Index of Medieval Art

The Lois Drewer Calendar of Saints
in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes

Calendar of Saints and Feasts for May 18

Theodotus of Ancyra.

Innkeeper. Martyred with seven virgins at Ancyra in Galatia at an unknown time.

SEE ALSO: June 7.

Synax.CP, May 18, par. 2 (col. 693).

BHG 1782-1783m; BiblSS XII 309-12; Holweck 966; LCI VIII 455.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 40r. Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, p. 23, fig. 74).

Dečani. Narthex, north aisle, west bay, vault. Theodotus and companions.50 Martyrdom, burning. Fragmentary scene. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 229, fig. T VII 8; Mijović, Menolog, fig. 46).

Gračanica. Narthex, south aisle, north wall. Theodotus and companions. Martyrdom, burning. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 299, fig. 29, pl. 134; Todić, Gračanica, p. 104; Živković, Gračanica, fig. IV north wall 6).

50 Identification proposed by Babić et al, Dečani, no. 232.

Stephen I of Constantinople.

Patriarch of Constantinople, 886-93.

Synax.CP, May 18, par. 3 (col. 694); May 17, Synax. selecta (cols. 689-92) Fedalto 6; Holweck 933; Nicol 116.

Gračanica. Narthex, south aisle, north wall. May 17. Bishop, wearing polystavrion, holding book. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 299, fig. 29, pl. 134; Todić, Gračanica, p. 104; Živković, Gračanica, fig. IV north wall 6).

Euphrasia of Nicaea.

Virgin. Martyred under Diocletian.

Synax.CP, May 18, Synax. selecta (cols. 693-4).

BiblSS V 168; Holweck 341.

Thessaloniki, Nicholas Orphanos. Martyrdom, drowning. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 259, fig. 4, pl. 17; Tsitouridou, p. 183, pl. 76).