Index of Medieval Art

The Lois Drewer Calendar of Saints
in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes

Calendar of Saints and Feasts for June 29

Peter and Paul the Apostles.

Synax.CP, June 29, par. 1 (cols. 777-80).

Simeon Metaphrastes, June 29.

BHG 2490-1501n.

Peter the Apostle.

BHG 1482z-1488n; BiblSS X 588-650; Holweck 797; LCI VIII 158-74; ODCC 1067-8; ODS 320-2.

Paul the Apostle.

BHG 1451-1465y; BiblSS X 164-228; Holweck 781-2; LCI VIII 128-47; ODCC 1046-9; ODS 314-5.

Alexandria, Greek Patriarchate, 35, fol. 41r. Peter and Paul. Paul holds a book. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 46, fig. 5F7).

Moscow, gr. 9, fol. 57r. 1) Peter. Martyrdom, crucifixion. Nero, seated on a stool, points toward Peter, who hangs upside-down from a cross. 2) Paul. Martyrdom, beheading. Paul is about to be beheaded. Plautilla approaches, offering her headdress. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, pp. 67-68, fig. 2A7).

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 45v. 1) Peter. Martyrdom, crucifixion. Peter, wearing loin cloth, is shown upside-down with outstretched arms (the cross is not represented). 2) Paul. Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, p. 27, fig. 85).

Paris, gr. 1528, fol. 47v. Peter and Paul. Embracing. Fragmentary. Only the underdrawing of the two figures and part of the architectural background and sky remain. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 140, fig. 4A11).

Paris, gr. 1528, fol. 67v. 1) Peter. Martyrdom, crucifixion. Peter, wearing a transparent loin cloth, hangs upside-down on a cross before the city wall of Rome. Blood flows from wounds in his hands and feet. 2) Paul. Martyrdom, beheading. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 140, fig. 4A12).

Cozia. Narthex, west wall. Apostles. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 361, fig. 62, pl. 254).

Dečani. Narthex, north aisle, center bay, arch soffit. 1) Peter. Martyrdom, crucifixion. Peter hangs upside-down from a cross. 2) Paul. Martyrdom, beheading. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 273, fig. T VI 7; Mijović, Menolog, p. 340, fig. 52, pl. 225; Petković, Dečani, p. 19, pl. 129.2).

Gračanica. Narthex, northwest tower, west wall. 1) Peter. Martyrdom, crucifixion. Peter, wearing loin cloth, hangs upside-down from a cross. 2) Paul. Martyrdom, beheading. Inscriptions destroyed. (Mijović, Menolog, fig. 28; Živković, Gračanica, fig. II northwest dome 6 [not identified]).

Staro Nagoričino. Narthex, center aisle, south wall. 1) Peter. Martyrdom, crucifixion. Peter, wearing loin cloth, hangs upside-down from a cross. 2) Paul. Martyrdom, beheading. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 281, fig. 7, pl. 100; Todić, Staro Nagoričino, p. 79).