April 29, 2006
Rocío Sánchez Ameijeiras
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
From Canonical Reform to Franciscan Spirituality: On the Poetics of Castilian Gothic Sculpture
Manuel Castiñeiras
Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
Catalan Romanesque Painting Re-Visited; The Altar-Frontal Workshops
James D’Emilio
University of South Florida
Embellished Meanings, Meaningful Embellishment: Iconography and the Rural Church
Therese Martin
Appropriating the Herioc in Twelfth-Century Palace Sculpture at Huesca and Estella
Pamela Patton
Southern Methodist University
An Islamic Envelope-Flap Binding in the Cloister of Tudela: Another Muslim Connection for Iberian Jews?
Cynthia Robinson
Cornell University
Particular Passions: A First Foray into the Quantification of “Iberian Difference” in Devotional Imagery, 1390-1490 A.D.
Elizabeth Valdez del Álamo
Montclair University
Touch me, See me: Burial and Resurrection in the Cloister of Silos
Francisco Prado Vilar
Princeton University
Abraham’s Choice: The Performance of Sacrifice on the Frontier