Pope, 314-355. Said to have baptized Emperor Constantine.
Synax.CP, Jan. 2, par. 1 (cols. 365-6).
BHG 1628-1634g; BiblSS XI 1077-82; Holweck 914; LCI VIII 353-8; ODB 1900; ODCC 1329; ODP 27-8: ODS 396.
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, gr. fol. 31. Bishop, holding book. Arcade and wall. (Ševčenko, N., "Walters ''Imperial'' Menologion," p. 46, fig. 4).
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 23v. Bishop, holding book. Three-quarter figure. (Hutter, II, p. 13, fig. 42).
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol 285v. Bishop, holding book.
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 291. Bishop, holding book. Arcade and wall. (Menologio, I, p. 79, II, fig. p. 291; Ševčenko, N., "Walters ''Imperial'' Menologion," p. 46, fig. 5).
Monk. Abbot of Monastery of St. Zacharias in Atroa in Bithynia. 773-837.
Synax.CP, Jan. 2, par. 2 (col. 366).
BHG 2364-2365; BiblSS X 668-70.
Staro Nagoričino. Narthex, south aisle, south wall. Monk. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 270, fig. 13).
Priest from Ancyra in Galatia. Martyred at Caesarea in Cappadocia under Julian the Apostate.
Synax.CP, Jan. 2, Synax. selecta (cols. 365-6).
BiblSS II 908; DHGE VI 1073; Holweck 138; LCI V 338.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 23v. Martyrdom, wild beasts. Basil is attacked by a lion. (The nun''s veil worn by the figure is due to a later repainting). Not inscribed. (Hutter, II, p. 13, fig. 42).
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 290. Martyrdom, wild beasts. Basil, wearing loin cloth, lying flat on his back, is torn by a lioness. Arena with two towers on which there are candlesticks with lighted candles. (BiblSS II, fig. cols. 953-4, with erroneous caption; Menologio, I, p. 79, II, fig. p. 290).