Theodulus, lector, and Agathopus, deacon, martyred at Thessalonica under Maximian.
Synax.CP, April 4, par. 1 (cols. 583-6); April 5, Synax. selecta (cols. 585-6).
BHG 1784; BiblSS I 347-8; Holweck 967; LCI V 51.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 34v. April 5. Martyrdom, drowning. (Hutter, II, p. 20, fig. 63).
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 304v. Martyrs, holding crosses.
Cozia. Narthex, east wall. Martyrdom, drowning. April 5. Theodulus and Agathopus, with millstones around their necks, are floating in the water. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 357, fig. 61).
Dečani. Narthex, south aisle, west wall. April 5. Theodulus. Martyr. Half-figure. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 205, fig. T III 31c; Mijović, Menolog, p. 336, fig. 50; Petković, Dečani, pp. 16-17).
Joseph the Hymnographer, April 3
Nicetas of the Medikion, April 3