Martyred at Nicomedia in Bithynia under Decius.
Synax.CP, Dec. 14, par. 1 (cols. 305-7).
Simeon Metaphrastes, Dec. 14.
BHG 1844z-1846e; BiblSS XII 501-2; Holweck 981; LCI VIII 493.
Milan, Ambrosiana, gr. 1017, fol. 234v. Thrysus and Leucius. With Philemon and Apollonius; see below, Dec. 14 (2). Two martyrs, holding crosses. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 132, figs. 3G12-4A1).
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 21r. Thyrsus and companions. Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, p. 12, fig. 37).
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 271r. Thyrsus and companions. Four martyrs, holding crosses.
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 243. 1) Leucius and Callinicus. Martyrdom, beheading. Leucius is about to be beheaded; Callinicus, bound, stands at left. 2) Thyrsus. Praying. Thyrsus, hands raised in prayer, stands beside an open sarcophagus of veined marble (BiblSS I, fig. cols. 1047-8, with erroneous caption; Menologio, I, p. 66, II, fig. p. 243).
Cozia. Narthex, east wall. Martyrdom, beheading. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 354, fig. 61, pl. 239).
Dečani. Narthex, south aisle, east bay, vault. 1) Leucius. Martyrdom, beheading. 2) Thyrsus. Martyrdom, sawing. Thyrsus, wearing loin cloth, lies prone, his hands tied to a tree. An executioner wields a saw over his body. The lower part of the scene is destroyed. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 113, fig. T VIII 1; Mijović, Menolog, p. 330, fig. 43, Petković, Dečani, pl. CXIII).
Synax.CP, Dec. 14, par. 2 (cols. 307-8).
Philemon and Apollonius of Antinoe. Philemon, a dancer, and Apollonius, a deacon. Martyred with companions at Antinoe in Egypt under Diocletian.
BHG 1513y-1514, 1846; BiblSS V 697-700; Holweck 809; LCI VIII 197.
Arianus of Antinoe. Prefect of Egypt, martyred with companions at Antinoe in Egypt under Diocletian.
BHG 1513y-1514; BiblSS II 469-71; Holweck 107; LCI V 250.
Milan, Ambrosiana, gr. 1017, fol. 234v. Philemon and Apollonius. With Thyrsus and Leucius; see above, Dec. 14 (1). Two martyrs, holding crosses. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 132, figs. 3G12-4A1).
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 244. Philemon and Apollonius. Martyrdom, beheading. Philemon is about to be beheaded; Apollonius stands at right. (Menologio, I, pp. 66-7, II, fig. p. 244).
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 245. Arianus and companions. Martyrdom, drowning. Relics preserved. Arianus and a co-martyr, sewn into sacks, are thrown into the sea. In the sea, dolphins carry the bodies of three co-martyrs, in sacks, toward the shore. (Menologio, I, p. 67, II, fig. p. 245).
Dečani. Narthex, south aisle, east bay, vault. Philemon and Apollonius. Martyrs, holding crosses. Half-figures. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 113, fig. T VIII 1; Mijović, Menolog, p. 330, fig. 43; Petković, Dečani, pl. CXIII).