Index of Medieval Art

Iconography at the Index: Celebrating Eighty Years of the Index of Christian Art

October 28-29, 1997

Adelaide Bennett
Princeton University
A Woman’s Power of Prayer Versus the Devil in a Book of Hours of circa 1300.

Hans Brandhorst
Universiteit Utrecht
ICONCLASS and the Outside World

Hans Brandhorst
Universiteit Utrecht
The Iconographic Comparison of Miniature Cycles, A Case Study

Michael Curschmann
Princeton University
On the Iconography of Vernacular Speech in 12th and 13th Century Manuscripts

James D’Emilio
University of South Florida
Looking Eastwards; The Story of Noe at Monreale Cathedral

John Fleming
Princeton University
The Personal Appropriation of Iconographic Forms: Two Franciscan Signatures

Jaroslav Folda
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Problems in the Iconography of the Art of the Crusaders

Eileen Fry
Indiana University
Admittance to Mecca – A Non-Specialist

Cynthia Hahn
Florida State University
Iconography of Intertextuality? Reliquaries of Limoges

Debra Hassig
University of Oklahoma
The Iconography of Rejection: Jews and Other Monstrous Races

Avril Henry
University of Exeter
Daring Conflation? A Difficult Image in the Genesis Sequence of the Eton Roundels (Eton College MS.177.f.2r)

Lutz Heusinger
Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
How to Improve Art Historical Standards

Marco Lattanzi
Ministero per I Beni Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD
The ICCD Project of the Italian Version of ICONCLASS

William Noel
The Walters Art Museum
The Visual Syntax of the Utrecht Psalter

Helene Roberts
Dartmouth College
The Precedent Behind Every Action, Its Invisible, Ever Present Lining

Alison Stones
University of Pittsburgh
Nipples, Entrails, Severed Heads and Skin; Devotional Pictures for Madame Marie on the Franco-German border in the late 13th Century

Carol Togneri
Getty Research Institute
ICONCLASS and its Application to Primary Documents

Jurgen Van Den Berg
Universiteit Utrecht
ICONCLASS: The New Browser, Interface and System

Peter Van Huisstede
Universiteit Utrecht
ICONCLASS as an Indexing Tool

Ger Vellekoop
Universiteit Utrecht
Multi-Lingual ICONCLASS – Translating the ICONCLASS System