Index of Medieval Art

The Lois Drewer Calendar of Saints
in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes

Calendar of Saints and Feasts for January 31

Cyrus and John of Egypt; Athanasia II and her daughters Theodota, Theoctista, and Eudoxia of Egypt.
Abbacyrus of Egypt.

Cyrus, physician, and John, soldier. Martyred at Canopus in Egypt with companions, including Athanasia and her daughters, under Diocletian.

SEE ALSO: June 28.

Synax.CP, Jan. 31, par. 1 (cols. 433-5).

Simeon Metaphrastes, Jan. 31.

BHG 469-479; BiblSS IV 2-5; Holweck 112, 257-8; LCI V 2-3.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 27r. 1) Cyrus and John. Half-figures. 2) Companions of Cyrus and John. Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, p. 16, fig. 49).

Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 295v. Cyrus. Monk, holding cross. John. Martyr, holding cross.

Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 360. Cyrus and John and companions. Martyrdom, beheading. The bodies and severed heads of Athanasia, Theodota, Theoctista and Eudoxia have fallen to the ground. Cyrus, wearing monk''s habit, is about to be beheaded. John, bound, stands nearby. (Menologio, I, p. 98, II, fig. p. 360).

Dečani. Narthex, south aisle, south wall. Cyrus and John. Martyrdom, beheading. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 152, fig. T VIII 6b; Mijović, Menolog, p. 333, fig. 43; Petković, Dečani, p. 14, pl. CXVIII.2).

Treskavac. Narthex, south tower, west wall. Cyrus and John. Martyrdom, beheading. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 309, fig. 34, pl. 144).

Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudianus, Diodorus, Serapion and Papias of Corinth.

Martyred at Corinth under Decius.

Synax.CP, Jan. 31, par. 2 (cols. 435-6).

BiblSS XII 1308-9; Holweck 1017; LCI VIII 560.

Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 361. 1) Victorinus, Victor and Nicephorus. Martyrdom, pounding in mortar. The bodies of the three men are pounded in a large mortar with pestles by two executioners. 2) Diodorus. Martyrdom, burning. 3) Serapion. Torture, suspension. Martyrdom, beheading. The body of Serapion, wearing loin cloth, is suspended upside-down. His severed head has fallen to the ground. 4) Claudianus. Martyrdom, dismemberment. Claudianus is kneeling; his hands and feet have been cut off. 5) Papias. Martyrdom, drowning. Papias, wearing loin cloth, is cast head first into the sea. (Menologio, I, pp. 98-9, II, fig. p. 361).

Tryphena of Cyzicus.

Virgin. Martyred at Cyzicus in Hellespontus at an unknown time.

Synax.CP, Jan. 31, par. 3 (col. 436).

BHG 2468; BiblSS XII 652; Holweck 990; LCI VIII 492-3.

Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 362. Martyrdom, gored by bull. Miracle of spring. Tryphena is bleeding profusely after being gored by a bull. A spring from which a stream is flowing miraculously appeared on the site. (Menologio, I, p. 99, II, p. 362).