October 30, 2009
Jonathan Alexander
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Women and the Italian Renaissance Illuminated Manuscript
Adelaide Bennett
Princeton University
Making Women Visible: Text and Image in French Books of Hours, 1220-1320
Glenn Burger
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
In Between Space and Place: The Bedchamber in Le Menagier de Paris and Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait
Madeline H. Caviness
Tufts University
Performatives in Fourteenth-Century Depictions of Torture: The Conflict between Mandatory Sentencing and the Jurors’ Willingness to Find Guilty
Robert L. Clark
Kansas State University
Liminality and Literary Genres: Texts par personnages in Late Medieval Manuscript Culture
Marilynn Desmond
State University of New York at Binghamton
The Liminality of Visuality in Stephen Scrope’s Translation of Christine de Pizan’s Othea
Richard K. Emmerson
Manhattan College
Between Word and Image in The Apocalypse of Jean de Berry
Kathryn A. Smith
New York University
The Monk Who Crucified Himself