Felix, bishop of Thibiuca, imprisoned at Carthage and martyred at Venosa in Apulia under Diocletian.
Synax.CP, Aug. 30, par. 1 (col. 933).
BiblSS V 585-7; DHGE XVI 884; Holweck 375.
Dečani. Narthex, center aisle, east wall, pilaster. Felix and companions. Martyrdom, burning. Half-figures. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 322, fig. T I 16b; Mijović, Menolog, p. 341, fig. 47; Petković, Dečani, p. 20, pl. 130.1).
Synax.CP, Aug. 30, Synax. selecta (cols. 933-4).
Alexander of Constantinople. Bishop of Constantinople, 314-337.
BiblSS I 801-2; DHGE II 184-6; Fedalto 3; Holweck 47; LCI V 86.
John III of Constantinople (John the Scholastic). Patriarch of Constantinople, 565-577.
Holweck 544; Fedalto 4; Nicol 60; ODB 1047.
Paul IV of Constantinople. Patriarch of Constantinople, 780-784.
SEE ALSO: September 2.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 53v. Three bishops, holding books. Alexander's and Paul's names are inscribed. (Hutter, II, p. 32, fig. 101).