Martyred at Sebaste in Armenia under Diocletian.
Synax.CP, Dec. 13, par. 1 (cols. 305-6).
Simeon Metaphrastes, Dec. 13.
BHG 646-646c; BiblSS V 313-5; DHGE XV 1344-5, XVI 48; Holweck 350; LCI VI 200-1; ODB 789.
Florence, Laurenziana, Plut. XI:11, fol. 201v. 1) In a series of roundels interconnected to form a strip, busts of Mardarius, wearing red cap; Eugenius, martyr; Eustratius, martyr, wearing mantle fastened with gold clasps; Auxentius, martyr; and Orestes, soldier, holding spear and shield. 2) Triumph. Initial B. Dragons, forming the curved parts of the letter, menace two crowned figures forming the upright. These are probably the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, who are named in the text. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 109, fig. 3D1).
Milan, Ambrosiana, gr. 1017, fol. 211r. 1) Orestes. Soldier, holding spear and shield. 2) Eugenius. Martyr, holding cross. 3) Eustratius. Martyr, holding closed scroll. Wearing the white scarf of an eparch. His chlamys is fastened with two gold clasps. 4) Auxentius. Martyr, holding cross. 5) Mardarius. Holding cross. Wearing short tunic, cape and a red cap. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 131, figs. 3G8-9; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 4).
Milan, Ambrosiana, gr. 1017, fol. 234r. 1) Mardarius. Torture, suspension. Martyrdom, iron claws. Mardarius, wearing loin cloth, suspended upside down from a ring by a chain around his ankles, is scraped with iron claws. 2) Eugenius. Martyrdom, beating with clubs. Eugenius, wearing loin cloth, lies prone, his hands and feet caught in a vice. He is being beaten with clubs. 3) Auxentius. Martyrdom, beheading. 4) Orestes. Martyrdom, burning on gridiron. Orestes, wearing loin cloth, lies prone on a gridiron above a bonfire. 5) Eustratius. Blessing Orestes. Eustratius witnesses the death of Orestes, and blesses him. Behind him stands a soldier with a shield. A section has been cut out to the right of Orestes on the gridiron. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, pp. 131-2, figs. 3G10-11; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 5).
Mount Athos, Esphigmenou 14, fol. 343r. 1) Auxentius. Trial. Defended by Eustratius. Eustratius, wearing a mantle with gold clasps, stands gesturing toward Auxentius, who is followed by Eugenius, Orestes and Mardarius. Lysias is seated on a bench at the right. Two soldiers, wearing armor and helmets, one holding a sword and shield, stand behind him. Building. 2) Auxentius. Martyrdom, beheading. The headless body of Auxentius has fallen to the ground. His severed head rests in the fork of a tree; a bird crow perched on a branch above guards the relic. 3) Eugenius. Torture, dismemberment. Martyrdom, beating with club. Eugenius, his arms cut off, lies flat on his back as a torturer beats his legs with a club. (Pelekanides, Treasures, II, fig. 340; Weitzmann, "Cyclic Illustration," fig. 25; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 10).
Mount Athos, Esphigmenou 14, fol. 343v. 1) Orestes. Martyrdom, burning, gridiron. Orestes lies flat on his back on a gridiron surrounded by flames. Eustratius blesses him. 2) Mardarius. Torture, suspension; spikes. Martyrdom, hot iron rod. Mardarius, wearing loin cloth, is suspended upside-down, by ropes tied to spikes piercing his feet. Using pincers, an executioner applies a hot iron rod to his head. Agricolaus, his right hand raised to his face, watches from an open window in a gabled building. 3) Eustratius. Martyrdom, burning in furnace. Eustratius, wearing mantle with gold clasps, stands orant in the flaminging furnace. Agricolaus, is seated on a bench at the right. Two attendants. Building. (Pelekanides, Treasures, II, fig. 341; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 11).
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 20v. 1) Mardarius. Torture, suspension. Mardarius, wearing loin cloth, hands and feet bound, is suspended upside-down. 2) Eustratius. Martyrdom, burning in furnace. 3) Eugenius. Martyrdom, beheading. 4) Orestes. Martyrdom, burning on gridiron. 5) Auxentius. Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, pp. 11-12, fig. 36).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 3v. Martyrs. Half-figure of an angel holding crowns in outstretched hands above Orestes, Eugenius, Eustratius, Auxentius and Mardarius, each holding a cross. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 12).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 28r. Auxentius. Trial. Defended by Eustratius. Lysias is seated on a bench, accompanied by two attendants, in front of a building. Eustratius, wearing a patterned mantle, stands before him, followed by Auxentius holding a cross, and two other men. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 15).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 53r. Eustratius. Torture, Spiked Boots. Eustratius, wearing spiked boots, walks toward the right. Auxentius and two other men, bound, barefoot, stand at left. Building. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 16).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 58v. Mardarius. Taking leave of his children. Mardarius, stands holding two children in his arms. Curtained portal. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 17).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 68v. Auxentius. Martyrdom, beheading. Rays descend from an arc of Heaven to Auxentius' head. (Weitzmann, "Cyclic Illustration," fig. 24a; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 18).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 71r. Mardarius. Trial. Lysias is seated on a bench, accompanied by two guards, in front of a building. Mardarius stands before him. (Weitzmann, "Cyclic Illustration," fig. 24b; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 19).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 77r. Orestes. Trial. Lysias, is seated on a bench, accompanied by three soldiers, in front of a building. He holds the pectoral cross which Orestes has been wearing. Orestes, wearing armor and holding a spear, stands before him. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 20).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 86v. Eustratius and Orestes. Taken prisoner. Eustratius and Orestes, bound, are led by two guards with ropes around their necks (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 21).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 92r. Auxentius. Head in tree guarded by crow. A crow reveals the relic of Auxentius' severed head in the branches of a tree. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 22).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 95r. Eustratius and Orestes. Journey, arrival in Sebaste. Agricolaus is seated on a bench in front of the city of Sebaste. Eustratius and Orestes, bound, and their guards, one holding a letter from Lysias, stand before him. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 23).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 145v. Orestes. Martyrdom, burning on gridiron. Orestes, wearing loin cloth, emerges from the door of the prison, and looks at the flaming gridiron which has been prepared for his execution. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 24).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 157v. Eustratius. Trial. In the courtroom, Agricolaus sits behind a table, accompanied by three soldiers holding spears, one holding a shield, standing in front of a colonnade. Eustratius, wearing a mantle with golden clasp, stands at the right. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 25).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 165r. Eustratius. Praying. Eustratius kneels in proskynesis in front of the portal of a church. The half-figure of Christ, making a gesture of blessing, appears in an arc of Heaven. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 26).
Turin, B.II.4, fol. 168v. Eustratius. Martyrdom, burning. Eustratius approaches the bonfire. He is represented again, nude, orant, standing in the flames. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 27).
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 270v. 1) Orestes. Soldier, holding spear and shield. 2) Auxentius. Martyr, holding cross. 3) Eustratius. Martyr, holding cross. 4) Eugenius. Martyr, holding cross. 5) Mardarius. Wearing short tunic, cape and cap. Holding cross. (Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 6).
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 241. Torture, suspension; dismemberment. Martyrdom, burning on gridiron; hot iron bar; beheading. Orestes, wearing loin cloth, lies prone on a gridiron surrounded by flames. Eustratius, wearing a patterned mantle and eparch's scarf, arms held by two executioners, witnesses Orestes' death. Mardarius, wearing loin cloth, hangs upside down while a torturer presses a hot iron bar to his neck. Eugenius, hands dismembered, kneels in prayer towards an arc of Heaven from which rays descend. Auxentius, wearing loin cloth, is about to be beheaded. His severed head rests in the fork of a tree; a crow perched on a branch above guards the relic. (Menologio, I, pp. 65-6, II, fig. p. 241; Weitzmann, "Five Martyrs of Sebaste," fig. 7).
Cozia. Narthex, east wall. 1) Eustratius. Martyrdom, burning in furnace. 2) Auxentius. Martyrdom, beheading. 3) Eugenius. Martyrdom, beheading. 4) Mardarius. Martyrdom, beheading. 5) Orestes. Martrydom, burning on gridiron. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 354, fig. 61, pl. 238).
Dečani. Narthex, south aisle, east bay, vault. 1) Eustratius. Martyrdom, burning in furnace. Eustratius, orant, stands in a flaming furnace stoked by an executioner. 2) Auxentius. Martyrdom, beheading. 3) Eugenius. Torture, dismemberment. Eugenius, hands cut off, kneels. 4) Orestes. Torture, beating with flail. Martyrdom, burning on gridiron. Orestes, wearing loin cloth, lies prone on a flaming gridiron, while an executioner beats him. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 112, fig. T I 8; Mijović, Menolog, p. 330, fig. 47; Petković, pl. CXIII).
Virgin. Martyred at Syracuse under Diocletian.
Synax.CP, Dec. 13, par. 2 (col. 306).
BHG 995-6; BiblSS VIII 241-57; Holweck 623; LCI VII 415-20; ODCC 842; ODS 270.
Vat. gr. 1613, p. 242. Martyrdom, beheading. Lucy's severed head and body fall to the ground as the executioner replaces his sword in its sheath. Bonfire. In background, an arch. (Menologio, I, p. 66, II, fig. p. 242).