasius of Sebaste
February 11
Boethazatus of Persia
November 20
Boniface of Tarsus
December 19
Bucolus of Smyrna
February 6
Caesar, Bishop
December 8
Caius of Alexandria
October 3
Caius of Corinth
November 4
Caius of Nicomedia
October 21
Callinica of Galatia
March 22
Callinicus I of Constantinople
August 23
Callinicus of Gangra
July 29
Callinicus of Nicomedia
December 14
Callinicus of Pompeiopolis
April 7
Callista of Syracuse
September 1
Callistratus of Byzantium
September 27
Candidus of Trebizond
January 20
Capitolina of Cappadocia
October 27
Capiton of Cherson
December 22
Carpus of Berea
May 26
Carpus of Thyatira
October 13
Casdoa of Persia
September 29
Cassianus the Theologian
February 28
Cassina of Ancyra
November 7
Catherine of Alexandria
November 24
Cecilia of Rome
November 22
Celsus of Milan
October 14
Cephas, Bishop
December 8
Chaeremon of Alexandria
October 3
Chains of Peter the Apostle
January 16
Charalampius of Magnesia
February 10
Charesimus of Tarsus
August 22
Charitina of Korykos
January 15
October 5
Chariton of Ancyra
January 23
Chariton of Palestine
September 28
Chariton of Rome
June 1
Chionia of Thessalonica
April 16
December 22
Christ, Baptism
January 6
Christ, Circumcision
January 1
Christ, Flight into Egypt
December 26
Christ, Nativity
December 25
Christ, Presentation
February 2
Christ, Transfiguration
August 6
Christina of Tyre
July 24
Christopher of Ancyra
January 23
Christopher of Nicomedia
April 20
Chrysa of Ostia
January 30
Chrysanthus of Rome
March 19
October 17
Chrysogonus of Aquileia
December 22
Cindeus of Side
July 11
Cirycus of Tarsus
July 15
Claudianus of Corinth
January 31
Claudianus of Perge
February 4
Claudius of Aegeae
October 30
Claudius of Byzantium
June 3
Claudius, Monk
February 4
Clement I of Rome
November 25
Clement of Ancyra
January 23
Clement the Hymnographer
May 27
Cleonicus of Pontus
March 3
Cleophas of Emmaus
October 29
Conon the Gardner
March 5
Conon the Isaurian
March 6
Constantine the Great
May 21
Copres of Egypt
July 9
Cornelius the Centurion
October 20
September 13
Cornutus of Iconium
September 12
Cosmas of Arabia
October 17
Cosmas of Chalcedon
April 18
Cosmas of Cilicia
November 1
Cosmas of Maiuma
November 29
Cosmas of Rome
July 1
Council of Constantinople, III. 680-681
September 18
Council of Nicaea II, 787
October 11
Crescens of Galatia
July 30
Crescens of Myra
April 15
Crescens of Rome
May 28
Cyprian of Corinth
March 10
Cyprian of Nicomedia
October 2
Cyprilla of Cyrene
July 4
Cyra of Berea
February 28
Cyrenia of Tarsus
November 1
Cyriaca of Samaria
February 26
March 20
Cyriacus of Attalia
May 2
Cyriacus of Constantinople
October 30
Cyriacus of Jerusalem
October 28
Cyriacus of Palestine
September 29
Cyriaka of Nicomedia
June 6
July 7
Cyricus of Tarsus
July 15
Cyril of Alexandria
January 18
June 9
Cyril of Gortyna
September 5
June 14
July 9
Cyril of Jerusalem
March 11
March 18
Cyril of Nicomedia
March 4
Cyril the Deacon
March 28
Cyrinus of Lentini
May 10
Cyrus of Egypt
January 31
Cyrus of Egypt, Translation of Relics
June 28
Dadas of Durostorum
April 28
Dadas of Persia
September 29
Dalmatus of Constantinople
August 3
Damian of Arabia
October 17
Damian of Cilicia
November 1
Damian of Rome
July 1
Danax of Illyria
January 16
December 17
Daniel of Thasos
September 7
Daniel Stylites
December 11
Daria of Rome
October 17
Daris of Rome
March 19
Dasius of Durostorum
November 20
Dasius of Nicomedia
October 21
Dauctus of Magnesia
February 10
David of Thessalonica
June 26
Demetrianus of Salamis
June 23
Demetrius of Dabude
November 15
Demetrius of Thessalonica
October 26
Didymus of Laodicea
September 11
Diodorus of Corinth
January 31
Diodorus of Laodicea
September 11
Diodorus of Perge
February 4
Diomedes of Nicaea
August 16
Diomedes of Tarsus
August 16
Diomedes, Martyr
June 9
Dionysius of Alexandria
October 3
Dionysius of Byzantium
June 3
Dionysius the Areopagite
October 3
Dios of Constantinople
July 19
Dioscorides of Rome
May 28
Dioscorides of Smyrna
May 11
Dius of Constantinople
July 19
Doman of Nicomedia
December 30
Dometius of Nisibis
August 7
Dometius of Phrygia
March 24
Dometius the Physician
October 4
Domina of Anazarbus
October 12
Domina of Syria
March 1
Dominus of Rome
March 21
Dominus of Thessalonica
October 1
Domitian of Melitene
January 10
Domnica of Constantinople
January 8
Domnica of Tropea
June 6
July 7
Domninus of Emesa
November 5
Dorotheus of Nicomedia
December 30
Dorotheus of Tyre
October 9
June 6
Dorymedon os Synnada
September 19
Dulas of Cilicia
June 15
Earthquake, Constantinople, 450
January 26
Earthquake, Constantinople, 740
October 26
Earthquake, Contantinople, 447
September 25
Eleazar, Scribe
August 1
Elesbaan of Ethiopia
October 24
Eleusippus of Cappadocia
January 16
Eleutherius Cubicularius
August 4
Eleutherius of Constantinople
August 4
Eleutherius of Illyricum
December 15
Elias of Ascalon
December 19
Elias of Palestine
September 19
Elias, Prophet
July 20
Elijah, Prophet
July 20
Eliseus, Prophet
June 14
Elisha. Prophet
June 14
Elizabeth Thaumaturga
April 24
Elpidephorus of Persia
November 2
Elpis of Rome
September 17
Epaenetus of Carthage
July 30
Epaphroditus of Philippi
December 8
Ephraim the Syrian
January 28
Epicharis of Constantinople
September 27
Epimachus of Alexandria
October 31
Epiphanius of Salamis
May 12
July 14
Episteme of Phoenicia
November 5
Erasmus of Formiae
June 2
Erasmus of Gaeta
June 2
Erastus of Corinth
November 10
Erotheides of Cappadocia
October 27
Eubiotus of Nicomedia
December 18
Eubulus of Caesarea
February 3
Eucarpius of Nicomedia
March 18
Eudocia of Heliopolis
March 1
Eudocia of Persia
August 4
Eudocia the Younger
August 4
Eudocimus the Just
July 31
Eudoxia of Egypt
January 31
Eudoxius of Melitene
September 6
Eudoxius of Sebaste
November 2
Eugenia of Alexandria
December 24
Eugenius of Antioch
October 20
Eugenius of Arabia
December 20
Eugenius of Sebaste
December 13
Eugenius of Trebizond
January 20
Eugraphus of Alexandria
December 10
Eulampia of Nicomedia
October 10
Eulampius of Nicomedia
October 10
Eulogius of Alexandria
February 13
Eumenius of Gortyna
September 18
Eunathas of Caesarea
November 13
Euphemia of Chalcedon
September 16
July 11
Euphrasia of Nicaea
May 18
Euphrasia of Nicomedia
January 19
Euphrosyna of Alexandria
February 15
September 25
Euplus of Catania
August 11
Eupsychius of Caesarea
April 9
September 7
Euschemon of Lampsacus
March 14
Eusebia of Mylasa
January 18
January 24
Eusebius I of Nicomedia
January 20
Eusebius II of Nicomedia
April 24
Eusebius of Alexandria
October 3
Eusebius of Phoenicia
September 23
Eusebius of Samosata
June 22
Eusignius of Antioch
August 5
Eustathius of Ancyra
July 28
Eustathius of Antioch
February 21
June 5
Eustathius of Bithynia
March 29
Eustathius of Rome
September 20
Eustolia of Constantinople
November 9
Eustratius of Sebaste
December 13
Euthymius of Madytus
May 5
Euthymius of Sardis
December 26
Euthymius the Great
January 20
Eutropia of Alexandria
October 30
Eutropius of Pontus
March 3
Eutyches of Puteoli
September 19
Eutyches of Sebaste
May 30
August 24
Eutychius of Constantinople
April 6
Eutychius of Melitene
May 28
Eutychius of Nicomedia
January 20
Evagrius of Anazarbus
January 18
Evilasius of Cyzicus
February 6
Evodius of Syracuse
September 1
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
September 14
Ezekiel, Prophet
July 21
Fausta of Cyzicus
February 6
Faustus of Alexandria
October 3
Faustus of Constantinople
August 3
Faustus, Bishop
February 6
Faustus, Priest, of Alexandria
September 6
Febronia of Persia
June 25
Felicitas of Carthage
February 2
Felix of Thibiuca
August 30
Flavian of Constantinople
February 17
Florentius of Thessalonica
October 13
Florus of Amisus
December 18
Florus of Illyricum
August 18
Fortunatus, Apostle
June 15
Forty-Five Martyrs of Nicopolis
July 10
Gabriel the Archangel
March 26
Gaiana of Armenia
September 30
Galaction of Phoenicia
November 5
Gemellus of Ancyra
December 10
Geminianus of Rome
September 17
Gennadius I of Constantinople
November 20
George I of Constantinople
August 19
George Limniota
August 24
George of Lydda
April 23
November 26
George of Mitylene
April 1
George the Confessor
April 20
Gerasimus of Jordan
March 20
March 4
Germanus I of Constantinople
May 12
Germanus of Caesarea
November 13
Gervasius of Milan
October 14
Glyceria of Heraclea
May 13
Glyceria, Martyr
October 22
Glycerias of Nicomedia
December 30
Gobdelas of Persia
September 29
Golinduch of Persia
July 12
Gordianus of Tomi
September 13
Gordius of Caesarea
January 3
Gorgonius of Nicomedia
December 30
Greagory of Acritas
January 5
Gregory I the Great
March 12
Gregory of Agrigentum
November 24
Gregory of Decapolis
November 20
Gregory of Nazianzus
January 19
January 25
Gregory of Nyssa
January 10
Gregory Thaumaturgus
November 17
Gregory the Illuminator
September 30
Gurias of Edessa
November 15
December 2
December 16
Hebrews Three
December 17
Helena, Empress
May 21
Heliconis of Thessalonica
May 28
Helladius of Libya
January 8
Helladius of the Orient
May 27
Heraclius of Athens
May 15
Heraclius of Cilicia
July 13
Heraclius, Martyr
October 22
Herais of Alexandria
September 23
Hermaius of Myra
November 4
Hermas of Philippopolis
March 8
November 4
Hermas of Rome
August 18
Hermes of Rome
August 18
Hermias of Comana
May 31
Hermione of Ephesus
September 4
Hermippus of Nicomedia
July 26
August 23
Hermocrates of Nicomedia
July 26
August 23
Hermogenes of Alexandria
December 10
Hermogenes of Syracuse
September 1
Hermolaus of Nicomedia
July 26
August 23
Hermylus of Singidon
January 13
Herodion of Patras
April 8
November 10
Hesperus of Attalia
May 2
Hesychius of Melitene
November 7
Hesychius Palatine
May 10
Hieron of Melitene
November 7
Hierotheus of Athens
October 4
Hilarion of Constantinople
June 5
Hilarion of Pelecetes
March 27
Hilarion the Dalmatian
June 5
Hilarion the Great
October 21
Hilarion the Younger
June 5
Hilarius of Ancyra
July 12
Hippolytus of Rome
January 30
October 17
Hyacinth Cubicularius
July 3
Hyacinth of Amastris
July 18
Hyacinth of Caesarea in Cappadocia
July 3
Hypatius of Byzantium
June 3
Hypatius of Gangra
March 31
March 5
November 14
Hypatius of Rufinianai
June 17
Hypatius of Tripoli
June 18
Ia of Persia
September 11
Ignatius of Antioch
December 20
January 29
Ignatius Steironites
July 26
Ignatius the Younger
October 23
Illumination of the Cross
May 7
Indes of Nicomedia
December 3
December 30
Indiction, beginning
September 1
Innas of Scythia
January 20
Innocents, Massacre
December 29
Irenaeus of Sirmium
March 26
August 23
Irenarchus of Sebaste
November 28
Irene of Constantinople
May 4
Irene of Thessalonica
April 16
December 22
Sunday after December 16
Sunday before Nativity of Christ
Isaac of Beth-Seleucia
November 20
Isaac of Constantinople
May 30
August 3
Isaac of Cyprus
September 21
Isaac of Persia
May 15
May 9
Isaurus of Apollonia
July 7
Isidora of Lentini
October 17
Isidore of Chios
May 14
Isidore of Pelusium
February 4
Ismael of Persia
June 17
Sunday after December 16
Sunday before Nativity of Christ
James Major the Apostle
April 30
November 15
James Minor the Apostle
October 9
James of Nisibis
January 13
James the Confessor
March 24
James the Penitent
October 10
James the Persian
November 27
James Zelotes
November 1
James, Brother of the Lord
October 23
Januarius of Beneventum
April 20
September 19
Jason of Tarsus
April 28
May 1
September 9
Joannicius of Bithynia
November 4
May 6
October 19
John Chozibita
October 28
John Chrysostom
January 27
November 13
September 14
John Climacus
March 30
John III of Constantinople
August 30
John of Arbel
November 1
John of Beth-Seleucia
November 20
John of Chalcedon
July 19
John of Damascus
December 4
November 29
John of Egypt
January 31
John of Egypt, Translation of Relics
June 28
John of Jerusalem
January 26
John of Polybotus
February 13
John Palaeolaurita
April 19
John Psichaita
May 24
John the Almsgiver
November 12
John the Baptist
February 24
January 7
May 25
September 23
John the Baptist, Beheading
August 29
John the Baptist. Birth
June 24
John the Calabite
January 15
John the Confessor
September 20
John the Evangelist
May 8
September 26
John the Faster
September 2
John the Hesychast
December 7
January 10
John, Disciple of Stephen the Younger
November 28
September 21
Jonah the Sabbaite
September 21
Jonas of Persia
March 29
Jonilla of Cappadocia
January 16
Joseph I of Constantinople
October 29
Joseph of Persia
November 3
Joseph of Persia II
November 20
Joseph of Thessalonica
July 15
Joseph Studites
July 15
Joseph the Anchorite
June 20
Joseph the Carpenter
December 26
Joseph the Hymnographer
April 3
Joseph, Son of Photina of Samaria
February 26
September 1
Judas Thaddeus the Apostle
June 19
August 21
Jude the Apostle
June 19
August 21
Julian of Anazarbus
June 21
Julian of Ancyra
September 13
Julian of Antinoe
January 8
Julian of Caesarea
February 16
Julian of Candaula
September 4
Julian of Emesa
February 6
Julian the Cilician
June 21
Juliana of Nicomedia
December 21
Juliana of Ptolemais
March 4
August 17
Juliana of Tarsus
November 1
Julitta of Caesarea
July 31
Julitta of Tarsus
July 15
Junias of Rome
May 17
Justin Martyr
June 1
Justin the Apologist
June 1
Justin the Philosopher
June 1
Justina of Nicomedia
October 2
Justinian I, Emperor
November 14
Justus of Eleutheropolis
October 20
Justus of Rome
July 14
Juvenal of Jerusalem
July 2
Juventinus of Antioch
October 9
Kindaios of Side
July 11
Kyriaki of Nicomedia
June 6
July 7
Lampadus of Irenopolis
July 5
Lampadus of Mount Athos
July 4
Laurus of Illyricum
August 18
Lawrence of Rome
August 10
Leo I of Rome
February 18
Leo of Catania
February 21
Leontius of Side
August 1
Leontius of Tripoli
June 18
Leontius the Shepherd
June 18
Leucius of Nicomedia
December 14
Linus of Volterra
November 4
Longinus the Centurion
October 16
Lucian of Antioch
October 15
Lucian of Tomi
September 13
Lucillianus of Byzantium
June 3
Lucy of Rome
September 17
Lucy of Syracuse
December 13
Luke of Emesa
February 6
Luke of Stiris
February 7
Luke Stylites
December 11
Luke the Evangelist
October 18
Luppus of Thessalonica
August 23
Lupus of Thessalonica
October 26
August 23
Lycarion, Martyr
February 9
Lydia of Illyria
March 29
Macarius of Anazarbus
January 18
Macarius of Antioch
October 20
Macarius of Arabia
December 20
Macarius of Melitene
September 6
Macarius of Rome
January 19
Macarius the Great
January 19
Maccabees Seven
August 1
Macedon of Illyria
March 29
Macedonius of Syria
February 11
Macrina the Younger
July 19
Macrobius of Tomi
September 13
Magi, Adoration
December 25
Major of Gaza
February 15
January 3
October 16
Mamas of Caesarea
September 2
Mamelta of Persia
October 5
Manuel of Persia
June 17
Manuel, Martyr
March 26
Marana of Berea
February 28
Marcellus of Apamaea
February 25
Marcellus the Akoimete
December 29
Marcian of Constantinople
October 25
Marcian of Constantinople II
January 9
Marcian of Syracuse
February 9
October 31
Marciana, Empress
January 27
Marcianus of Durostorum
June 8
Marcianus of Iconium
July 11
Marcianus, Martyr
June 26
Mardarius of Sebaste
December 13
Mardonius of Nicomedia
December 30
Margaret of Antioch in Pisidia
July 17
Mariamna of Palestine
February 17
Marina of Antioch in Pisidia
July 17
Marina the Disguised
February 12
Marinus of Anazarbus
October 18
Marinus of Rome
December 16
Mark of Antioch in Pisidia
November 22
Mark of Arethusa
March 28
Mark of Asia
October 24
Mark of Calytus
May 22
September 28
Mark of Egypt
March 5
Mark the Evangelist
April 25
Mark, Martyr
June 26
July 3
Mark, Nephew of Barnabas
October 20
Martha, Martyr
February 9
Martha, Mother of Simeon Stylites the Elder
September 1
Martha, Mother of Simeon Stylites the Younger
July 5
Martin I of Rome
April 13
September 16
Martin of Tours
November 12
Martinianus of Palestine
February 13
Martinianus, Martyr
November 11
Martyrius of Constantinople
October 25
Martyrs Five Virgins of Persia
September 26
Martyrs Forty of Sebaste
March 9
Martyrs Forty Virgins of Heraclea
September 1
Martyrs Forty-Two of Amorium
March 6
Martyrs Nine of Cyzicus
April 29
Martyrs of Bulgaria
January 22
Martyrs of Nicomedia
December 30
February 7
Martyrs of the Eugenios Gate
February 22
Martyrs Ten of Crete
December 23
Martyrs Thirty-Three of Melitene
November 7
Martyrs Twenty Thousand of Nicomedia
December 28
Martyrs Twenty-Six of Gathia
March 26
Maruthas of Martyropolis
February 16
Mary Magdalen, Follower of Christ
July 22
Mary of Egypt
April 1
Mary of Jerusalem
January 26
Mary of Persia
July 12
Mary the Penitent
October 29
Mary, Martyr
February 9
Matrona of Constantinople
November 9
Matrona of Thessalonica
March 27
Matthew the Evangelist
November 16
August 9
Maura of Antinoe
May 3
Maximianus II of Constantinople
November 20
Maximus of Antioch
October 9
Maximus of Cyzicus
February 6
Maximus of Durostorum
April 28
Maximus of Thrace
February 19
September 15
Maximus the Confessor
January 21
August 13
Meadius Thaumaturgus
May 16
Melania the Younger
December 31
Melasippus of Ancyra
November 7
Meletius of Antioch
February 12
Meletius of Cyprus
September 21
Meletius Stratelates
May 24
Meleusippus of Cappadocia
January 16
Melitina of Marcianopolis
September 16
Memnon of Thrace
August 24
Memnon Thaumaturgus
April 29
Menander, Martyr
March 31
Menas of Alexandria
December 10
Menas of Egypt
November 11
Menignus of Parium
March 15
Menodora of Bithynia
September 10
Mercurius of Caesarea
November 26
Mertius of Africa
January 12
Methodius I of Constantinople
June 14
Methodius of Olympus
June 20
Methodius of Patara
June 20
Methodius the Confessor
June 14
Methodius the Great
June 14
Metrodora of Bithynia
September 10
Metrophanes of Byzantium
June 4
April 22
January 5
Micah, Prophet
August 14
Michael of Sebastopol
October 1
Michael of Synnada
May 23
Michael the Archangel
September 6
July 26
Migdonius of Nicodmedia
December 30
Miles of Persia
November 13
Mnason of Cyprus
October 19
Mocius of Byzantium
May 11
Mocius of Emesa
February 6
Modestus of Jerusalem
October 19
Monks of Mount Sinai
January 14
Monks of Raitha
January 14
Monks of St. Sabas
March 19
September 4
Moses of Scete
August 28
Moses the Ethiopian
August 28
Mucianus, Martyr
July 3
Myron of Cyzicus
August 17
December 1
Natalia of Nicomedia
August 26
Nathanael of Cana
August 24
Nazarius of Milan
October 14
Neon of Aegeae
October 30
Neonilla of Cappadocia
January 16
Neonilla of Carthage
April 10
October 28
Neophyta of Lentini
October 17
Neophytus of Nicaea
January 21
Neophytus of Tarsus
August 22
Nerses of Persia
November 20
Nestor of Perge
February 28
Nestor of Thessalonica
October 27
Nestor, Martyr
March 1
Nextarius of Constantinople
October 11
Nicander of Durostorum
June 8
Nicander of Melitene
November 7
Nicander of Myra
November 4
Nicephorus I of Constantinople
March 13
June 2
Nicephorus of Antioch
February 9
Nicephorus of Caesarea
November 13
Nicephorus of Corinth
January 31
Nicetas of the Medikion
April 3
Nicetas the Goth
September 15
Nicetas the Patrician
October 6
Nicholas II of Constantinople
December 16
Nicholas of Myra
December 6
Nicodemus of Jerusalem
October 8
Nicon of Taormina
March 23
Nilus of Mount Sinai
November 12
Nilus of Palestine
September 19
Nine Martyrs of Side
July 11
August 1
Nymphodora of Bithynia
September 10
November 19
Oceanus of Candaula
September 4
Olympas of Rome
November 10
Onesimus of Ephesus
February 15
Onesiphorus of Ephesus
December 8
November 9
July 16
Onuphrius the Great
June 12
Orestes of Sebaste
December 13
Orestes of Tyana
November 10
Orestes, Martyr
June 9
Pachomius of Egypt
May 15
May 7
January 28
Pamphilus of Caesarea
February 16
Pancratius of Taormina
February 9
July 9
Pansophius of Alexandria
January 15
Pantaleon of Nicomedia
July 27
Panteleimon of Nicomedia
July 27
Papas of Lycaonia
March 16
September 14
Paphnutius of Alexandria
February 15
September 25
Paphynutius of Dendera
September 25
Papias of Diospolis
January 31
Papias of Perge
February 4
Paramon of Bithynia
November 27
Parthenius of Lampsacus
February 7
Patapius of Thebes
December 8
Patermuthius of Egypt
July 9
Patermuthius of Palestine
September 19
Patrick of Bithynia
May 19
Patrobas of Puteoli
November 4
Paul IV of Constantinople
August 30
Paul of Byzantium
June 3
Paul of Caiuma
June 8
Paul of Cleopatris
January 24
Paul of Corinth
March 27
Paul of Damascus
September 25
Paul of Gaza
July 15
Paul of Prusa
March 7
Paul of Ptolemais
March 4
August 17
Paul of Rome
May 28
Paul of Thebes
January 15
January 5
Paul the Apostle
June 29
Paul the Confessor
November 6
Paul the Simple
March 18
October 5
Paul the Younger
September 2
Paula of Byzantium
June 3
Paulinus of Athens
May 15
Pausicacus of Synnada
May 13
Pausirion of Cleopatris
January 24
Paylus of Pergamon
October 13
Pegasius of Persia
November 2
Pelagia of Tarsus
May 5
October 8
Pelagia the Penitent
October 8
Pelagia the Virgin
October 8
Peleus of Palestine
September 19
Perpetua of Carthage
February 2
March 4
Peter Abselamus
January 11
Peter I of Alexandria
November 25
Peter of Africa
September 23
Peter of Atroa
January 2
Peter of Capitolias
October 4
Peter of Constantinople
November 28
Peter of Nicodemia
December 30
Peter of Phoenicia
January 27
Peter the Apostle
June 29
Peter the Patrician
July 1
Petronilla of Rome
October 8
Philadelphus of Lentini
May 10
Philadelphus, Martyr
February 8
Philagrius of Cyprus
February 9
Philaretus Eleemosynary
December 1
Philemon of Antinoe
December 14
Philemon of Colossae
February 20
November 23
Philemon of Gaza
February 14
Philemon of Rome
March 21
Philetairus of Nicomedia
December 18
May 19
Philetus of Illyria
March 29
Philip the Apostle
November 14
Philip the Deacon
October 11
Philip the Prefect
December 24
Philippa of Perge
September 21
Philogonius of Antioch
December 20
Philologus of Sinope
November 4
Philomenus of Ancyra
November 29
Philonilla of Tarsus
October 11
Philotheus Thaumaturgus
September 15
Phocas of Sinope
September 22
July 6
Photina of Samaria
February 26
March 20
Photinus of Nicomedia
August 12
Photius II of Nicomedia
August 12
Photius of Nicomedia
March 4
Phourtounatus, Apostle
June 15
Pinnas of Scythia
January 20
Pionius of Smyrna
March 11
Pistis of Rome
September 17
Plato of Ancyra
November 18
Poemen of Egypt
August 27
Poemen of Scete
August 27
Poimon of Scete
August 27
Polyaenus of Rome
August 18
Polycarp of Smyrna
February 23
Polyeuctus of Caesarea
December 19
Polyeuctus of Melitene
January 9
Polyeuctus the Younger
February 5
Polyxena of Spain
September 23
Porphyrius of Caesarea
February 16
Porphyrius of Ephesus
November 9
July 16
Porphyrius of Gaza
February 26
Porphyrius of Magnesia
February 10
Porphyrius the Mime
November 4
September 15
Priscilla of Corinth
February 13
Priscus, Martyr
September 22
Probus of Anazarbus
October 12
Probus, Martyr
July 12
Proclus of Ancyra
July 12
Proclus of Constantinople
November 20
October 24
Proclus of Puteoli
September 19
Procopius of Caesarea
July 8
Procopius of Decapolis
February 27
Promos of Ascalon
December 19
December 31
Protasius of Milan
October 14
Publia of Antioch
October 9
Publius of Nicomedia
April 28
Pudens of Rome
April 14
Quadratus of Athens
September 22
Quadratus of Corinth
March 10
Quartus of Berytus
November 10
Quintilianus of Durostorum
April 28
Quiricus of Tarsus
July 15
Rain of Cinders, Constantinople, ca. 466
November 6
Reginus of Scopelus
February 25
Rhodon, Martyr
June 9
Rimmas of Scythia
January 20
Ripsime of Armenia
September 30
Romanus Melodus
October 1
Romanus of Antioch
November 18
Romanus the Cilician
February 9
Romulus of Melitene
September 6
Rufus of Cyzicus
April 8
June 26
Sabas of Jerusalem
December 5
Sabas Stratelates
April 24
Sabas the Goth
April 17
Sabbatius of Antioch in Pisidia
September 19
Sabel of Persia
June 17
Sabinianus of Damascus
September 25
Sabinus of Catania
October 15
Sabinus of Hermopolis
March 12
Sabinus of Rome
January 30
Sadoth of Seleucia
February 20
October 19
Salomona, Mother of the Seven Maccabees
August 1
Samonas of Edessa
November 15
Sampson the Xenodochos
June 27
Samuel, Priest, Prophet
August 20
Sapor of Beth-Seleucia
November 20
Sarbelius of Edessa
January 29
October 15
Saturus of Carthage
March 4
Sazanes of Persia
November 20
Sebastian of Rome
December 18
Sebastiana of Heraclea
September 16
Serapion of Alexandria
July 13
Serapion of Corinth
January 31
Serapion of Rome
August 18
Sergius of Syria
October 7
Sergius the Confessor
May 13
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
August 4
Severianus of Sebaste
September 9
Severus of Thrace
August 24
Silas of Corinth
November 26
July 30
Silvanus of Emesa
February 6
Silvanus of Gaza
May 4
Silvanus of Thessalonica
July 30
Silvester I of Rome
January 2
Simeon II of Persia
May 15
Simeon of Jerusalem
April 27
September 18
Simeon of Persia
April 17
Simeon Salus and John
July 21
Simeon Stylites the Elder
September 1
July 26
Simeon Stylites the Younger
May 24
Simeon Theodochus
February 3
Simon the Apostle
May 10
Sinais of Persia
November 13
Sinorus, Martyr
September 7
Sisinius of Cyzicus
November 23
Sisinnius I of Constantinople
October 11
Sisoes the Great
July 6
Sleepers Seven of Ephesus
October 22
September 1
Socrates, Priest
October 23
Sophia of Rome
September 17
December 3
Sophronius of Cyprus
December 8
Sophronius of Jerusalem
March 11
Sophronius, Bishop
February 19
Sosipater of Iconium
April 28
November 10
Sosthenes of Corinth
December 8
Soterichus of Asia
October 24
Sozon of Pompeiopolis
September 7
Speusippus of Cappadocia
January 16
Spiridon of Cyprus
December 12
Stachys of Byzantium
October 30
Stephanis of Syria
November 11
Stephen I of Rome
August 2
Stephen II of Constantinople
July 18
Stephen of Antioch in Pisidia
November 22
Stephen of Chenolacus
January 14
Stephen of Constantinople
May 18
Stephen Protomartyr
December 27
Stephen Protomartyr, Translation of Relics
August 2
Stephen the Founder
February 26
Stephen the Sabbaite, Hymnographer
October 28
July 13
Stephen the Younger
March 27
November 28
Stratonicus of Singidon
January 13
Susanna of Eleutheropolis
September 19
Synaxis of the Apostles
June 30
Syncletica of Alexandria
January 4
Synetus of Rome
December 12
Tarachus of Anazarbus
October 12
Tarasius of Constantinople
February 25
Tatiana of Rome
January 12
Tatianus of Claudiopolis
August 24
Tation of Claudiopolis
August 24
Tatta of Damascus
September 25
Taurion of Amphipolis
November 7
Terentius of Carthage
April 10
October 28
Terentius of Iconium
June 22
Tertius of Iconium
November 10
October 20
June 22
Thaddeus the Apostle
June 19
August 21
Thalalaeus of Aegeae
May 20
Thalalaeus of Syria
February 27
Thalus of Laodicea
March 16
Theagenes of Paros
January 3
Thecla of Gaza
August 19
Thekla of Beth-Seleucia
November 20
Thekla of Iconium
February 13
September 24
Themistocles of Lycia
December 21
Theoctista of Egypt
January 31
Theoctistus of Palestine
September 3
Theoctistus, Bishop
January 9
Theodora of Alexandria
September 11
Theodora of Thessalonica
April 5
August 3
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Justinian
November 14
Theodora, Empress, Wife of Theophilus
February 11
Theodore Graptus
December 28
Theodore I of Constantinople
December 27
Theodore of Alexandria
September 12
Theodore of Alexandria II
December 3
Theodore of Candaula
September 4
Theodore of Cyrene
July 4
Theodore of Perge
September 21
Theodore of Sykeon
April 22
Theodore Salus
February 25
Theodore Stratelates
February 8
June 8
Theodore Studites
November 11
Theodore the General
June 8
Theodore the Sanctified
May 15
Theodore Trichinas
April 20
Theodore Tyro
February 17
Theodoretus of Antioch
March 2
October 8
Theodosia of Constantinople
July 18
Theodosia of Egypt
January 31
Theodosia of Tyre
May 29
Theodosius of Cilicia
February 8
Theodosius the Coenobiarch
January 11
Theodosius, Martyr
March 26
Theodota of Nicaea
December 22
July 29
Theodota of Nicaea II
October 23
Theodota the Saint
November 4
Theodota, Martyr
January 1
October 22
Theodotion of Cleopatris
January 24
Theodotus of Ancyra
May 18
June 7
Theodotus of Cyrenia
January 19
March 2
Theodotus of Thrace
February 19
September 15
Theodula of Anazarbus
January 18
Theodulus of Attalia
May 2
Theodulus of Caesarea
February 16
Theodulus of Cyprus
December 3
Theodulus of Mount Sinai
January 14
November 12
Theodulus of Thessalonica
April 4
Theodulus of Tripoli
June 18
Theodulus Stylites
December 3
Theonas Ii of Nicomedia
April 20
Theonas of Nicomedia
January 4
Theonilla of Aegeae
October 30
Theopemptus of Nicomedia
January 4
February 7
Theopemptus, Martyr
January 1
Theophanes Graptus
December 28
October 11
Theophanes the Confessor
March 12
Theophano, Empress
December 16
Theophilus of Constantinople
October 2
Theophilus of Ephesus
September 25
Theophilus of Libya
January 8
Theophilus of Nicomedia
December 30
Theophilus the Younger
January 30
Theophilus, Martyr
July 23
Theophylactus of Nicomedia
March 8
Theopiste of Rome
September 20
Theopistus of Rome
September 20
Theoprepides of Illyria
March 29
Theosterictus of Simbola
February 17
Theotista of Lesbos
November 9
Therapon of Cyprus
May 26
Therapon, Martyr
June 26
Thessalonica of Amphipolis
November 7
Thomais of Alexandria
April 14
Thomas of Mount Maleon
July 7
Thomas the Apostle
October 6
Thuthael of Edessa
September 5
Thyrsus of Nicomedia
December 14
Tibertius of Rome
November 22
Timon of Jerusalem
December 30
July 28
Timothy of Antinoe
May 3
Timothy of Ephesus
January 22
Timothy of Gaza
February 19
August 19
Timothy of Mauretania
December 19
Timothy of Prusa
June 10
Timothy of Sicily
January 24
Timothy of Symbola
February 21
Timothy of Thrace
August 24
Tition of Claudiopolis
August 24
Titus of Gortyna
August 25
Titus Thaumaturgus
April 2
Translation of relic of mantle of the Virgin Mary
July 2
Translation of Relics
June 8
August 24
Translation of the Girdle of the Virgin
August 31
Translation of the Mandylion from Edessa to Constantinople
August 16
Tribimius, Martyr
March 1
Trophimus of Ephesus
April 14
Trophimus of Laodicea
March 16
Trophimus of Nicomedia
March 18
Trophimus of Synnada
September 19
Trophimus, Martyr
July 23
Tryphena of Cyzicus
January 31
Tryphon of Apamaea
February 1
Tryphon of Constantinople
April 20
Turbon of Cappadocia
January 16
Tychicus of Chalcedon
December 8
Tychon of Amathus
June 16
Urban of Macedonia
October 30
Urbanus of Nicomedia
September 6
Valens of Caesarea
February 16
Valentina of Asia
October 24
Valerian of Rome
November 22
Valerian of Tomi
September 13
Valerian of Trebizond
January 20
Varus of Egypt
October 19
Vendimianus of Bithynia
February 1
Venedimus of Athens
May 15
Victor of Corinth
January 31
Victor of Syria
November 11
Victor, Son of Photina of Samaria
February 26
Victorinus of Corinth
January 31
Vincent of Saragossa
January 22
November 11
Virgin Mary
November 4
September 21
Virgin Mary, Annunciation
March 25
Virgin Mary, Birth
September 8
Virgin Mary, Conception
December 9
Virgin Mary, Presentation
November 21
Virgin Mary. Koimesis
August 15
Xantippa of Spain
September 23
Xenophon of Jerusalem
January 26
February 11
September 5
Zebinas of Caesarea
November 13
February 8
Zenais of Tarsus
October 11
Zeno Antioch
February 10
January 30
Zeno of Cyprus
June 12
Zeno of Nicomedia
December 30
Zenobia of Aegeae
October 30
Zenobius of Aegeae
October 30
Zenon of Melitene
September 6
Zoe of Attalia
May 2
Zosimus of Apollonia
June 20
Zosimus of Calytus
September 28
Zosimus of Cilicia
January 4
Zosimus of Palestine
April 1
Zosimus of Syracuse
January 21
Zoticus of Nicomedia
October 21
Zoticus of Tomi
September 13
Zoticus the Guardian
December 31
January 3