Notaries. Martyred in Constantinople by the Arians in 351.
Synax.CP, Oct. 25, par. 1 (cols. 161-2).
Simeon Metaphrastes, Oct. 25.
BHG 1028y-1029c; BiblSS VIII 695-6; Holweck 654; LCI VII 493.
Istanbul, Greek Patriarchate, 80, fol. 221r. Martyrs. One holds a quill, the other an inkpot? Initial E. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 114, fig. 6E6).
Moscow, gr. 175, fol. 217r. Martyrs, holding crosses and inkpots. (Bank and Popova, Iskusstvo Vizantii, II, fig. p. 51; Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 56, fig. 6C2).
Moscow, gr. 175, fol. 218v. Martyrdom, beheading. (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 56, fig. 6C3).
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. th. f. 1, fol. 14v. Martyrdom, beheading. (Hutter, II, p. 7, fig. 24).
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 263r. Martyrs, holding crosses.
Vatican, gr. 1613, p. 137. Marcian. Martyrdom, stabbing with knife. An executioner plunges a knife into Marcian's throat. Martyrius, bound, stands at left. Behind them, an arcade and a church whose dome is surmounted by a cross, probably their martyrium in Constantinople. A Chi Rho monogram is inscribed on the apse of the church. (Menologio, I, p. 37, II, fig. p. 137; Ševčenko, I., "Illuminators of the Menologium of Basil II," fig. 1).
Vatican, gr. 1679, fol. 285v. Martyrs. Initial E. One holds cross and inkpot? (Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 164, fig. 4F5).
Vienna, hist. gr. 6, fol. 3v. Martyrs, holding inkpots. (Mazal, Byzanz und Abendland, fig. 10; Ševčenko, N., Metaphrastian Menologion, p. 20, figs. 1A7, 1A9).
Cozia. Narthex, west wall. Martyrdom, beheading. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 351, fig. 62, pl. 236).
Dečani. Narthex, center aisle, west wall. Martyrdom, beheading. (Babić et al, Dečani, no. 60, fig. T III 10; Mijović, Menolog, p. 324, fig. 50).
Staro Nagoričino. Narthex, center aisle, east wall. Martyrdom, beheading. (Mijović, Menolog, p. 265, fig. 9, pl. 33).
Fuller. Martyred at Salona in Dalmatia under Diocletian.
Synax.CP, Oct. 25, Synax. selecta (cols. 161-2).
BiblSS I 1058-9; Holweck 68; LCI V 136.
Vatican, gr. 1156, fol. 263r. Martyr, holding cross.
SEE ALSO: Varus of Egypt, October 19