April 22, 1995
Michael Camille
University of Chicago
Anal Entry and Prohibited Passageways in the Medieval City
Brendan Cassidy
Princeton University
Justice and Mercy in Cità di Castello
David Gillermann
Wesleyan University
The Gothic Cathedral Façade between Public Ceremony and Private Devotion
Alick McLean
University of Miami
The Triumphal Arch and the Temple Front in 11th1 and 12th-century Tuscan Architecture
Felicity Ratté
Union College
Architectural Invitations: Images of City Gates in Medieval Italian Painting
Linda Seidel
University of Chicago
Romanesque Portals: Rites of Passage
Nancy Spatz
Colorado College
Portal Iconography created by the Roman Cardinalate in their 12th-century Titular Churches
Johannes Tripps
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
The Virgin Mary as Role Model for Female Rituals at Church Portals
Otto Karl Werckmeister
Northwestern University
Geopolitics of Romanesque Portals