March 17-18, 2011
David S. Areford
University of Massachusetts Boston
Print Trouble
Brigitte Bedos-Rezak
New York University
Outcast: Seals of the Medieval West and their Epistemological Frameworks (XIIth-XXIst centuries)
Frédéric Billiet and Welleda Muller
Misericordia International
The Art of the Misericord-Neglected and Important
Paul Binski
University of Cambridge
Paris, London, Rome around 1300: Questioning Art Hierarchies
Susan Boynton
Columbia University
Music as Text and Image
John Cherry
British Museum
Medieval Jewelry: From Collections to Consumerism
Michael W. Cothren
Swarthmore College
Reflections on Modern and Postmodern Historiographies of Gothic Stained Glass
Thomas E. Dale
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Romanesque Mural Painting, Colour and Multi-Sensory Religious Experience
Sharon Gerstel
University of California, Los Angeles and Institute for Advanced Study
The Clay Church: Reflections on the Monumental Use of Ceramics in Byzantine Ecclesiastical Decoration
Cynthia Hahn
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Some Thoughts on the Production and Prestige of Medieval Enamels
Jos Koldeweij
Radboud University
The Discovery and Study of Pilgrim Badges and Ampullae since the mid 19th century, in France, Germany, the U.K. and especially in the Netherlands
Alan M. Stahl
Princeton University
Image and Art on Medieval Coinage
Laura Weigert
Rutgers University
The Art of Medieval Tapestry: Neither Minor nor Decorative
Paul Williamson
Victoria and Albert Museum
Small but not Minor: The Case of Medieval Ivory Carvings
Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck
Universität Bonn
Secular Art-Its Order and Importance
Kim Woods
Open University
The Fortunes of Art in Alabaster: A Historiographical Analysis