October 25-26, 2013
Jonathan J. G. Alexander
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Book Illumination in Italy and the Rest of Europe: Commonality and Difference in the Fifteenth Century
Adelaide Bennett
Princeton University
A Diminutive French Book of Hours of the Fourteenth Century
Walter Cahn
Yale University
A Late Medieval Compendium of Ancient Wisdom: Guillaume de Tignonville’s Dits moraux des philosophes
Marc Michael Epstein
Vassar College
Thought Crimes: Implied Ensuing Motion in Manuscripts Made for Jewish Patrons
Anthony Grafton
Princeton University
Manuscript Studies in the Renaissance
Colum Hourihane
Princeton University
New Initiatives at the Index
Marilyn Aronberg Lavin
Princeton, NJ
A New Allegory of Divine Love: The Netherlandish Blockbook Canticum Canticorum
Henry Mayr-Harting
University of Oxford
Public Prayer and Implicit Private Meditation in Ottonian Liturgical Manuscripts, c. 1000 A.D
Michael Michael
Christie’s Education, London
From Princeton to San Marino: a Personal Survey of English Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts in American Collections
Elizabeth Moodey
Vanderbilt University
Variations on Grisaille in a newly acquired Prayerbook (Princeton MS. 223)
Elizabeth O’Keefe
The Morgan Library and Museum
The Index of Christian Art and The Morgan Library Collaboration
Stella Panayotova
University of Cambridge
The Rohan Masters: Collaboration and Experiment in the Hours of Isabella Stuart
Virginia Reinburg
Boston College
An Archive of Prayer: The Book of Hours in Manuscript and Print
Richard & Mary Rouse
University of California, Los Angeles
Will Power: Manuscripts in Medieval Testaments
Lucy Freeman Sandler
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Princeton Garrett MS 35 and Homeless English Gothic Manuscripts
Don C. Skemer
Princeton University
Words Not Written in Stone: John Shirwood’s Verse Epitaph for a Canon of Exeter Cathedral, ca. 1462
Anne Rudloff Stanton
University of Missouri
Design, Devotion, and Durability in Gothic Prayer Books
Patricia Stirnemann
Institut de recherche et d’histoire de textes, Paris (CNRS)
Inquiries prompted by the Kane Suetonius (Kane 44)