March 23-24, 1990
Howard Mayer Brown
University of Chicago
Manuscript Illustrations of the Romances and the Performance of the Fifteenth-Century “Chanson”
Michael Camille
University of Chicago
Towards an Anti-iconography: Orality and Medieval Image Culture
John V. Fleming
Princeton University
Marian Iconography and the Imagination of Christopher Columbus
Craig Harbison
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Miracles Happen: Symbolism and Experience in Jan Van Eyck’s “Madonna in a Church”
Michael Ann Holly
University of Rochester
Unwriting Iconology
Wolfgang Kemp
Phillips-Universität Marburg
Narrative, Thematic, Systematic: Three Modes of Christian Art in the Middle Ages
Herbert Kessler
Johns Hopkins University
Medieval Art as Argument
Joseph Koerner
Harvard University
“Homo interpres in bivio”: Choice in Hans Baldung Grien and Lucas Cranach
V. A. Kolve
University of California at Los Angeles
Christine de Pisan and the Iconography of Feminist Empowerment
Marilyn Aronberg Lavin
Princeton University
Piero della Francesca’s Iconographic Innovations to the Story of the True Cross
Henry Maguire
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Byzantine Saints: Style, Iconography & Meaning
Doula Mouriki
National Technical University of Athens
Thirteenth-Century Icon Painting in the Eastern Mediterranean: Iconography and Function
Keith Moxey
Barnard College and Columbia University
The Politics of Iconography
Ynez Violé O’Neill
University of California, Los Angeles
Diagrams of the Medieval Brain: a Study in Cerebral Localization
H. Colin Slim
University of California, Irvine
Images of Music in Three Prints after Maaren van Heemskerck
Richard C. Trexler
State University of New York at Binghamton
Gendering Jesus Crucified in Early Modern Europe