October 16, 2008
Slobodan Ćurčić
Princeton University
Representations of Towers in Byzantine Art. The Question of Meaning
Anthony Cutler
Penn State University
Legal Iconicity: The Documentary Image, Sacred Space and the Work of the Beholder
Helen C. Evans
Metropolitan Museum of Art
An Armenian Khatchkar: A Gospel in Stone?
Catherine Jolivet-Lévy
École Pratique des Hautes Études, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Looking Again and Anew at Cappadocia: Bahattin samanligi kilisesi at Belisirma Revisited
Sofia Kotzabassi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Manuscripts Speaking: the History of Readership and Ownership
Eunice and Henry Maguire
Johns Hopkins University
Moslems, Christians, and Iconoclasm: Some Erasures from the Early Islamic Period
Robert Ousterhout
University of Pennsylvania
Byzantium between East and West and the Origins of Heraldry
Nancy Sevcenko
Independent Scholar
Monastic Challenges: Manuscripts of the Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus in Princeton and on Patmos
Don C. Skemer
Princeton University
From Byzantium to Princeton: A Century of Collecting Greek Manuscripts
Gary Vikan
Walters Art Museum
When St. Luke Painted the Virgin — Musing on Things Not Made by Human Hands