Index of Medieval Art

The Lois Drewer Calendar of Saints
in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes

Calendar of Saints and Feasts for December 11

Daniel Stylites.

Monk. Stylite at Constantinople. 409-493.

Synax.CP, Dec. 11, par. 1 (cols. 299-300).

Simeon Metaphrastes, Dec. 11.

BHG 489-490e; BiblSS IV 470-1; DHGE XIV 73; Holweck 263; LCI VI 33; ODB 585; ODCC 375; ODS 111-3.

Florence, Laurenziana, Plut. XI:11, fol. 141r. Monk, wearing hood. Stylite. Bust on column. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, fig. 3C11).

Milan, Ambrosiana, gr. 1017, fol. 144r. Monk. Stylite. Bust, on column. A ladder or ramp leans against the column. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 131, figs. 3G4-5).

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 20v. Monk. Stylite. Bust on column. (Hutter, II, p. 11, fig. 36).

Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 270v. Monk. Stylite. Bust on column. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 6).

Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 237. Monk. Stylite. Orant. Above an acanthus capital, the bust of Daniel is enclosed by a circular masonry wall instead of a grill. A monk, leaning on his staff, stands on the ground. At left, a wall enclosing trees. At right, a monastery with basilican church. (Menologio, I, p. 64, II, fig. p. 237).

Cozia. Narthex, east wall. Monk. Stylite. Bust on column. Damaged. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 354, fig. 61, pl. 238).

Aithalas and Apseus of Arbela.

Aithalas, a converted pagan priest, and Apseus, a deacon, martyred at Arbela in Persia under Shapur II.

Synax.CP, Dec. 11, par. 2 (cols. 300-302).

BHG 2015; BiblSS I 646; Holweck 37; LCI V 65.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 20v. Aithalas and Apseus? Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, p. 11 [unidentified], fig. 36).

Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 236. Martyrdom, beheading. Aithalas is about to be beheaded. Apseus, bound, stands at the left. (Menologio, I, p. 64, II, fig. p. 236).

Luke Stylites.

Monk. Stylite in Phrygia and Chalcedon. d. 979.

Synax.CP, Dec. 11, par. 6 (cols. 301-4).

BHG 2239; BiblSS VIII 225-6; Holweck 626; LCI VII 465.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 20v. Monk. Stylite. Bust, on column. (Hutter, II, p. 11, fig. 36).

Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 238. Monk, hooded. Stylite. Bust, on column. Hands raised. The column is located on an island approached by a bridge. On the far shore, a church with domed crossing. This miniature lacks accompanying text, but the stylite is probably Luke, commemorated on Dec. 11. (LCI VII, fig. col. 465; Menologio, I, pp. 64-5, II, fig. p. 238).